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The Winning team Eats



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Old August 5th, 2011, 15:41   #1
KwGeek's Avatar
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The Winning team Eats

I have never been in the military, but over my years I have learned that the military and other Groups have use Food as a way motivate people and to raise moral in their ranks.

Now this got me to thinking, I know at the flag raiders games in Kitchener, they have free hotdogs come lunch time and I've read and seen that at some other airsoft game they have a full BBQ, with roast beef, salad and all the fixing, but I was wondering if their was a games day where what your lunch is going to be dependent on how well you and the rest of you team did that day.

Winners get real food, losers have to eat MRE.

Now just because it's relevant to this discussion, I did a quick google search for MRE and I found that a person can get a 12 case of MRE's for around $84 that's roughly $7 a meal.

I don't know how much a BBQ cost per person, but I can guess that it might be around the same if not a little bit more.

I just thought because, I have discussion with friend that are campers and they some time take with them MRE's on their trips, and they have told me that while they are not bad tasting, they would prefer the taste of real fresh cooked food over a MRE any day.

An I thought that this idea could add another element to the game of airsoft, as like I said at the beginning of this post, many groups have learned to use food as a way to motivate their employes and in the military their troops.
Food has a way of keeping up moral as a reward. Cause who does not like indulge in their favorite meal ever once in a while.

well that's it for me
Looking forward to your thoughts.
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Old August 5th, 2011, 15:44   #2
Brian McIlmoyle
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losers buy the beer, it is as it has been and as it should be...
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Old August 5th, 2011, 15:49   #3
aka coachster
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KwGeek, you haven't been around long enough. we've had kobe steaks and shrimp for lunch at FR. heck we had a feast at Rhino. It's all about that tactical BBQ! Sure we pack MRE's and sandwiches, but we also plan for the good stuff.

rot dog's are only for when we're lazy!

Last edited by coach; August 5th, 2011 at 15:55..
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Old August 5th, 2011, 15:53   #4
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Originally Posted by KwGeek View Post
Now just because it's relevant to this discussion, I did a quick google search for MRE and I found that a person can get a 12 case of MRE's for around $84 that's roughly $7 a meal.

I don't know how much a BBQ cost per person, but I can guess that it might be around the same if not a little bit more.

Looking forward to your thoughts.
have you ever tasted a MRE corn bread stuffing?? I've tasted some nasty shits in my career but never as bad as MRE Corn bread stuffing.......that stuff gave me the nightmare
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Old August 5th, 2011, 15:55   #5
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I think you have too much time on your hands?
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Old August 5th, 2011, 15:59   #6
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
have you ever tasted a MRE corn bread stuffing?? I've tasted some nasty shits in my career but never as bad as MRE Corn bread stuffing.......that stuff gave me the nightmare
Thank God it wasn't our only meal source. I still don't know why you asked to try it after I tasted it and immediately started hurling and spiting to get the horrid taste out of my mouth.

BTW, always sample the MRE's before you take them out for a meal during airsoft or out camping. Some are pleasantly tasty but others are downright disgusting.
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Old August 5th, 2011, 16:08   #7
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
losers buy the beer, it is as it has been and as it should be...
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Old August 5th, 2011, 16:26   #8
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
BTW, always sample the MRE's before you take them out for a meal during airsoft or out camping. Some are pleasantly tasty but others are downright disgusting.
the military is not supposed to make any comment about what they eat.
However, I know for a fact that US troops used to go negociate with French troops during Desert Storm to buy them decent food instead of the crap they got.

your lunch is going to be dependent on how well you and the rest of you team did that day
honestly this doesn't make any sense in my airsoft world beyond the vaguely fun proposition of paying beer for the winners.the BBQ at the end of the day and playing are two different, unrelated things.It makes me think of LARP.
I suggest singing a song, and the nicest voice gets the steak.Or the most powerful fart.
or a dice roll?
where is airsoft in that?
seriously wtf.
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Old August 5th, 2011, 16:41   #9
Brian McIlmoyle
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Besides.. in most airsoft games I have participated in there were no clear cut winners and losers ..

certainly not clear cut that anyone would be content eating rotdogs over steak.

anyway... don't think this idea has any legs ..
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Old August 5th, 2011, 16:54   #10
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I'll have fun playing airsoft in the rain, I'll have fun playing airsoft in the cold, I'll have fun playing airsoft when I'm bleeding, bruised, and being eaten alive by mosquitos, and I'll enjoy airsoft regardless of whether other players are cheating or not, but goddammit I'll be pissed off if someone takes away my sandwhich or tactical kit kat and tells me to eat a shitty MRE.

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Old August 5th, 2011, 18:02   #11
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Stay away from the Chicken Pesto, I was hungry as hell but damn did that stuff test my gag reflex.
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Old August 5th, 2011, 18:50   #12
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The meal after the game is one of the best times of the day, for me it's part of playing Airsoft. Share a table with friends and enemies, talk about your good shots and your fuckups and realizing the dude your having fun with is the guy that shot you that one time.... and laughing about it. I would not go to a game that ends by being punished for losing, it's not big brother. Anyway, as someone said, there are no losers at airsoft
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Old August 6th, 2011, 11:00   #13
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Okay I can respect all that ever one has said. I just wanted to toss out an idea and maybe it was not a very good idea.

it's just that back when I was in scouts, on camping trip the Scout leaders would plan games for us and some time the winning team would get extra serving of food or the losing team would do the dishs, just as an example.

it was their way to try to motivate us and I just thought that why can't that way of thinking work in airsoft.

the idea is that if there was some sort of prize or reward ( other then bragging rights) that a team could stride for, they might try harder and play harder to get said prize. But I respect that playing the game is it's own reward.

And as Brian McIlmoyle said
Besides.. in most airsoft games I have participated in there were no clear cut winners and losers ..

certainly not clear cut that anyone would be content eating rotdogs over steak.

anyway... don't think this idea has any legs ..
thanks for you time
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Old August 6th, 2011, 15:24   #14
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Bragging rights are enough.
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Old August 6th, 2011, 19:18   #15
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well at the very least, have the losers pay the tab, but other than that bragging rights are good enough.

As for the taste of the MREs, I've tried a few before and they're not that bad. Some are better than our IMPs though, but I haven't eaten any of them in a while (thank god I'm a cook). I know a lot of guys in the field that would rather put up with our demands than eat IMPs for the whole exercise.
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