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WE or TM M&P? And questions about both.


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Old July 3rd, 2015, 04:53   #1
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WE or TM M&P? And questions about both.

I'm contemplating getting an M&P but I don't know which one I should get.

I understand the brand name of TM and all that comes with it.
and I've heard and lived the horror stories of some WE products.

I've seen many reviews for both and none of them have left me thinking one is superior over the other.

For the TM.
TM's hop up and quality.

Against TM:
Plastic slide, sort of need a metal slide.
slide lock(I don't want the slide lock).
Not a large availability of parts as of yet.
High cost.

For the WE:
Availability of parts.
Lower cost.

Against the WE:
I've heard of the rapid fire issue.
WE horror stories. (Unsure of quality)

I'm not on a huge budget, but I'm not looking forward to buying anything I don't need.

I'm hoping someone in the community can provide me insight into either or both of the products to help me with my decision.
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Old July 3rd, 2015, 09:32   #2
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TM hands down, buy once cry once. You can run the TM stock ootb, don't need to upgrade until things start breaking, which I assume will be well over 5000 rounds+ on propane. If you run duster, don't expect it to break.

WE I've seen break, and go full auto cause something went hay wire, but you get what you pay for. In the end it's up to you on your budget. You'll most likely spend more on the WE trying to get it working later down the road then on the TM.

Yes it's plastic, but it doesn't look plastic. If you're a casual gamer and play once in a blue moon then I would just grab the WE, but I see retailers selling them for $230 and $275 for the WE + HK3P, I would fork out the extra little for something quality.

What do you mean "Slide lock?" You don't want the slide to lock when it shoots on empty? o.O All guns have that feature. If you mean the safety, you can remove that in less then 5 minutes.

There's a large amount of parts for the TM.. I don't think you looked hard enough so I'll spoon feed you the answers.

Nova (Med Quality) and Detonator (High Quality), each with at least 3 different styling of slides. Costa, Nova, 10-8, etc.


Hammer & Sear:

Trigger Lever:

BBU Housing:

Aluminum Nozzle:

Day & Night Sights:


Somewhere on Ehobby
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Old July 3rd, 2015, 09:39   #3
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Some pics. (not my guns)

Detonator 10-8 + Costa slide, silver = Nova

If you want a metal slide you can get one, that's all you need, everything else you run till it breaks, like all guns.
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Old July 3rd, 2015, 10:10   #4
EOD Steve
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Why isn't the VFC/Cybergun one on your list if you're looking for a no-bullshit M&P9?

I've had it for the better part of almost 2 years now, it comes with fully-licensed trades which neither the TM nor WE have, has a metal slide which the TM doesn't have and is functionally flawless so far (>1500 rounds through it now).
The potential pitfall of the platform is the inability to run .28s and heavier ammo but I believe that it can be solved with a stiffer bucking/hop-up arm mods - which I feel are unwarranted because I have no reason to run such heavy ammo on a 300fps gun meant primarily as a sub-50 feet engagement, last-ditch weapon and the fact that I have no reason to take apart a perfectly working gun.

They can be found for around $200 which is significantly cheaper than the TM and very close in price to the WE.

The Steve has spoken.

Last edited by EOD Steve; July 3rd, 2015 at 10:27..
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Old July 3rd, 2015, 15:56   #5
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Some pics. (not my guns)

Detonator 10-8 + Costa slide, silver = Nova

If you want a metal slide you can get one, that's all you need, everything else you run till it breaks, like all guns.
Thank you for spoon feeding me.
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Old July 3rd, 2015, 15:57   #6
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Originally Posted by EOD Steve View Post
Why isn't the VFC/Cybergun one on your list if you're looking for a no-bullshit M&P9?

I've had it for the better part of almost 2 years now, it comes with fully-licensed trades which neither the TM nor WE have, has a metal slide which the TM doesn't have and is functionally flawless so far (>1500 rounds through it now).
The potential pitfall of the platform is the inability to run .28s and heavier ammo but I believe that it can be solved with a stiffer bucking/hop-up arm mods - which I feel are unwarranted because I have no reason to run such heavy ammo on a 300fps gun meant primarily as a sub-50 feet engagement, last-ditch weapon and the fact that I have no reason to take apart a perfectly working gun.

They can be found for around $200 which is significantly cheaper than the TM and very close in price to the WE.
Because I saw reviews say the vfc was better for form than function.
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Old July 3rd, 2015, 15:59   #7
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Infinity Arms has them on sale atm $189.99 IIRC (VFC M&P9) & TM 289.99 (over priced)

You're out in BC, sometimes trigger and velocityarmsca has them on sale (TM M&P9).

I know Trigger just had a sale where it was save $30 + 10%, if you can wait, I'd tell you to wait till there's sale again.
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Old July 3rd, 2015, 16:01   #8
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Infinity Arms has them on sale atm $189.99 IIRC (VFC M&P9) & TM 289.99 (over priced)

You're out in BC, sometimes trigger and velocityarmsca has them on sale (TM M&P9).

I know Trigger just had a sale where it was save $30 + 10%, if you can wait, I'd tell you to wait till there's sale again.
Say I run the TM on the stock slide for a while on propane, will it do any damage to the internals where I will have to buy añ internal parts set also.
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Old July 3rd, 2015, 16:04   #9
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Originally Posted by Burger View Post
Say I run the TM on the stock slide for a while on propane, will it do any damage to the internals where I will have to buy añ internal parts set also.
Lots of people in the UK and US I've seen are running on propane regularly, and haven't had any issues. I ran mine for the winter season hard on propane and showed no signs of wear internally. (I maintained after every use)

There's a ton of information over here, read through he pages:

IF something did break, UAC would have the parts, since they made what would most likely "break" into steel reinforced parts.

Also try to find a newer batch of TM M&P9's, the trigger reset is now 6mm instead of 5mm.
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Old July 3rd, 2015, 18:43   #10
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Would not recommend the WE M&P. I loved it, it felt great in hand, maintained more than any other gun in collection, but it was an absolute headache to deal with. If only they got the sear/hammer assembly sorted out in it and the issue w/ magazines over pressurizing, it would've been a great gun for the money.

Biorage went through both the TM and VFC version at some point, so all solid info.

Just grab the TM M&P and call it a day, run it on propane til something breaks and upgrade then.

Alternatively, since you don't have a big budget and don't want to get something you don't need... skip the secondary entirely. For our fields and engagement distances, pistols aren't a necessity at all. Before I sold my pistol setup, I only transitioned to it once during the entire gaming season last year, and that was due to my primary going down because of a mag I forgot to gas up. Even then it was only to lay down some fire so I could make it to cover and get my primary back up.

Space where my pistol & mags used to be, I can now carry 2-4 spare mags for my primary if needed. Of course, if you have the spare $$$ and want a pistol & setup, go for TM.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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Old July 3rd, 2015, 22:09   #11
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From what I've read on VFC GBBs, they make nice paperweights. As for the TM... I'll just repost a video from another post:

This guy's also got videos on the various upgrade parts for the TM as well.
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Old July 4th, 2015, 04:14   #12
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Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
Would not recommend the WE M&P. I loved it, it felt great in hand, maintained more than any other gun in collection, but it was an absolute headache to deal with. If only they got the sear/hammer assembly sorted out in it and the issue w/ magazines over pressurizing, it would've been a great gun for the money.

Biorage went through both the TM and VFC version at some point, so all solid info.

Just grab the TM M&P and call it a day, run it on propane til something breaks and upgrade then.

Alternatively, since you don't have a big budget and don't want to get something you don't need... skip the secondary entirely. For our fields and engagement distances, pistols aren't a necessity at all. Before I sold my pistol setup, I only transitioned to it once during the entire gaming season last year, and that was due to my primary going down because of a mag I forgot to gas up. Even then it was only to lay down some fire so I could make it to cover and get my primary back up.

Space where my pistol & mags used to be, I can now carry 2-4 spare mags for my primary if needed. Of course, if you have the spare $$$ and want a pistol & setup, go for TM.
By saying I don't have a huge budget I mean I have around $600 to drop on the pistol... more if necessary.
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Old July 4th, 2015, 04:24   #13
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Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
Would not recommend the WE M&P. I loved it, it felt great in hand, maintained more than any other gun in collection, but it was an absolute headache to deal with. If only they got the sear/hammer assembly sorted out in it and the issue w/ magazines over pressurizing, it would've been a great gun for the money.

Biorage went through both the TM and VFC version at some point, so all solid info.

Just grab the TM M&P and call it a day, run it on propane til something breaks and upgrade then.

Alternatively, since you don't have a big budget and don't want to get something you don't need... skip the secondary entirely. For our fields and engagement distances, pistols aren't a necessity at all. Before I sold my pistol setup, I only transitioned to it once during the entire gaming season last year, and that was due to my primary going down because of a mag I forgot to gas up. Even then it was only to lay down some fire so I could make it to cover and get my primary back up.

Space where my pistol & mags used to be, I can now carry 2-4 spare mags for my primary if needed. Of course, if you have the spare $$$ and want a pistol & setup, go for TM.
I agree with the idea of running it until it breaks I'm simply wondering if i run it with the plastic slide for the while, wehn the slide breaks will it mess up many or any other parts so that I have to replace a ton of parts to get it operating again.
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Old July 4th, 2015, 07:06   #14
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You'd only have to replace the slide with a metal one, put all the parts from your old slide into your new one, and possibly get other parts to improve compatibility between slide and your current parts. You could just use duster gas to prevent this problem though.
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Old July 5th, 2015, 05:45   #15
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Originally Posted by Juke16 View Post
You'd only have to replace the slide with a metal one, put all the parts from your old slide into your new one, and possibly get other parts to improve compatibility between slide and your current parts. You could just use duster gas to prevent this problem though.
I've never used Duster gas so I don't know a lot about it I did some research and saw that it is basically just computer dusting gas, and that you may need to get an adapter to use it properly with magazines I'm wondering what else there is to know about it? What's a good brand of duster to use? does it ruin mags? Are there any pros or cons?

I also saw videos of people getting high off it....
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