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Matrix PDI Type springs... from / EVIKE


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Old March 5th, 2010, 21:13   #1
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Matrix PDI Type springs... from / EVIKE

have you guys tried any of these springs? hows the quality of an Matrix PDI Type 130%, FPS? Consistent? are the FPS on the website as accurate as they say in real life?
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Old March 5th, 2010, 21:14   #2
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simple answer evike = bad dont deal with them
matrix brand = cheapo bad crap
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Old March 5th, 2010, 21:47   #3
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Avoid evike like the plague.

Modify is what most people recommend for price/performance. What kind of power are you looking for? Sorry I don't know what "130%" corresponds to (I'd assume it's 130% of a standard 1J spring, in which case it would be shooting just under 430 FPS?).

Anyways.... go with modify.
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Old March 5th, 2010, 22:27   #4
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Consistency is somewhat poor when it comes to PDI springs and I dont think they have brought up the quality control on that at all over the last few years either. You are better off with another brand like modify or Prometheus.

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Old March 5th, 2010, 22:47   #5
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ya that's what i used, ms100 prometheus spring. I just wanted to try the matrix PDI, because it says 320 to 350 FPS with the 130% on evike. Some people say they're close to angel springs, which i never seen how it looks like before or dont even know where to get them...

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Consistency is somewhat poor when it comes to PDI springs and I dont think they have brought up the quality control on that at all over the last few years either. You are better off with another brand like modify or Prometheus.
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Old March 5th, 2010, 23:00   #6
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Evike lists all their springs in a very strange manor by saying such and such a spring is this and between this and this FPS, it seems like its shady and their just talking out their ass. Most normal retailers would simply list the spring and its rating or the average FPS that it would grant when used in a stock AEG. To list a spring as somewhere between 320 and 350 is just utter garbage.

I wish I could work at evike and have magical springs that are between 320 and 350fps and have it work at whatever out put I need in between 320 and 350 by simply willing it to function so.

Dont be dumb, dont buy anything from them.

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Old March 5th, 2010, 23:20   #7
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No comment on the spring fps. On another note.... I ordered from evike and they ripped me off big time. Long story short... $300 order.... $80 in handling charges and $60 in shipping. Btw I don't mean border fees... I mean they charged me $80 usd to put parts in a box and bring it to the post office. After I asked for my money back and asked to cancel my order their answerwas short. "we offer a standard 33% refund policy"

Never f***ing order from evike period
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Old March 6th, 2010, 10:38   #8
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Evike is one of the larger US retailers, but they are hit-or-miss when it comes to online shopping. I have to travel to Los Angeles for work frequently, so most of the time when I buy from them, I just go to their store. It's probably the nicest and largest airsoft store that I have been to. But it is also easy to make sure you are getting what you pay for when you can physically see and touch it.

When I order online, it is usually smaller items and, of course, the shipping and handling isn't the huge tax like they charge Canadians. There are other people that I know of who have had wrong items shipped from Evike, so as I said, it is hit-or-miss.

Their "Matrix" brand is just an in-house brand name for many different ACM products. That being said, I think the tolerances on ACM products are less strict than mainstream products, so I think that is why they say their springs have a range--they have a 350 spring that might not be 100% quality, and so they only get 320 out of it. I would not count on the 130% spring to be on par with the real PDI spring.
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Old March 6th, 2010, 11:12   #9
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Could be a 130% spring that puts out 420fps too. Lol, seriously, I've had a handful of PDI 150% springs come across my bench, they measured in length anywhere from 6 3/8" long to 7" long, and put out between 350fps and 425fps. Those were for the springs I was able to compress enough to get the mechbox closed, there were two that I wasn't able to, and was obvious if I did get it in, the V2 mechbox would explode within the first few hundred rounds.
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Old June 25th, 2010, 17:56   #10
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Oh ya I forgot to put the FPS reading i got for the matrix 130% spring... With my systema 6.04 tight bore barrel in my P90 I was getting an average of 340 FPS, I was using my xcortech chronograph and I must say its very consistent compare to the other PDI springs out there.
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