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MT Thompson M1A1 Vs: CYMA Thompson M1A1???


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Old October 3rd, 2010, 23:20   #16
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For a 1911, if trademarks aren't important but performance is: I recommend the KWA M1911DS PTP. It is a reasonable replica of the 1911, but with dual stack so it holds 26 bbs per mag. Its performance is like an upgraded TM one out of the box.

So for actual gaming it is the best deal going. You get fps and accuracy out of the box without further upgrading. The mags last for years without leaking a bit.

If you want a pretty wall hanger then look to TM or WA. KJW are TM clones, so look carefully at price before getting a clone over a real TM.

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Old October 4th, 2010, 19:31   #17
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thanks for the help all.

I will field test the plastic m1a1 and get back to you.
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Old October 11th, 2010, 09:55   #18
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So I took out the Canadian Tire M1A1 out yesterday, and I like it very much. It has a very nice Rate of Fire, has nice sites, and has a good FPS. I like it very much. I think that it is worth 90 bucks, and that is is very well made. If I can answer any of your questions, please go ahead and post here or PM me.
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Old October 11th, 2010, 10:15   #19
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Not to knock on you or whatever. If it works it works but you can't really judge a gun like that until you've tried out a few.

Also I'm not trying to be mean or anything but ROF and FPS mean shit all after you can get a few BB's out of the barrel per second and 300 FPS with .20's.

Newbies and stuff like higher numbers because if it's higher "it must mean it's good". Not always true. If you can get 400 FPS and 15 BPS but have absolute shit accuracy after 40 feet (deviates in all directions) then that's how it will be. If you have another gun shooting 350 with .20's and they use .28's to bring it even lower down to 295 FPS with .28's and it shoots a respectable 5 BPS and it's accurate out to 100 feet before it starts deviating wildly then IMO it's better than the first gun.

That being said, if it works it works. You could easily have a PTW that craps out on you all the time or a $150 gun that works all the time and hasn't failed even after 100,000 BB's. You're still just using air to push a BB out of a metal tube and trying to tag other people out it doesn't matter if it's a $2000+ PTW shooting that BB or a straw and a BB (well I think there might be rules against that but it's still a hit even if you hit someone with a $30 clearsoft springer (which I'm sad to say that I have been hit with one once because it was a night game and he took out his springer pistol, got me when I popped out around the corner of the back looking for enemy trying to flank and snuck in through the back of the crack shack to get the other guy defending)).
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Old October 11th, 2010, 10:22   #20
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My TM thompson has been running strong for the last 7 years. Only upgrades are metal bushing, top power 170 spring and dean connectors. The rest is stock.

Ok well I did install a custom outer barrel and wood vertical foregrip.
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Old October 11th, 2010, 10:38   #21
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Not to knock on you or whatever. If it works it works but you can't really judge a gun like that until you've tried out a few.

Also I'm not trying to be mean or anything but ROF and FPS mean shit all after you can get a few BB's out of the barrel per second and 300 FPS with .20's.

Newbies and stuff like higher numbers because if it's higher "it must mean it's good". Not always true. If you can get 400 FPS and 15 BPS but have absolute shit accuracy after 40 feet (deviates in all directions) then that's how it will be. If you have another gun shooting 350 with .20's and they use .28's to bring it even lower down to 295 FPS with .28's and it shoots a respectable 5 BPS and it's accurate out to 100 feet before it starts deviating wildly then IMO it's better than the first gun.

That being said, if it works it works. You could easily have a PTW that craps out on you all the time or a $150 gun that works all the time and hasn't failed even after 100,000 BB's. You're still just using air to push a BB out of a metal tube and trying to tag other people out it doesn't matter if it's a $2000+ PTW shooting that BB or a straw and a BB (well I think there might be rules against that but it's still a hit even if you hit someone with a $30 clearsoft springer (which I'm sad to say that I have been hit with one once because it was a night game and he took out his springer pistol, got me when I popped out around the corner of the back looking for enemy trying to flank and snuck in through the back of the crack shack to get the other guy defending)).
I understand what you are saying, and I do understand I am a newbie, but I was just saying my first impression of the gun was a lot better than I expected. All I here about it is that it is junk. It probably will not last as long as a TM M1A1, but it will last long enough if taken care of. If I painted it over, I dont think anyone could see the difference between a full metal cybergun and a Clearsoft M1A1.

What color should I paint the "metal areas" of the M1A1? I really need help with that. If someone could assist me in finding the correct color to paint over the plastic, that would be great.
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Old October 11th, 2010, 11:06   #22
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Originally Posted by Screaming_Eagle View Post
So I took out the Canadian Tire M1A1 out yesterday, and I like it very much. It has a very nice Rate of Fire, has nice sites, and has a good FPS. I like it very much. I think that it is worth 90 bucks, and that is is very well made. If I can answer any of your questions, please go ahead and post here or PM me.
Can you record it and post it on you tube or link it here?
As for the color try a flat black spray paint with a dull coat to finish the job.
Good luck

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Old October 11th, 2010, 11:33   #23
a.k.a. flamethis
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Screamin Eagle- The best paint out there for clearsoft stuff is Krylon Camo paint. It's ultra flat.
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Old October 11th, 2010, 15:28   #24
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First take it apart and clean with mild soapy water (being careful to use latex gloves so there's no human oil on the parts, and give it a rough sanding. Prime with a spray primer. Next go 3 or 4 very light coats (waiting 30 mins or so in between to let it dry to the touch) with Krylon Camo or another matte colour. Finally seal it up with a MATTE clear coat after you let the paint cure (24 hours should be fine for letting it cure). Not a regular clear coat but a special matte one that protects the paint and seals it up.
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