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Pop Can Fps tester


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Old March 7th, 2011, 01:32   #1
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Pop Can Fps tester

Ok, this is just a small test i did to give you some ideas of the minimum amount of FPS it takes to get threw the parts of a CAN to roughly estimate how many FPS your gun is shooting, just in case your cheap and don't want to get a chronograph unit. "Just kidding" i just saw a few threads, but no one did it.

This is a late night test so might not be the best, if you have more info post it up.

This is not the most organized thread but, i was bored and so here you go lol

I used 3 different springs to try and get the best results

First, get yourself a regular EMPTY soda can and rinse it out. hold the can FIRMLY or tape it to a surface about 3cm - 5cm away from the muzzle of your gun,

To start the test, begin by estimating which surface is best suited for your gun or try all.
If you have a stock or mildly upgraded AEG or gas pistol, use the side.
If you have a moderately modified AEG or pistol, use the center part of the bottom.
If that proves to be no problem, aim for the side part of the bottom

(ie. the edge where the bottom surface meets the sides). The edge portion is a little tougher than the central part of the bottom surface.
Now for those really highly modified weapons with maximum upgrades, aim for the top, which is a real challenge that few can meet!

High powered guns over 400fps are capable of doing this High powered guns over 500fps are capable of doing this Obviously nothing beats the accuracy
of a real chronograph (which i used to measure and translate these "can" measurements). Shooting cans is the most quick and effective way to gauge the
approximate power of your weapon.

Note that all test are conducted on standard thin skinned soda cans. Make sure not to use thick skinned soda cans as can be found in some countries.
For example, some countries in Asia and Europe offer thick skinned soda cans that are as hard to penetrate as cannister!

Note that all tests should be conducted from a distance of 2 inches away from the can surface. "Make sure you stay at the same distance for every test" I used a measuring tape.

Here are the approximate FPS ratings for your AEG if you manage to penetrate any of these surfaces in ONE shot! By penetrate,
i mean that the BB must enter cleanly right through the surface and end up on the other side. Cracks and near breakthroughs don't count!
Here are some pictures of the test while doing it.

ONE SIDE FPS threw a side of the can: i estimate 120 or less at 2 inches. My gun cant shoot that low, so im not 100% sure on that one.

(BB remains in can after penetrating one side) 90 to 120 fps " I Think"

All figures are approximated based on tests with an 0.2g BB. Varying weight of BB may alter results as the above FPS values only apply for 0.2g BBs.
All FPS measurements chrono'd with a Madbull v2.
The range of FPS above accounts for minor structural differences between cans which can require a little more FPS to make the mark.

(BB makes it straight through and exits on the other side) 440fps


BOTTOM (CENTRAL) 335.1 + fps
BOTTOM (EDGE) 370.3 +fps
TOP (EDGE) 380 + fps
TOP (CENTRAL) 390 + fps

Here are some pictures, So try to compare what i have here and your results, if it helps, if not buy a chronograph. lol

My GHETO set up

gun and chrono

This is the result of the above picture velocity going threw the top also

not threw the sidewall

Did not go threw top corner

It tore right threw the top side wall

Right threw the bottom side wall


If im missing something let me know.

Magpul G&P M4 Carbine
King Arms Knight's SR-16 Carbine
Team: Delta 5. ASO Username: Maniak

Last edited by Zep; March 7th, 2011 at 01:43..
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Old March 7th, 2011, 01:43   #2
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No. This doesn't work.
This method is VERY inconsistent.

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Old March 7th, 2011, 01:47   #3
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Location: CFB Petawawa
oh i know. Im not saying its perfect but gives somewhat of an idea.

I used 4 cans and it all depended on the gun really. I wouldn't go by this method by all means but was worth testing out myself.

Magpul G&P M4 Carbine
King Arms Knight's SR-16 Carbine
Team: Delta 5. ASO Username: Maniak

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