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Prometheus Vs. Systema Tight Bore question


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Old January 30th, 2010, 19:58   #1
Herr ScheißeLiebhaber
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Prometheus Vs. Systema Tight Bore question

I'm looking at buying a silencer for my KWA G36C and putting a longer tight bore into it, and I was looking at these barrels:

Prometheus 6.03 Stainless

Or the

Systema 6.04

The Prometheus is $30 more than the Systema, and I'm assuming that's because of the tighter bore. But my question is if the Prometheus is worth the extra money? Will it make that much more of a difference?

And when it says that the different barrels are suited for different guns, is that because of the length of the stock outer barrel?

Also, what else would I need to get? I know that this cylinder was recommended in another thread to avoid a FPS drop (I think) but what else if anything would I need to change?

Thanks for your help.
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Old January 30th, 2010, 20:06   #2
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the extra cost isn't cause its a tighter bore, its cause its better. Honestly, systema TB suck. ive used them, and they are only marginally better than the stock barrel IMHO.

Prometheus are more expensive because of the materials used, the finish that is applied, and because of the tight tolerances of the barrels (the same can be said for their internal parts as well)

dont buy systema TBs. Get prometheus. You will love it and i promise you, you will have the best performing TB around.

The only other brand that comes near prometheus, is KM (at least from what i have read). Madbull is decent, but apparently their barrels are thin walled. Ive handled Madbul barrels, and it seems like there is some truth to that statement. Prometheus or KM all the way.
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Old January 30th, 2010, 20:09   #3
Herr ScheißeLiebhaber
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Alright, thanks. That makes my decision a lot easier.
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Old January 30th, 2010, 20:12   #4
How can madbull barrels be thin walled? the OD is all the same and the ID is pretty much 6mm
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Old January 30th, 2010, 20:13   #5
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Originally Posted by pawscal View Post
How can madbull barrels be thin walled? the OD is all the same and the ID is pretty much 6mm
i read that where the barrel connects to the hop-up, it was thinner than most TB barrels.
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Old January 30th, 2010, 20:37   #6
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Go with Prometheus. I don't stock anything else for my shop and have them in every gun I own unless they don't make one for it.
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Old January 30th, 2010, 20:51   #7
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What about the EdGI barrels? I've heard some good things about those. But yes Prometheus is tried and true, albeit expensive but that's what you get for getting the "best" even if it's only marginally better (similar to how you pay more for high end enthusiast computer parts than the slightly worse "mainstream" version (ie. i7 920 vs i7 950).
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Old January 30th, 2010, 20:58   #8
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EdGi are great barrels, but can jam on some brands of BB's due to the really tightbores, 6.01mm. Plus, they aren't as easy for most people to find.
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Old January 31st, 2010, 00:26   #9
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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PDI, tanio koba and prometheus are the best
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Old July 9th, 2010, 15:25   #10
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Sorry if im ressurecting this thread. What would be better a PDI/EDGI 6.01 or a prometheus 6.03?
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Old July 9th, 2010, 15:28   #11
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Originally Posted by turok_t View Post
Sorry if im ressurecting this thread. What would be better a PDI/EDGI 6.01 or a prometheus 6.03?
for increase in FPS, the 6.01 would be better. For an increase in accuracy, the prometheus would be better.

Keep in mind, both barrels will increase your FPS and accuracy, but in terms of just accuracy, the prometheus would overtake the PDI in this case.
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Old July 9th, 2010, 15:28   #12
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6.03mm, 6.01 does not make significant tighter grouping, but it does make increase problems with 5.98mm bbs especially, 5.95 will have some as well.
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Old July 9th, 2010, 15:35   #13
Con Murder
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Originally Posted by Donster View Post
The only other brand that comes near prometheus, is KM (at least from what i have read). Madbull is decent, but apparently their barrels are thin walled. Ive handled Madbul barrels, and it seems like there is some truth to that statement.
Just to give credit to this statement. Had an M4 that we put the madbull 6.03 in and it was thin walled, more so than the systema 6.04 that was in it. We had problems with the madbull moving and the hop-up units spring did not keep it in place against the nozzle. One high-cap or three mids was all it would shoot before breaking the airseal and dropping in fps. Put the systema back in and no problems, it is tight enough in the outer barrel to stop this problem. The player decided to keep the old systema regardless of his issues with its grouping just cuz it was such a head ache to figure out the madbulls problem and no immediate solution could be conjured up. The difference between the two was almost not visable but sliding it into the outer you could feel the madbull was loose.
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Old July 9th, 2010, 16:08   #14
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Since I have a prometheus barrel already, I think im going to try a KM 6.04. Im looking for a barrel that is 488mm for my custom M4. Can I find a KM barrel that is around that length even if it says its not suited for an M4/M16?

Im guessing that they specify the compatibility of different barrel lengths for different AEGS to maximize the air push based on the cylinders used for each type of gun.
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Old July 9th, 2010, 17:05   #15
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Why would you ever want to replace a prometheus tightbore?? lol
Dont worry, you dont need to have the EXACT elngth of barrel required, and you dont need to fill up every last mm of available barrel space. And I know this is hard to believe, but you can actually use a silencer AS A SILENCER instead of hiding a barrel extension!!!
I KNOW! Isn't that just an amazing concept?? lol

Get a 455mm barrel instead of a 488, with a good gundoc, you won't notice a difference going from a 368 to 455mm barrel, let alone 488 to 455
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