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Noobie Questions about how upgrading guns work?


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Old October 23rd, 2015, 14:05   #1
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Noobie Questions about how upgrading guns work?

Okay, So, I am pretty new to the airsoft community.. But I have been researching ALOT on how guns work.. My only question is, Are upgrades pretty well universal? Or are they all "Gun/manufacturer Specific"?

Thanks in advance!
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Old October 23rd, 2015, 14:15   #2
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Originally Posted by J.Naw View Post
Okay, So, I am pretty new to the airsoft community.. But I have been researching ALOT on how guns work.. My only question is, Are upgrades pretty well universal? Or are they all "Gun/manufacturer Specific"?

Thanks in advance!
should head over to the upgrade section of the forum..
it has sticky posts for this question.

quick one:
generally, a part that is made for a version of the the gear box works pretty much all across each gearbox of that version...but there are exceptions...

inner barrel is pretty much universal

external "upgrades" sometimes don't work on across different brands..

Mags are usually universal for different guns, sometimes they don't fit or feed well..

somethings are manufacturer specific..
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Old October 23rd, 2015, 14:22   #3
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Some are, some aren't.
Some guns like (marui), G&G, VFC, Lonex, and G&P have "marui spec" mechboxes. This means they're compatible with *most upgrades parts.
For example you have a VFC gun with a version 2 mechbox, that means you can take any properly made aftermarket parts that state they are for V2/V3 mechboxes.

Some mechboxes, like V6, require V6 specific parts.
And some guns, like ARES, SRC or KWA, require some *proprietary* parts. Like the SRC piston is slightly smaller than standard V2/V3 pistons, so you can't just buy any brand piston, it has to be SRC.

As far as manufacturers, ideally if 12 different companies make a V2/V3 part, then all 12 *should* work. However some manufacturers are worse than others, this is usually reflected in the price.
So even though angel custom parts SAY they are designed for a marui L96, I've actually seen them NOT fit. But angel custom is a pretty bottom barrel manufacturer.
Whereas if a high end manufacturer like nineball, prometheus, laylax, say that "this part is for this gun" you have some assurance that it DOES fit, and it IS a high end part.

With AEG's, many tend to be "tm spec", as having proprietary parts tends to throw many customers off. Not just because you're limited in upgrading performance, but most importantly when something BREAKS, you're limited or restricted in what parts you can use to fix it.

Parts being gun and manufacture specific is VERY common in pistols. Wherein a glock usually takes all different internals than an M92 or 1911. And where if 4 companies make a sig 226, they could use all different internal components.

So it's a good idea to steer your purchase (especially with pistols) based on their aftermarket support.

For example; VFC makes a well reviewed M&P pistol, but it has no aftermarket support. Whereas the marui M&P has quite a few aftermarket parts available.
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Old October 23rd, 2015, 14:32   #4
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Also, upgrade carefully. Most guns nowadays don't really need upgrades other than a good hop-up rubber (or a solution like a r-hop). Upgrade when something breaks and don't listen to all the noobs that say that you must absolutely get that new shiny cheap 30$ tight bore barrel. Chances are its worse than your stock barrel. If you decide that upgrading the barrel could be worth it, be prepared to spend a lot of money on a high end barrel like a Prometheus/Laylax/Nine Ball or a PDI barrel.

Performance is very subjective in airsoft guns, and a lot of people suffer from the upgraded-is-better syndrome where their gun performance might actually be worse than it was before the upgrade, but they are so convinced its better that they don't realize it.
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Old October 23rd, 2015, 14:35   #5
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Wow.. Fastest forum I have been to. Thanks guys! Will take a look at the upgrade sticky. (did a quick look before and didn't see anything Will look again!)
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Old October 23rd, 2015, 14:59   #6
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Another bit:
Lots of plain old 'stock' AEGs perform just fine if the fit and finish of the internals is gone over by someone who knows what they're doing (and cares about it).
A good clean, shim, lube, and compression test can get the lowliest gun running pretty great. This can also squeeze more life out of stock parts, because they'll be running together the best they can.

I argue that this is a good thing to have done by a competent tech right out of the box, but "Run it till it breaks" is a pretty good maxim.
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Old October 23rd, 2015, 15:03   #7
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Originally Posted by J.Naw View Post
Wow.. Fastest forum I have been to. Thanks guys! Will take a look at the upgrade sticky. (did a quick look before and didn't see anything Will look again!)
yeah, but like drakker said, most of the time u dont need upgrades...
I run most of mines stock...I only just do some external mod..

the only gun im actually upgrading is because I bought it used really cheap KA Metal...with some stuff broken..but since I'm opening it might as well throw some higher end parts in...put in a new madbull v2 SS barrel and the whole gun still only cost me 160bucks...

Other than that...don't think i'm upgrading anything..probably a mosfet
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