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Would these parts meet my needs?


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Old December 21st, 2014, 19:52   #1
Join Date: Mar 2014
Would these parts meet my needs?

I have a G&G top-tech RK Evo 104. I'm currently satisfied with it's performance though I was seeking to improve trigger response and fire rate.

Currently it is entirely stock but I am running deans connecters and a 9.6 1600mAh nimh butterfly battery.

I want to aim for around 30RPS, 380-400FPS, and a good trigger response.
My planned build for this would be:

-SHS high torque or Lonex A2, from what I've been told they're both 16tpa and contain neo magnets.

-SHS 13:1 gears, I've watched a few of the ramble videos made by youtube user BrillAirsoft (formerly CommieKid) and it seems common for people to mix high speed gears with a high torque motor in order to achieve a good fire rate and a great trigger response, I'll be using my AK in a lot of situations where full auto fire will be used but I don't want that at the cost of being able to use it effectively in semi-auto situations and the stock trigger response (very good already) has led to some crazy last second hits.

-Shimming of course.

-11.1 lipo, no idea which c rating I should search for.

-I've had some people tell me I don't need a MOSFET and others tell me I'm retarded and I should break my gun now if I don't get one. I'm just planning to run my AK without one until I burn out my contacts then get myself a nice MOSFET, opinions welcome though.

So is there anything wrong with this build? Will my gearbox magically explode the second I try firing with these specs?
Should I correct AOE or apply sorbo padding?
Can I reach 30rps with a high torque motor, high speed gears, and an 11.1?
Which 11.1 would be sufficient for this build?
Could I use my 9.6 as a back up for this build?
Should I get a MOSFET right away?
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Old December 21st, 2014, 21:30   #2
formerly steyr
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
You'll be shooting faster than 30rps with that setup. You should next look to ensure reliability so that entails a stronger piston and tappet plate, sorbo, aoe, shimming and a mosfet at the minimum.
Admin - Winnipeg Airsoft
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Old December 21st, 2014, 21:35   #3
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Use a 7.4v lipo, something in a 20C should be fine.
And if you burn out your contacts before installing a mosfet, you'll be installing a mosfet AND a new set of trigger contacts.

The lonex A2 has crap for neo magnets, they're the low end kind, only half way between ferrite magnets and actual neo magnets.
You want a motor that has REAL torque and speed, get a systema magnum and insulate the end bell.
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Old December 21st, 2014, 22:08   #4
Join Date: Mar 2014
Originally Posted by Wrath144 View Post
You'll be shooting faster than 30rps with that setup. You should next look to ensure reliability so that entails a stronger piston and tappet plate, sorbo, aoe, shimming and a mosfet at the minimum.
Oh wow, over 30rps is honestly good news, I fire in bursts and never really fire anything more than 5-6 shots unless I'm providing covering fire anyway. Would it be wise to simply upgrade things as they break? I own one other AEG and another is on it's way but I plan on doing something entirely different with those rifles (DMR and I wanna get the other as quiet as possible) and I would prefer to spend money over time instead of all at once so I can get a feel of what each upgrade is really doing for my rifle.

Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Use a 7.4v lipo, something in a 20C should be fine.
And if you burn out your contacts before installing a mosfet, you'll be installing a mosfet AND a new set of trigger contacts.

The lonex A2 has crap for neo magnets, they're the low end kind, only half way between ferrite magnets and actual neo magnets.
You want a motor that has REAL torque and speed, get a systema magnum and insulate the end bell.
At double the price the Systema is a bit too much for me, the SHS high torque is good right?

On the topic of mosfets, aren't there mosfets which entirely replace your trigger contacts? Honestly the only "tech work" I've ever done is opening and fiddling with a Canadian Tire Cybergun AK that was already broken.
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