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I need info on the kwc 1911 full metal co2 blow back pistol


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Old September 22nd, 2013, 01:51   #1
DI Sessa
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I need info on the kwc 1911 full metal co2 blow back pistol

First of all, I've been playing airsoft for quite a few years. I never owned a high end airsoft before. I saw a kwc 1911 full metal gbb pistol for sell in a paintball shop near my house and the guy is asking 235$ for it. Is it a good investment? The gun has been on display for a while now and I believe they let the co2 cartrige in the mag. Are those pistols sturdier than those cheap-ass walmart guns and are they hard to maintain? I am someone who tend to be trigger happy and love classic gas-powered weapons. Is the gun capable of firing multiples shots on a drop of a dime?

I just want to make sure that I just don't trow 235$ out the window.

- Paul

Last edited by DI Sessa; September 22nd, 2013 at 02:32..
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Old September 22nd, 2013, 02:03   #2
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Offer him $100.
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Old September 22nd, 2013, 04:25   #3
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It is a ok-ish gun. But when something breaks it will become an expensive paperweight. There's no aftermarket support for it and spare parts are not available, making fixing it very hard.

Also, yeah, that gun is worth no more than 100-110$. That's what it sells for oversea and it does not need to be modified for import.
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Old September 22nd, 2013, 09:48   #4
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KWC is more known for their 4.5mm/.177 cal air pistol line (but even then they're still kinda shitty) but yeah I echo what everyone else says. They already shoot like 1.4Joules OOTB which is already quite hot and are on the lower end of "meh".

tl;dr Go $100 + tax.
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Old October 2nd, 2013, 08:40   #5
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Heavy, way too powerful IMO, and both the 4.5mm and the airsoft version of these guns have an unhealthy tendency to jam. As well, I've found that the blowback from c02 guns at some points makes it feel like the gun might break in your hands. From personal experience, if you're going to put money into a 1911, get one that runs green gas and has aftermarket support. Your best choices are Tokyo Marui, KWA, or WE. I don't know too much about TM, but a KWA or WE will cost you about 200, depending on where you find them. Their only drawbacks are a relatively low magazine capacity, but I believe that KWA will be releasing (or has released) a higher cap mag. Hope this helps.
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