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Considering Returning to the Sport, Need SITREP!



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Old August 10th, 2014, 19:06   #1
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Considering Returning to the Sport, Need SITREP!

Okay, so I played Airsoft pretty regularly from about 2003 to 2010, but I got out of it when most of my team got married up and started having kids (myself included). I sold almost all of my kit, including my airsoft guns.

Now that I'm considering getting back into the sport with some of the old team, and some new faces, I'd really appreciate a simple no-nonsense rundown on the state of the sport in Ontario, who to purchase gear from, and what types of guns to buy (gas guns were *just* starting to become popular when I stopped playing, but they had issues).

Thanks a bunch!
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Old August 10th, 2014, 19:17   #2
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should probably post this in age restricted area so people can give you links and stuffsz
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Old August 10th, 2014, 19:39   #3
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Welcome back buddy! Guns are the cheapest they've ever been due to the increased number of retailers and self importation is much easier as well, GBBRs are very popular, but most guys still bring an AEG as backup.

I got out in 2010, moved back to Trinidad and came back in late 2013 to find that things had changed a lot since I'd been gone.

Now is the easiest time to get back into the sport.
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Old August 10th, 2014, 20:05   #4
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Welcome back. GBBRs are better than ever, it's the gas that causes issues mostly now. Propane/green gas, etc is too temperamental in hot and cold and can throw around your FPS and performance. With companies like RA-Tech though you can make a reliable GBBR that won't break down like they used. That's taking into consideration you'd do proper maintenance. PolarStar kits are becoming popular as AEG drop in units makin then a hybrid gas/electric. They stabalize performance and gas by using stable gases. The downside is that it's an external reservoir and the gas line is tethered to you at all times. Some people, myself included, believe that's an airsoft no-no, but some guys don't mind it. Importing, in country costs, and gun/gear availability is at an all time high while costs are much lower. PTWs still rule the roost as the best performers all around, AEGs still rule for base reliability with some new tech opening up their markets and options, and GBBRs are now a viable option if you have a few extra bucks and some time.

Most commonly recommended gun is the King Arms Colt M4. It's an AEG, full metal, reliable out if the box, decent performance, and available in country for around $250. Probably the best starter for any new player. Or backup if you have the coin to invest in a training weapon or GBBR.

The. "Training weapon clone" flopped bad. CTWs lacked quality, DTWs and A&K TWs are cheap knockoffs, and FCC shit the bed.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old August 10th, 2014, 20:30   #5
"bb bukakke" KING!
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benefit of polar star is that it's only 1 moving part in the entire compression system... the electricly fired solenoid.... it's extremely robust and reliable and because it's HPA is not subjected to temperature swings causing fps variation.

Drawback is that you drag a paintball sized tank around with you...

and that it's expensive. your aeg, plus 500-600 for the unit and then 200$ for air regulator rig and then your tank.

The good news is that it's drop in to any v2 aeg so you can just pick up a cheap m4 and P* it. Also the p* retains its value because of the extreme reliability of the mechanism.

Couple guys local to me filled up 1 scuba tank at the beginning of the year and both of them have been using it all year to fill their carry tanks between 2 guns. It's just starting to taper off now and will probably need a charge sometime soon.

I personally don't like the P* for the lack of feedback... if people feel AEGs are too quiet and innadequate the polarstar's bloop bloop bloop when it shoots even less satisfying.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old August 10th, 2014, 20:30   #6
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Welcome back. GBBRs are better than ever, it's the gas that causes issues mostly now. Propane/green gas, etc is too temperamental in hot and cold and can throw around your FPS and performance. With companies like RA-Tech though you can make a reliable GBBR that won't break down like they used. That's taking into consideration you'd do proper maintenance. PolarStar kits are becoming popular as AEG drop in units makin then a hybrid gas/electric. They stabalize performance and gas by using stable gases. The downside is that it's an external reservoir and the gas line is tethered to you at all times. Some people, myself included, believe that's an airsoft no-no, but some guys don't mind it. Importing, in country costs, and gun/gear availability is at an all time high while costs are much lower. PTWs still rule the roost as the best performers all around, AEGs still rule for base reliability with some new tech opening up their markets and options, and GBBRs are now a viable option if you have a few extra bucks and some time.

Most commonly recommended gun is the King Arms Colt M4. It's an AEG, full metal, reliable out if the box, decent performance, and available in country for around $250. Probably the best starter for any new player. Or backup if you have the coin to invest in a training weapon or GBBR.

The. "Training weapon clone" flopped bad. CTWs lacked quality, DTWs and A&K TWs are cheap knockoffs, and FCC shit the bed.
Pretty bang on.

What isn't mentioned is you're going to see a TON of new faces, faces you used to see have likely mostly retired, as have some of the "newer" faces of your time. On some fronts, they will be missed, others..... not so much.

If you want back in, now's the time!
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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