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#121 |
Damn, and I just finished pinning my mags to 5 BBs. Now where's that pin punch....
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#122 |
Prancercise Guru
It is a sad sad world when a shit pump on workers comp for a made up injury can't play "gangsta" with a pellet gun.
What happens next; no more welfare cheques? What the Fuck indeed.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings. |
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#123 | |||
Lego Head
Nothing changes with this "ruling" on further review because it really is a basic hashing of everything that has let us be "legal" for the last 16 years or so.
_________________________________ "The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband! ![]() |
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#124 |
You don't understand do you? By being declared 'firearms' they fall into a very different category than the previously 'grey areas' that we have been used to, and the interpretation and enforcement of firearms law in this country is very strict. Where there used to be ambiguity and officer discretion for a bb gun on the way to a game, with firearms it's far more rigid and harsh. And I'm not talking about the obviously stupid and dangerous behaviour, I'm talking about basic things like storage, transport, magazine limits, pointing, zoning..
I really really hope that you guys are right and that this is nothing. But it sure don't sound like nothing. But I do hope that in fact nothing changes for us. Fingers crossed. As Solomon Freidman a firearms law expert and lawyer, said on TV the other day; lock up your airsoft guns, transport them like real guns, cross every T and dot every I because there is no previous case law for being charged with a regulatory firearms offence over an airsoft gun yet so who knows what will happen going forward. |
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#125 |
I will eat my words if I am wrong and I hope I am! Because this sucks!
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#126 | ||
1. A kitchen knife can be a weapon in the case of concealed weapon when it is proven before the fact that intent to use it as a weapon was present at the time it was concealed. In the even of "i had a knife in my pocket and i used it to defend myself", it would still count as a concealed weapon. This would require one to ask, why did you have the knife in the first place, and why was it concealed. Case by case basis, but you're wrong in general. 2. Please, explain to me the original purpose and design of the device so called "firearm", because clearly 99% of the world is wrong and you are right! 3. Nothing has stopped them before from enforcing it... what makes you think there's an incentive for them to start enforcing it now? If it weren't for people like you who have graced us with your presence and fear mongering, i do not believe the RCMP would be looking into these types of crimes to control. This case law isn't even significant to mention. Try spreading the news that a drug is now legal; that will get the unit commander's attention to spread the word in the parade room. 4. That's gambler's fallacy. Unless this case is similar to the ones you hypothetically referenced, there is little reason to believe this claim. Quote:
2. Interesting you reference a bank robbery. Do you know what a robbery constitutes? Definition: theft with violence. Do i need to discharge my firearm to commit robbery, or is simply pointing at the teller, according to you, non-violent, and therefore only theft? Case law and the majority of cops will interpret and dictate that it is a violent crime. Simply pointing a gun at a person is considered a threat; you are going to shoot and, with all intents and purposes of pointing, intend to shoot. This assumption is not fallacious in anyway because this demeanor is dictated by the inherent nature of a firearm that is a weapon. 3. Citation please. The last SCC ruling of R. v. Dunn 2014 ruled to dismiss the appeal, and to call a retrial on the remaining 3 charges. Furthermore, the charge of assault need not specific intent; only general intent. It is not necessary to prove that the accused intended to do harm. |
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#127 | |
Lego Head
I fully understand. I'm telling you that this changed nothing and only puts your toys into the exact area that made them legal to use for so long. If they're declared a "controlled firearm" or "replica Firearm" then you're up shit creek with out a paddle. Right now they're no different than any other pellet gun you pick up at Crappy Tire. As for the "pointing" you again have little to worry, as the definition is left open so as to not open a new can of legal worms for sports such as paintball or toy nerf guns etc etc. Zoning is a completely different nightmare from this. Which is what I was hinting toward with the city by-laws.
_________________________________ "The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband! ![]() |
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#128 | ||
And lastly, what facts and additional arguments did you think I needed to provide when for the most part, I was agreeing with you? |
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#129 | |
Lego Head
Changing the tone of my comments is a very odd way to agree with me. Enough people have told you to quit while you're ahead. It really is time to start listening.
_________________________________ "The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband! ![]() |
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#130 | |
Prancercise Guru
For the Nth time in this thread. They are and always have been firearms. That's how you could import them yourself by referencing the RCMP FRT; the Firearms Reference Table. The "shitpump" based his defense on them not being firearms and the current interpretation being wrong. He was found guilty because he made a lot of poor choices in the past and was led astray by bad actors and he's turning his life around this weekend; oh sorry wrong thread,,,,,,,,,,,, He was found guilty by the very same law that lets you own airsoft. Often termed in lay circles as "Poetic Justice".
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings. |
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#131 | |
1. Kitchen knives. Seems like we agree. Some form of intent is required for a kitchen knife to be deemed a weapon. 2. As I have yet proposed a definition of firearm, I don't see how you figure I am right and 99% of the world is wrong, sarcastically or otherwise. There are numerous reference points in law, be they the firearms act, the criminal code or case law, that generally reflect the popular notion that firearms are designed to kill. I personally think this is absurd, because there are many firearms, like every airsoft firearm, that in fact were not designed to kill. 3. I don't really follow your point. I never said there was an incentive. How ever pending legal action usually presents a barrier to action, so the RCMP as a federal organization may have refrained from doing anything about the Ontario COurt of Appeal ruling until AFTER the supreme court appeal process wrapped up. No point jumping into action just cause an Ontario Court said something when it can get overturned soon after by the next court up. Further, I have stated several times now that the RCMP do not have resources to even begin looking in to this, and despite what they MAY want to do with it, they probably can't do a whole lot at this point. Where is the fear mongering? 4. Gamblers Fallacy? Actually, the cases mentioned above are in fact quite similar. Its the same set of laws, down to the very section that were being enforced, the meaning of the same words being debated, and the same law enforcement agency taking an adverse interpretation of law to the detriment of the same class of citizen. Round 2 1. Population of Canada is 35 million. https://www.google.ca/webhp?sourceid...%20of%20canada What exactly is irresponsible about taking the bus to the gun range? I didn't know car ownership was a prerequisite for gun ownership. Absolutely agree that homelessness is a bigger social issue than taking the bus with a gun, but that was our courts and politicians that made that call, not me. 2. Yes I know what a robbery constitutes. No, you do not need to discharge the firearm. Never said pointing a gun was non violent. In fact I've advocated the opposite. Yes, pointing a FIREARM is considered a threat. And guess what, airsoft guns are now FIREARMS. Do you get it now? you've completed the circle for all to see. FIREARMs, which NOW INCLUDES AIRSOFT, are WEAPONS!, regardless of weather or not they meet the intent based definition of weapon in the criminal code. When I said this was a non violent case, it was because the pointing a firearm charge, the only violent act, resulted in acquittal. The appeal then proceeded on only non violent charges. Handling a firearm in a careless manner is not violent. Carrying a weapon for a purpose dangerous to the public is non violent, and is used to charge people who the police BELIEVE is up to no good, but can't prove anything else. It is one of the most contentious sections of the code. Concealing a firearm is non violent. Don't get me wrong, these are all undesireable behaviours. They simply are not violent the same way pointing or threatening with a gun is. 3. SC of Canada RvDunn 2014. https://www.canlii.org/en/ca/scc/doc...2014scc69.html Dismissed the appeal, didn't overturn anything or order any new trials. Simply agreed with the Ontario Court of Appeal, giving national recognition of the legal reasoning of that court. Ontario Court of Appeal, R v Dunn 2013 https://www.canlii.org/en/on/onca/do...13onca539.html Set aside acquittals of the trial judge, and ordered a new trial, except, and I quote from the last paragraph " I would not interfere with the acquittal on count 2 of pointing a firearm given the trial judge’s finding of fact that the respondent did not point the firearm at his friend." Here's the take away for airsofters. Guy is accused of pointing a pellet gun at his friend, and despite being acquitted on that charge because in fact he never pointed a gun at anyone, he was convicted of three separate criminal code offences, issued a prohibition order, banned from being in possession of anything resembling a firearm and must surrender any such items. Welcome to the big boy world of firearms laws. And you think this is a good thing? Last edited by Cameron SS; November 20th, 2014 at 16:55.. |
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#132 | |
Airsoft guns have been "firearms" for years, this is not new. We know, if you do something stupid with your airsoft guns, like commit a crime or wave it around it public, you're f*****. We know. If you transport your guns loaded and ready in plain view, you're dumb. We know. If you leave it lying around loaded on your kitchen table and your kid shoots his eye out, you're dumb, we know. We can all keep an eye on our favourite AS retailers and see if anything else develops, but enough is enough here. Over 9 pages, we've got more than enough of your interpretation of the situation. |
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#133 | |
since when did something have to make sense for it to be law? and anyone that thinks that a supreme court ruling has no affect should try and buy a non restricted firearm in Quebec and not register it. the law states its illegal to have a gun registry but because of the supreme court ruling you will still be charged for being in possession of an unregistered non restricted. |
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#134 | ||
OUR GUNS HAVE BEEN FIREARMS SINCE 2012. Please stop ignoring this statement when you post your replies about all the "new" rules we have to abide by. We are all abiding by the rules set out 2 years ago, and none of them have changed because our guns ARE STILL the same firearms they were. *rage subsiding* |
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#135 | |
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