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+1 protocol in game sign up



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Old July 7th, 2011, 12:29   #1
Brian McIlmoyle
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+1 protocol in game sign up

Here is go slamming down keystrokes again to point out an issue in this community .. that anyone with a scintilla of intelligence .. or attention should have already figured out a year ago.

Posting "in +3 " in a game thread is not appropriate. It never was and never will be.

Game hosts need to know the names / handles of the people attending the game, any game, any where.

so if you and a group of friends are coming to a game please have the courtesy to post the full list of names / handles of the people coming.

This way the game host is not required to post for the 15th time in the same thread.. "hey we need the names of your +3 "

Which brings me to the next point... If every other person in a thread that posted "in +3" had to subsequently provide all the names of the people .. how is is possible that you may think that you don't have to?

In the future .. for any of my games .. if anyone posts "in + " in the thread without providing names .. none of those people will be attending.. because clearly they are too stupid to not be a risk to others.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old July 7th, 2011, 12:57   #2
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Oh the irony :P
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

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Old July 7th, 2011, 13:03   #3
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Holy Crap Brian is breaking out the common sense! RUN!!

This should be Stickied in each event forum.

Oh and if my google +1 worked here I would be +1ing the shit out of it! =-D
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Old July 7th, 2011, 13:39   #4
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This is as annoying, pointless, and so god damn retarded as posting tentative... Dont care if your maybe coming, let me know when your FOR SURE taking up a roster spot.

I for one, love the Ottawa sign up, where you MUST register, and then you just click on an open roster spot, and your username is signed up for that spot.

This takes away all the "in plus Danny, and Jacob, and Dan, oh Billy Bob wants to play too"

Everyone must realize that all games start online. How you represent yourselves on the ASC forums, is going to be directly linked to how you will behave in person, at a game, shooting projectiles at other people.

So this poses a problem when as a host, you cannot compare an ASC handle, to a player attending your game with someone else. I understand most people either dont use asc frequently, dont have the internet, ect. But still, rules are rules, etiquette is etiquette.

My .02
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Old July 7th, 2011, 15:09   #5
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Sorry but this is kinda up to the game hosts to be administering their signups and not accepting "+1"s: why does this even need to be a thread?

If someone does it in your game thread, refuse the +s and ask for names. Holy shit.
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Old July 7th, 2011, 15:35   #6
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post

If someone does it in your game thread, refuse the +s and ask for names. Holy shit.
The issue is .. 2 posts later another person does it again.. then they are corrected.. and 3 posts later another person does it again..

I agree.. why does this need to be a thread? it should not have to be

people should be able to figure out.. hey if the 15 other people that did this had to provide names.. then Gee .. maybe I should to..
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old July 7th, 2011, 16:27   #7
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I agree with Brian. The +1 Issue or even just having a your team name instead of your asc name can be a bit of a pickle for some. There are people in the community that are banned from certain fields etc and may try and use this loop hole to try and slip under the radar.
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Originally Posted by Felonies View Post
Do you really think all 322 spots will sell out in a single day
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Old July 7th, 2011, 17:41   #8
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Originally Posted by Hammburglar View Post
I agree with Brian. The +1 Issue or even just having a your team name instead of your asc name can be a bit of a pickle for some. There are people in the community that are banned from certain fields etc and may try and use this loop hole to try and slip under the radar.
I don't think thats as big of a problem. From what I've seen, hosts do a good job at keeping out black listed players. I think the bigger issue is meeting game minimum and limit caps with +# only to have a lot of them bail last minute. I mean, how often do you hear "sorry my +1 is out" either posted or in person? Hosts spend a lot of time thinking about their game based on what numbers they pull, I know Brian does that a lot to keep things unique which is why I hates tent posts too. Its one thing if we're talking about sudden family issues or you coming down with the flu, God knows I've posted out a few times because of both but its a pain when it becomes a regular.

But honestly, how hard is it to make an account to post in for a game? Its just plain lazyness and shows a lack of commitment to the sport and community..."I want in on the game but don't want to be part of these forums"?!?!?
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Old July 7th, 2011, 20:36   #9
Brian, when this happens just flag it to me and I'll ban the individual from the thread. We can do that now...thread specific bans. Sounds like a fine use case.
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Old July 7th, 2011, 21:56   #10
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aka Morb wants to try out the new toys so give him a chance will you!!!!

heehee thats if I don't beat him to them first!!
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Old July 8th, 2011, 03:50   #11
Jayne Finch
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Brian, when this happens just flag it to me and I'll ban the individual from the thread. We can do that now...thread specific bans. Sounds like a fine use case.
Originally Posted by BloodSport View Post
aka Morb wants to try out the new toys so give him a chance will you!!!!

heehee thats if I don't beat him to them first!!
sweet. all host can use that offer right?

this will all work out fine until someone gets the username "+1" lol
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Old July 8th, 2011, 07:11   #12
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Originally Posted by Jayne Finch View Post
this will all work out fine until someone gets the username "+1" lol
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Old July 8th, 2011, 09:18   #13
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I'd say it's up to the host...if they want a tight reign on the attendance (for whatever reason...vetting, game theme/structure, costs, etc...) or if they just want a loose shoot 'em up regardless of numbers...or whatever inbetween.

Regardless...they should (and do) put out their expectations in the game rules/ the first post of the game thread.

It's plainly ignorant when players don't read through those notices and just expect to show up to do whatever they want. And at the end of it...the result is a mismatch of expectations. Examples:
- you end up with guys showing up in head to toe modern warfare multicam, complete with radios and a WW2 re-enactment milsim. Real buzz killer for all involved.
- you end up with guys coming out to 24hr+ self sustaining events....with nothing but the boots on their feet and a ganola bar
- you end up with significant percentages of guys just simply not showing up for games....real game changer if you're planning a 60-90 person milsim....and only 30 people show
- you end up with guys showing up with nothing but a highcap to a real loadout, real cap game

...sure...there's always ways to deal with things...but why should a host have to deal with that? Why can't each player make the effort to understand what they're getting into...and certainly ask for clarification about ANYTHING well prior to committing to the game?

There are certainly lots of guys who "broker" their buddies/teammates attendance to games...I do that for some of my friends. There's nothing wrong with that. But if the game/host has put it out there that each person's name is required...then it's simply ignorant and disrespectful to not oblige, without being asked.'s not really a big issue or to-do. If the instance calls for it...the consequences of not reading a game thread will be clear when someone's +#s show up and suddenly find out that the +#'s can't participate because they're not on the roster. Someone's feelings might get hurt...but it won't be the host or any of the players that did sort themselves out...and that's ok.

Not brain surgery...

Perhaps to say that someone who does that is "too stupid to not be a risk to others" is harsh....perhaps another way to say it is, "someone who doesn't read and comply with the rules set out for an event is too ignorant to bother wasting any time with".

In the end it's simpler and less headaches to not have them participate.
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Old July 8th, 2011, 11:07   #14
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
- you end up with guys showing up in head to toe modern warfare multicam, complete with radios and a WW2 re-enactment milsim. Real buzz killer for all involved.
- you end up with guys coming out to 24hr+ self sustaining events....with nothing but the boots on their feet and a ganola bar
- you end up with significant percentages of guys just simply not showing up for games....real game changer if you're planning a 60-90 person milsim....and only 30 people show
- you end up with guys showing up with nothing but a highcap to a real loadout, real cap game
you forgot "guys showing up with running shoes, clearsoft and safety glasses"
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