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Gate Merf 3.2


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Old February 25th, 2016, 00:41   #1
br0k3nsa1nt's Avatar
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Gate Merf 3.2

Ok ladies and gents, I figure I may have a faulty unit on my hands but I want a second opinion.

I recently installed the Gate Merf 3.2, running wires directly from the motor to the unit and running the dual signal wires to the trigger contacts.

I have:
Verified my polarity
Hooked the battery directly to the motor(out of the gearbox)
Used the trigger to program the mosfet.
Saved, disconnected, reconnected.

When I try to fire it goes back into programming mode, telling me it's not seeing the motor.

My only other thought is that my LiPo, which has been in storage, has too low of a voltage and the mosfet is not allowing it to fire?

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Old February 25th, 2016, 01:26   #2
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I had a similar issue with mine a while back, running a MERF 3.2 it would intermittently switch to programming mode even when everything seemed to be wired correctly. It turned out that one of the motor connectors broke at the 90 degree bend, I didn't notice it at first because it was covered in shrink wrap. Replacing the motor connector fixed the issue completely. If you have to buy replacements, they're called 2.8mm blade connectors and they're dead cheap from any electronics supplier.

Other than that, I'd just do the normal check for worn out insulation at all points on the wire harness, though if there's a short it should activate short circuit protection rather than go into programming mode.
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Old February 25th, 2016, 11:11   #3
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I took the motor out, but hooked it to the rifle wiring, then direct connected the battery and it spun up. Only getting nothing with the mosfet in play. Was hoping for some experience on it failing with low charged batteries or needing a specific connection pattern to recognize the motor.

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Old February 25th, 2016, 12:24   #4
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If the battery is too low charged it should just activate low voltage protection and not go into programming mode (that is, for the expected battery type, ie a fully charged 7.4V lipo will trigger low voltage protection if the mosfet's set to accept an 11.1V lipo).
Normally it'll only go to programming mode if the motor's disconnected, either because of a physical breakage of the wire or because a short circuit lets the current bypass the motor.

Sorry if it sounds obvious, but are you sure you wired all the connectors to the correct polarity? If the opposite polarity if applied to the motor, it'll spin in reverse, hit the anti-reversal latch, and stall; at stall the mosfet will see a short and disconnect itself.
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Last edited by Bellerophon; February 25th, 2016 at 12:26..
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Old February 25th, 2016, 14:29   #5
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I did double check my polarity and just to be sure I took the motor out of the handle so it could spin freely, even if in reverse.

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Old February 25th, 2016, 14:36   #6
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What motor do you have?
Unplug the the MOSFET, use a multimeter to check connectivity as you spin the motor in various positions.
I had some Lonex motors a while back from a batch that had defective commutators. A dying motor will read as no connectivity in certain positions.
The other possibility is the Gate unit is actually dead. I had that happen on my first MERF 3.2, and it set my expectations for the rest of Gate's products. They are shitty, I can literally make a MOSFET in my room that's more reliable.
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Old February 25th, 2016, 15:51   #7
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Looking at a dead M4 right now, reading this thread, thinking "Fuck".

It's got a Merf 3.2, a Lonex motor, and the whole build is new enough that troubleshooting will be three pains in the ass.
I'm 95% certain the trigger block skipped and lodged in the contacts (felt it happen) but since somebody else built it it sounds like I'm going to have to go over every mm of wire in there while I'm at it.

Holy shit do I hate airsoft guns.
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Old February 25th, 2016, 23:10   #8
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Good time to leave the sport and sell me your Merf. Lol

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