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Old September 29th, 2009, 07:03   #76
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Markham, Ontario
I donno how much are you guys paying for this clear WE SCAR. But I saw the main distributor of WE in Hong Kong recently, they are selling the clear for around CAD$240(1550HKD) with one mag. I am trying the import one for myself, if Ican do it thenI will bring more in and make some more resonable profit instead of people charging close to 1K CAD>
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Old September 29th, 2009, 11:18   #77
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Originally Posted by jupiterl View Post
I donno how much are you guys paying for this clear WE SCAR. But I saw the main distributor of WE in Hong Kong recently, they are selling the clear for around CAD$240(1550HKD) with one mag. I am trying the import one for myself, if Ican do it thenI will bring more in and make some more resonable profit instead of people charging close to 1K CAD>
The people charging close to 1k are charging for the full black/tan version that's why. I don't think there's any clear lowered ones here yet.
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Old September 30th, 2009, 02:15   #78
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hmm well in Edmonton one of our retailers is having a IPSC event and will be showcasing this gun for us to try out on October 10. Hopefully i will be one of the ones who get to try it out. But yeah it sounds like its pretty much going to release at the beginning of the month everywhere in Canada.
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Old September 30th, 2009, 23:21   #79
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found another review on redwolf:
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Old September 30th, 2009, 23:45   #80
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I must say that this review is pretty positive. Their conclusion:

Despite the KJ Works GBB M4 being one of the last GBB M4's to be released, it is not a copy of any other GBB M4 platforms where the internal designs are specific to the KJ works so all the rumors are proven false regarding this being a clone of another platform. With Tanio Koba working alongside with KJ, this GBB M4 have definitely hit the spot for standing out even without using trademarks on the receiver. Being able to adapt AEG outer barrels, this is another major selling point since plenty of old-timers would have spare front end kits available on their disposal without having to fork out extra money to buy body kits for a new gun. With their hop up chamber designed to have minimal parts and joints, the fps consistency is great due to its incredible air seal in the mechanism.

It has to be said that with such great performance as well as being cheaper than some of the alternatives, it's already quite a contender if you were to look to purchase a GBB rifle. However, knowing how this is possibly the best working GBB M4 out-of-the-box and the fact that the amount of money required to turn this GBB M4 into the high performance category is much lower compared to the others is going to tip the scales back for you to decide if the lack of trademarks and unrealistic bolt and ejection port (hop up turret) is worth the performance. Decisions decisions...
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Old September 30th, 2009, 23:51   #81
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post
I must say that this review is pretty positive. Their conclusion:

I have been doing a lot of reading about the KJW M4 (or i have heard a lot of people call it a C8 due the the thermold mag, which we don't even use anymore >.> oh well)

It seems like almost everyone has nothing but good things to say. Some videos showing continuous fire shows an awesome amount of mags per gas fill, and the cooldown factor seems much less of an issue then with other designs.

Now... If only there was after-market support for it.
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Old October 1st, 2009, 00:14   #82
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Originally Posted by theguy View Post
Now... If only there was after-market support for it.
I somehow agree. Not totally. That is, because for external modifications, it's compatible with AEGs, and for internals, reviews all agree on the fact that it's well built and should last long enough.

Sure you can't get insane perfs, but seems pretty decent, no? Except maybe for the mags, but otherwise, looks good.

Just use duster on a similar weaker gas and it's gameable IMHO.
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Old October 1st, 2009, 00:27   #83
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post
I somehow agree. Not totally. That is, because for external modifications, it's compatible with AEGs, and for internals, reviews all agree on the fact that it's well built and should last long enough.

Sure you can't get insane perfs, but seems pretty decent, no? Except maybe for the mags, but otherwise, looks good.

Just use duster on a similar weaker gas and it's gameable IMHO.
Right, sorry, should have specified more clearly.

The ability to use standard AEG front ends is awesome. And if i was to get one, I would only use it on duster anyways. Not too much more expensive then propane, plus it will put much lower stress on parts.

Hopefully they will release reasonably priced mags too
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Old October 1st, 2009, 00:31   #84
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has anyone ever mixed gasses ? mixxing some propane into the duster would probly allow for a higher fps but still lower then 400 for use outdoors and for indoors you could use straight duster?

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old October 1st, 2009, 00:34   #85
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post

Just use duster on a similar weaker gas and it's gameable IMHO.
hey there, if you go through the arnies forum link I had posted earlier, I think they commented that runnung on duster that the gun suffered major cooldown effects compared to running green or propane. I'm a neophyte with gas guns so they might have said HFC (is that the same thing as duster?) but the guy also commented that he'd had some decent co-operation with KJW on orderin parts direct
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Old October 1st, 2009, 00:42   #86
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What I don't get is how it will shoot 400 FPS out of the box with Propane when Japan severely restricts speeds (1 M/s IIRC which is ~320 FPS?).

Will there be a different version for Japan or is this one of those guns that they're just not going to bother marketing in Japan?
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Old October 1st, 2009, 00:46   #87
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I'm not sure where they going to be produced but I was under the impression that there will be 2 versions. It's buried somewhere in the Arnies airsoft link (something about an export version and how TK in Japan won't be honoring the warranty of the KJW versions or something).

Either way its good news for us as after market part makers will be getting their hands on em! I
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Old October 1st, 2009, 01:19   #88
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i believe that the gun was designed to work with both gasses so its durable for green gas but uses duster in japan

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old October 1st, 2009, 01:44   #89
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lol fyi propane gives 450fps using m733 inner barrel... your gonna have to run CQB to get it to 400. I agree its more efficicent, but Im not gonna switch over to KJW simply because:
I learn how to operate an Colt SMG at a range perfectly while never held anything resemble an AR-15. (The guy thought I was a weirdo the fact that I used the SPORT ways to clear a jam)
I can tell you right now I can pretty much build an AR-15 from ground up just due to the fact I build my new GBBR from scratch (Im not joking, it's all parts. None from WA, none are preinstalled. Had to assemble the trigger assemble, fire assembly, etc)

In short I want the replication to be exact, NOT close (KJW), NOT similiar (WE)
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Old October 1st, 2009, 01:53   #90
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Kullwarrior personnally i think internally that similarities to the real steel shouldn't matter as much, performance should always come first .who cares if it doesn't look exactly the same on the indside as long as it performs well and doesn't break down

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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