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Co2 Pellet Guns Laws?


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Old March 6th, 2011, 14:14   #1
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Co2 Pellet Guns Laws?

If I were to buy a Co2 gun from say, Can Tire for plinking, would there be any laws similar to the ones for airsoft?
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Old March 6th, 2011, 14:16   #2
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In what sense? Transporting, storing and using? Or selling and importing?
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Old March 6th, 2011, 14:23   #3
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Most cities and towns won't allow you to discharge them within city limits. The stores will also limit the sale of BB and pellet guns to people who are older than 18.

If you're wondering why you can buy a black pistol that looks like a real thing that shoots metal pellets at 400+ fps but only a clear pistol that shoots plastic BBs at 250 fps that detail is discussed in a spot hear you can not veiw till you're age verified.
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Old March 6th, 2011, 14:29   #4
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Originally Posted by DEATH2000 View Post
In what sense? Transporting, storing and using? Or selling and importing?
Transporting, storing and using

Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Most cities and towns won't allow you to discharge them within city limits. The stores will also limit the sale of BB and pellet guns to people who are older than 18.

If you're wondering why you can buy a black pistol that looks like a real thing that shoots metal pellets at 400+ fps but only a clear pistol that shoots plastic BBs at 250 fps that detail is discussed in a spot hear you can not veiw till you're age verified.
Got AV'd, but AVer haven't updated me yet. I can wait =P
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Old March 6th, 2011, 14:32   #5
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You should be able to look up a municipal bylaw on this then to see what the rules are out there.
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Old March 6th, 2011, 14:47   #6
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Most cities it will be something like:

It shall be a by-law offence to discharge an air gun (this includes paintball, pellet, starter pistols, etc.) within city limits except for areas zoned for such activities. Punishable by a $x charge.

Basically it's like any other municipal by-law....

So looking it up for Mississauga the relevant document is here:

Now if you look at the definition of "firearm" technically airsoft is not a firearm (based on the city's definition for the purpose of the document) it still doesn't mean that you should go out and discharge your airsoft gun somewhere. Use common sense.... Remember just because you can doesn't mean you should.

BUT for .177 cal and 4.5mm air pistols/pellet guns they are a "firearm" based on the city's definition so you can't discharge it inside the city and you can be charged up to $5000 for the offence. Now whether or not the police/by law enforcement will charge you is a different story. ie. You may get the pellet guns taken away or charged $50-100, rarely will you ever get charged the full amount.

Now the "shooting range" definition is interesting as it describes an area zoned for such use, so you can go to your local shooting range or a paintball field or whatever to discharge your pellet gun (do not shoot at other paintballers or players) but technically you an discharge your pellet gun at pop cans or w/e at a paintball field because it's "land with or without special equipment being used as of the date of the passing of this by-law for the bone fide discharging of firearms and which discharging would in the absence of this by-law be lawful". So, this is how the cadet forces could shoot pellet guns inside their armoury/building (based on a loose definition).

tl;dr : Don't shoot pellet guns in your backyard. Go to a proper range for that or other area (but do not shoot at other people since these devices can cause bodily injury or death to someone).

PS: This should really have been in the off topic section it doesn't really relate to airsoft.
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Old March 6th, 2011, 18:59   #7
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If I need to register it as a firearm as you said, would I need a firearms license as well as a permit from the police in order to transport it to a "shooting range"?
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Old March 6th, 2011, 19:00   #8
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If you're getting your PAL you would already know the answers to those questions.
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Old March 7th, 2011, 03:54   #9
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It's the city's definition for the purpose of the document.

ie. although pellet guns are considered a "firearm" for the purpose of the document, it doesn't need to be registered since there's no provincial or federal law requiring registration (this is assuming it shoots under 500 FPS with .177 cal/4.5mm pellets).

Through just reading the definition, airsoft is not a "firearm" based on the CITY definition but is a replica firearm based on the FEDERAL/CBSA policy/definition.
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Old March 7th, 2011, 04:36   #10
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I would tend to think their definition includes airsoft though. Most city bylaws do.
They say "A Firearm means any barrelled weapon from which any shot, bullet or other missile can be discharged and that is capable of causing bodily injury or death to the person".

Airsoft is definitely capable of causing bodily injury.

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Old March 7th, 2011, 09:57   #11
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
They say "A Firearm means any barrelled weapon from which any shot, bullet or other missile can be discharged and that is capable of causing bodily injury or death to the person".

Airsoft is definitely capable of causing bodily injury.
Fair enough, I guess it's "capable" of causing some degree bodily injury if it hits an eye or something or if you tossed in an M130 or higher in it. So yeah I guess it could be a firearm depending on the city's interpretation of "capable" (which likely won't be in the offenders favour since city councils are usually strapped for cash; a $50 parking ticket here and a $100 by-law offence there adds up to help keep their operating budget in the black).

So, OP.... I retract my previous statements and say it's probably not a good idea to fire airsoft or pellet guns within the city limits (except for at ranges and stuff).... But even then like I said, just because you can doesn't mean you should.
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Old March 7th, 2011, 13:25   #12
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All laws are similar. If you dont know about them, then restrain the use of the gun to your basement. As it's been said, use common sence. Don't use it in public places. Always apply the 4 rules of fire arMs handling. Get av. And the need for you to request infos about that shows that you are not ready to use such items.
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Old March 7th, 2011, 13:45   #13
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Originally Posted by Gadoury View Post
All laws are similar. If you dont know about them, then restrain the use of the gun to your basement. As it's been said, use common sence. Don't use it in public places. Always apply the 4 rules of fire arMs handling. Get av. And the need for you to request infos about that shows that you are not ready to use such items.
Needing to ask about something that's common sense is vastly different from needing a clarification in regards to legal issues. It's always good to know about the law regardless of what you are or are not planning to do. For example, in some countries, it's illegal to eat an orange in a bathroom. Laws are not always made with common sense in mind (I'm sure most Canadian airsofters agree on that one). So when the law goes contrary to common sense, asking for info actually SHOWS one is ready to use such items.

p.s. I did get AV'd, just waiting for the update
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Old March 7th, 2011, 13:51   #14
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Untill your av shows up here the you can't be considered has av.

Asking about the law is a good thing. I did not say otherwise.

As i said, untill you know more, then restrain the use of it to your basement and use comment sence. We are not in such countries where eathing a f...... Orange in a bathroom being illegal, but going outdoor with your gun would be stupid. This is common sence.

Sorry i can't help you more. But i heard pretty stupid stuff happening yhis last week end at a convention in toronto, and this guy didn't used is common sence and should had stay is is bathroom eating an orange instead of doing what he did.
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Old March 7th, 2011, 14:11   #15
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Originally Posted by Gadoury View Post
Untill your av shows up here the you can't be considered has av.

Asking about the law is a good thing. I did not say otherwise.

As i said, untill you know more, then restrain the use of it to your basement and use comment sence. We are not in such countries where eathing a f...... Orange in a bathroom being illegal, but going outdoor with your gun would be stupid. This is common sence.

Sorry i can't help you more. But i heard pretty stupid stuff happening yhis last week end at a convention in toronto, and this guy didn't used is common sence and should had stay is is bathroom eating an orange instead of doing what he did.
Haha yea, too bad I didn't stay around the convention long enough to watch that happen. I am just asking because I was thinking I'd get one in the far future after I get all my airsoft stuff ready. But for now it's better to know more about the laws before that time comes.

p.s. Some argue they'd rather not eat an orange in the bathroom if they could legally import airsoft guns.
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