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What do you bring other then the basics?


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Old October 25th, 2014, 18:41   #1
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: PEI, CANADA
What do you bring other then the basics?

I'm wondering what most guys tend to fill all their pockets with? What sort of "quick" tools or items do you find handy to bring along on top of the obvious stuff.

I'm starting to play and have picked up the basics such as a goggles, mesh mask, tac vest, gloves, boots etc... But I'm curious as to what other things guys with experience never leave home without.

Any feedback is awesome, thanks
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Old October 25th, 2014, 19:32   #2
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Multi tool/knife and flashlight is what I carry in My pockets
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Old October 25th, 2014, 19:35   #3
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Something I always forget but that I always wish I had with me: a compass.

Otherwise, a good multitool, some kind of tape, spare batteries for your radio/accessories. Some people also carry some cord, which is useful to improvise once in a while.
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Old October 25th, 2014, 19:44   #4
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Pockets are relatively empty tbh, but I've got a small range bag full of spare nozzles, hop up chambers, hop up buckings, and other misc parts for both my GBBR's and back up AEG in my car. There's also a small tool kit full of everything I need to take my guns/gear boxes apart if need be and lots of grease, lube and cleaning supplies. I really can't remember what else is in there but I know I've got a set of small files, spare bb loaders, bb's, bug spray, sun screen, tape (electrical tape, teflon tape, duct tape, etc), unjamming rod, loctite, batteries, anti fog, small FA kit, spare gloves, and socks lol.

On person, on the field... short of my gun & kit, I've only really got a knife, flash light, rag/cloth for wiping stuff (doubles as dead rag), batteries for rds & headset, maybe a bottle of water in my dump pouch, and occasionally a pocket FA kit stowed somewhere. OH and SNACKS!

Usually if you need something on the field, I find its most likely a situation where you need to walk off the field anyways so there's really no point in carrying too much stuff on person. That being said... I definitely over pack, but I like to be able to have everything I need to tear my guns apart and maintain them once I'm off the field and back at the parking lot if need be.
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Old October 25th, 2014, 22:11   #5
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Yeah that's mainly what I was looking for, not necessarily my pants pockets but I have my tac vest with a few extra spots that needed to be filled.
I get the idea of what I need. A compass might come in handy... Although I play on PEI so I never have to worry about getting lost in woods or anything, but you never know when it might be useful. I guess ill have to feel out my local fields alittle more and pack accordingly.
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Old October 25th, 2014, 22:38   #6
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Electrical tape. It's not just for fixing, it's wound maintenance and splint making. Make a gun sling, make a bandage, hold your gear together, etc.

High protein snacks. Beef jerky, trail mix, whatever. Be careful of too much weight. Unless you're doing a milsim, food isn't terribly necessary. A safe area should be nearby.

Multitool perhaps, but tools are heavy. If it's a scrim I don't bother, tools for long games could be useful. Carry what you need, and go for slim, light, and easy to pack.
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Old October 25th, 2014, 22:51   #7
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Yeah the field I'll mainly be playing is also a paintball field, so they have plenty of staging areas and such where I can leave most non essentials. I've got a few things in mind now that'll take along, appreciate the feedback
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Old October 25th, 2014, 22:56   #8
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Also extra pair of shoes. A lot of albertans have a natural fear of water, but back in mb if you didn't go through the swamps you were ridiculed relentlessly lol
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Old October 26th, 2014, 01:41   #9
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We still make fun of the guys that don't get their boots wet lol. Not to mention the ranch is mostly swamp for a majority of the season.

I like to bring trail mix(super food!), granola bars, water in my dump pouch and backpack, spare socks, two Allen wrench sets(mm & sae), a killrag, some silicone, and my trusty multi tool on my hip. Besides water the most important thing in my pack is a couple of spare sets of shooting glasses for myself and teamates. I travel light, but I need a backpack for my Daytona's air tank. Might as well put it to use!
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Old October 26th, 2014, 01:48   #10
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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I LOVE when people show up to the ranch with goretex boots thinking they'll stay dry LOL
Might as well tie a lead weight to each foot
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Old October 26th, 2014, 02:29   #11
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Spare change for coffee. It's milsim as fuck. McCafes up the road from the field in Borden if you don't believe me.

If you're talking about like... tools for use in the field; I carry a heavy duty staple gun for laying quick tripwire, a spool of ugly braid fishing line, a folding knife, pliers, scissors and lately a small pry bar. But, my kit revolves around being what I refer to as 'demolition engineer.'
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Old October 26th, 2014, 03:11   #12
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I've yet to play a big game in airsoft. I used to play massive paintball scenarios down in the states back in the day when I played with the IYAOYAS, but I've never done more than a 12 hour scrim at the local field.

That aside, socks, underwear couldn't hurt just in case. Tools and tape are a necessity, because if you forgot them, the whole world forgot them as well, so your SOL.

Toilet paper obviously. Rags are useful for cleaning your face and hands if you need them, a shemagh works as well, and is also useful for lowering core temperature. If suffering from heat exhaustion, wet with room COOL water, wrap around head. COLD water will put the body into shock, which isn't good.

Even if you lack medical experience, bandages are always good to have, or something that can be used as one. I also keep my IPhone in an Otter Box on my person at all times in case of emergency.

There's more. This is a good thread
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Old October 26th, 2014, 03:28   #13
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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This totally depends on where you are and who you're playing with. Weekend games out here, you need nothing but your combat gear. Milsim is different. Is there a medic (a real one?)? How far from town are you, or from the safe area? Be prepared as is necessary, but never carry weight you don't need.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old October 26th, 2014, 07:36   #14
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If we're talking things other than kit, ammo mags, water, kill rags and the like.

Main Items:
Gerber Multi Tool in it's pouch, attached to a belt loop or belt by a Karabiner
Flashlight on belt (This is NOT the same light as on my weapon)
Compass (Depending on game)
Maps/intel/notebook/pencil (Depending on game)
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old October 26th, 2014, 11:01   #15
"bb bukakke" KING!
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for a local field with easy safezone access, you don't need much.

More weight = more tired.

For a field where you are within 5 minute walk of the safezone, I only carry water and mags, maybe a multitool and a snack in the form of a granola bar or something. If you require a screwdriver to get into your battery compartment... might be a good idea to have a multitool with you, battery emergencies.. ie, smoke/fire, or fusing of your trigger contacts.

At the safezone I will have

metric hex key set (cause all my own airsoft guns are metric)
screwdriver set, but you pretty much only need a slot and philips #1 and/or #2.
battery box with multiple spare batteries for aeg, lights, optics, fan goggles.
squeeze bottles of silicone oil
gas can for pistol
all the bbs and loaders (some games allow you to carry them onto the field, I prefer not to)
backup aeg
spare goggles, I have glasses and full seal.
tape (gaffer or electrical)
extra water and food for the day (or game duration)
tactical toilet paper, cause you never know, the shitshack might be stocked... or it might not be, do you want to find out when your insides want to be outside?
Change of clothes, socks, shoes, rain gear.

Any of the above items might be carried out with me on a milsim game, but I try to avoid bringing things I don't need onto the field, but if the sim game has a FOB or on field staging area for reloading, that's where most of it will be.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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