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Improving accuracy?


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Old June 18th, 2006, 01:31   #31
Join Date: Feb 2005
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Check the little nub to make sure it is smooth and even, maybe run it up and down a few times to make sure it works, give a little silicone, etc.

As long as it looks good, no reason to take that apart. If it is looking a bit weird, you can always take it apart -- carefully, and put a bit of oil in, make sure everything is fitting right.

If you put too much oil on the barrel/hopup, it will take a few hundred shots to work itself off again though.


You'll need to partially dissemble the gun to do this.
Can't help you on that part though, I haven't owned an AK--yet.

Your manual should show you how to strip it down enough to get to the barrel and hop-up.
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Old June 18th, 2006, 03:12   #32
RC Collins
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Originally Posted by Kid
Check the little nub to make sure it is smooth and even, maybe run it up and down a few times to make sure it works, give a little silicone, etc.

As long as it looks good, no reason to take that apart. If it is looking a bit weird, you can always take it apart -- carefully, and put a bit of oil in, make sure everything is fitting right.

If you put too much oil on the barrel/hopup, it will take a few hundred shots to work itself off again though.


You'll need to partially dissemble the gun to do this.
Can't help you on that part though, I haven't owned an AK--yet.

Your manual should show you how to strip it down enough to get to the barrel and hop-up.
My hop-up adjustment knob looks normal, it has a smooth movement both ways. I don't want to start stripping that apart and be in over my head. I may take it back to where I got it ( a VERY good shop, with a guy that REALLY knows what he is doing) and I'll leave it to him to fix this little problem and put that tight bore on, even though it's a 7 hour drive. I'll find an excuse to go. :razz: Well I cleaned my barrel, that improved the accuracy a SMALL bit. I tiny metal shaving came out on the cloth. This is a brand new gun, but who knows how long it's been sitting on the wall display in the shop, and what happened during the upgrade (even though I watched it happen). The accuracy is still allot off though. Maybe this is just normal for AEG's, maybe I'm too picky, and maybe I should just get that tight bore and hope for the best. One thing I did notice though, cleaning my barrel seems to have sped up the fps's... it shoots at 390 fps, but now when I put my paper target in front of the piece of cardboard I use, it RIPS though it!. Before it would kind of just punch holes though the cardboard. Anyway I'm still not impressed with the accuracy, but what can you do. Hey it's more like a real AK anyway right? I heard they have bad accuracy. :smack: Thanks for the help guys.
Max Hardcore rocks! :twisted:
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Old June 18th, 2006, 04:15   #33
RC Collins
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Ok I know what the problem is now. :banghead: The front site is crooked, the barrel is straight, but the front site leans to the left a bit.
Does anyone know how I can straighten that out? I tried just cranking it to the left, but doesn't really work.... should I take out the dummy cleany rod, and then somehow adjust it?.... or? ...please help..... :-?
Max Hardcore rocks! :twisted:
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Old June 18th, 2006, 04:16   #34
RC Collins
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(I meant crank it to the right)
Max Hardcore rocks! :twisted:
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Old June 18th, 2006, 07:14   #35
RC Collins
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Ok I guess I'm posting to myself now but that's ok, if anyone else has this problem they can learn from this I guess.
I know for fact now that my front site is crooked. So when I aim now, I aim between the center post and right side post on the front site > looks something like this >
( | )
-so I aim right here (but a bit closer to the center post)>
( |*)
-still using the rear site as normal. This puts 30 shots within 1 inch at 25 ft!!!!! can you say STOKED? yeah I'm pretty happy. I just shot all 30 within the center 3 on a TM target. AK's rock, just figure out how to shoot it if your front site is crooked. What's funny is I could hand this to someone to shoot at a target, they wouldn't be able to hit shit. Then I would take it, and I'd know the trick to it, and kill it!

I don't know how much better it will be with a tightbore.... damn I get chills thinking about it...!
Max Hardcore rocks! :twisted:
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Old June 18th, 2006, 10:31   #36
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
You got me curious.

Would the concept of a free floating barrel (applies to firearms) work with airsoft? Has it been tried?

This may belong best in a thread of it's own to be explored further (and in the Upgrades/Mods section entirely).
Unless the inner barrel is securely mounted, free floating will only cause problems. Look at my Glock 19, I used to get all my shots on a peice of paper at 30ft, and I mean ALL over the paper. Then I discovered that when the slide was closed, there was about 1mm of movement in any direction with my inner barrel, stick a pen in there and it moves everywhere super easy. I installed a thicker and slightly larger O-ring on the barrel, no more play, got me nice ~5" groups after that, then I installed a tightbore and that knocked me down to ~4" groups at 30ft. For a GBB that's pretty decent.

Free floating DID in fact make my KJW M700 shoot much tighter groups though, simply because the outer barrel wanted to lean to the left, but part of the design was a mount that holds the inner barrel in line with the stock, puts a slight bend in the outer barrel, makes the same slight bend in the inner barrel. I was lucky to get CD sized groups at 30ft with it, after free floating the barrel I get 1" groups easy, sometimes dime sized.
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Old June 18th, 2006, 10:58   #37
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Originally Posted by RC Collins
Originally Posted by Digital_Assasin
adjust your sights
I did, I raise / lower both the front and rear site. Doesn't make a difference. I can shoot from the hip at 4 feet away, and still my shots will be off. Unless there is some way of adjusting my sights that I don't know about...? Anyway I'm certain the problem is internal.
Raising or Lowering (Elevation) won't affect your grouping if it is going to the Left or Right (Windage). To correct the grouping to the right you will need to adjust your rear sights windage to the left.

Also shooting from the hip does not let you use the sights.... Try holding the gun properly or sit down at a table and do the shots so that you have a stable shooting platform. Shoot 5 bbs see where they land, adjust your sights a bit, repeat until they are hitting where you are aiming.

The bent forward sight that you mentioned is a slight larger problem and may not be able to be accounted for in the range of windage adjustment available on the rear sight. I suggest you contact a gun doctor or some one else that owns an AK for suggestions on correcting that issue.
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Old June 21st, 2006, 07:09   #38
RC Collins
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Originally Posted by Digital_Assasin
Originally Posted by RC Collins
Originally Posted by Digital_Assasin
adjust your sights
I did, I raise / lower both the front and rear site. Doesn't make a difference. I can shoot from the hip at 4 feet away, and still my shots will be off. Unless there is some way of adjusting my sights that I don't know about...? Anyway I'm certain the problem is internal.
Raising or Lowering (Elevation) won't affect your grouping if it is going to the Left or Right (Windage). To correct the grouping to the right you will need to adjust your rear sights windage to the left.

Also shooting from the hip does not let you use the sights.... Try holding the gun properly or sit down at a table and do the shots so that you have a stable shooting platform. Shoot 5 bbs see where they land, adjust your sights a bit, repeat until they are hitting where you are aiming.

The bent forward sight that you mentioned is a slight larger problem and may not be able to be accounted for in the range of windage adjustment available on the rear sight. I suggest you contact a gun doctor or some one else that owns an AK for suggestions on correcting that issue.
Yeah that's what I meant, adjusting up and down on front and rear sights doesn't do anything for adjusting left to right. It's to bad you can't adjust the sights left to right.
I shot from the hip to see if it was my barrel or sights that were off. I soon found it was my sights, they look obviously bent to the left when you sight on the right side of them and shoot.. I don't know why this is, it is a brand new gun. My shots went to the right all the time, and so when I aim through the right "hole" between the middle and right side, it's right on target. Makes sense. So it will be a while until I can get this fixed (I don't want to ship my gun), I'm thinking to black out the left side of the sight, maybe with some tape or something. I don't really need too, but may make it easier during "rapid target aquasition"... anyway thanks for the help. :cheers:
Max Hardcore rocks! :twisted:
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