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Tm VSR-10 (Upgrades)



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Old October 20th, 2006, 12:50   #46
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To the nines is a figure of speech....

On the topic of cylinder drilling...a dremel a small bit and a lot of patience. It took me about 30 minutes to drill it out because I didn't want to widen the hole. If you are afraid that it will leak, super glue a piece of rubber in the whole and just make sure it is flat on the inside. It is also a good idea to use the flexible extension; it gives you a little more dexterity.
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Old October 28th, 2006, 17:26   #47
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So... I currently lack a (ie: Broke my) dremel, and I found out the fun way, that there is no way a cordless hand drill has the RPM to even bite into the pin. That doesn't bother me much thought.

What is bothering me, is that I want the stupid O-ring from that stock cylinder, cause, oh man, does the O-ring that you get with the Zero-Trigger suck a big one. I tried the compression test that Tsuru recommended (Post #30), and the gun did fire with more of the air leaving backwards then forwards.

Does anyone have a clue what O-ring size would have a similar fit to the stock O-ring? I have read on a different sniper forum, that the O-ring that TM uses is between something like #11 and #12. Just hoping someone could verify that for me.

Thanks for all your help so far everyone.

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Old February 6th, 2007, 01:19   #48
JDM Narin
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Some odd reason I am having a brain fart and dont remeber what I was going to look for. But it had to do with somethine along the lines of barrels... For the VSR-10 if I wanted to lengthen the barrel (outter there are only 2 sizes?) and if I do I would definitely need to increase the length of the inner barrel. Now my brain fart of the day is what sizes match up to what?


575 outter to 555 inner?

Does that make sense? I didnt think it did....

Math exam is hurting my head with numbers. Could someone please confirm the according inner barrel length with a 575 outter barrel length please and thank you.
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Old February 6th, 2007, 12:25   #49
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There are many outer barrel sizes, Laylax makes: 450mm, 575mm, and 700mm outers for the VSR series. Your math should be right, the VSR-10 G-spec is about 330mm (IIRC) and the barrels for it are 303mm.
The difference in length comes from the fact that (obviously) the inner doesn't come out as far as the outer, just look into the barrel of your G-spec, the difference comes from the silencer treading. If you do get a longer barrel make sure you pick up some (2-4) barrel spacers to stablize the inner if your using a 150%

Oh, and I got a new dremel and swapped in the O-ring, my VSR-10 isn't losing compression anymore YAY, Still need that stock piston Tsuru?

Has anyone else noticed the 200% VSR-10 springs that ACA has in stock for 20 bucks?

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Old June 18th, 2007, 00:03   #50
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Hey what's up bean, i'm new the the site and still pretty new to airsoft. But anyway i was looking for a long range rifle since i already got a TM P90tr and thought that was pretty sweet, so i was wondering if the VSR-10 would be a good choice for me becasue i'm looking for something that's really quiet, and can hit like a dinner plate at about 150-200 feet.

So from the looks of it and what i have read, what you've done to yours can do this.

So my questions are:

what was the total cost of yours? (not including the scope)

what would you do different?

or is there another rifle that tops out this one all together that's around the same price range?

alright that's it, any help would be great.

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Old June 18th, 2007, 09:35   #51
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I like the vsr due to the cheapness of normal rifle. Its rather silent and has lots of parts to work with. Are you in canada? if not then you will get your parts cheaper then I would anyways. If your in canada try email them what you want.
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Old June 21st, 2007, 22:30   #52
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I bought a USR-11 a couple of months back and yep, you've guessed it, I want those upgrades! I've heard & read good things & bad about the zero trigger setup and, seeing as there doesn't appear to be that many on the market right now I was wondering what the next best upgrades would be.

I'm in Canada so I'm expecting to pay a bit more than usual, but I'm not too bothered about it.

Based on my (limited) experience I was thinking that a 140 spring with the strengthened sears (what are the stainless steel ones like?), spring guide and the teflon cylinder might get me there. I'd prefer to be chambering the 0.30 round, hence the slightly stronger spring.

I've also noticed a 'neo' piston for the VSR10, what exactly is that? Is it better or worse than the teflon piston?

Any opinions or advice would be very much appreciated.


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Old June 23rd, 2007, 15:07   #53
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Personally with my VSR I just dropped the money to get the zero trigger. I ordered two of them through I think it was UNC without issues. When I ordered everything, I think it came to about $700CDN for just the parts and another $450-ish for the gun itself. In all honestly though, getting the zero trigger eliminates a lot of hassle, as the sears are surprisingly strong, I run a 170 spring most of the time and there is little to no wear on the sears of the PDI Zero Trigger.

I havn't heard anything about the neo piston, but I do have the teflon piston. The teflon piston is nice and smooth and greatly reduces the effort for my bolt pull. Only downside is that you lose the nice silver colour but that is merely a cosmetic issue.

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Old June 23rd, 2007, 19:26   #54
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Your referring to the teflon cylinder. the neo piston is just the piston that comes with the laylax zero trigger. Also are you referring to the laylax or pdi tirgger calvin? there is a huge difference between the two.
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Old June 28th, 2007, 16:27   #55
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Both the PDI v-Trigger and the Laylax/FF/PSS10 Zero Trigger do work on roughly the same principle to hold the piston after cocking the rifle. The stock setup the way TM made the gun forces the piston to wedge up against the roof of the cylinder whereas both the v-Trigger and the Zero Trigger put a vertical stop to hold the piston until the sear is released. From what I've seen of the APS2/CA M-24 it's very similar to those trigger mechs. That being said I'm pretty sure the Zero Trigger will only work with the Zero Piston and the v-Trigger will only work with a PDI piston.
One thing to watch out for: The Zero Trigger is built for the TM VSR-10 and not the HFC USR-11. Yes the two guns are compatible but there is apparently a great deal of work that needs to be done to the receiver in order to get the Zero Trigger to work with the HFC.
Calvin: I might still want that piston since I've done some very unusual stuff to my second stock one and it's starting to crack. PM me if you still have it and if so with a price.
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Old June 28th, 2007, 17:10   #56
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Man to think I was almost able to buy that gun.
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Old June 29th, 2007, 00:20   #57
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Don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong with the HFC for the price. It does have a much cheaper stock and the overall finish is a little rough but we're talking about a gun that is close to half the price of the TM. The part about the Zero Trigger is just to inform people that you can't just slap it on and expect it to work...not that you're able to do that in most cases anyways.
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Old June 29th, 2007, 18:23   #58
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You will need to file and shim it to get it to work and it will be annoying believe me
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Old July 13th, 2007, 17:18   #59
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Well, I guess I will ask it here as this seems to be the most relevant thread for it.

Anyone seen the KA Gas Piston for the VSR yet? I have been looking at getting one for quite a while now, But I just havn't been able to find any kind of info on it at all. To be honest, the thought intreages me more then anything, as It would be something a little different then what everyone else does to there VSR's. So, anyone seen, heard, touched the gas piston system?

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Old July 13th, 2007, 22:05   #60
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It should be a pretty interesting upgrade.

The cylinder in question is here:

Which is most likely used in here:

Which in turn was mentioned here:

Redwolf rates the velocity at 450fps (I assume with .2's and propane? duster?) which is what I get with my PDI 200 spring but it does it without the heavy cocking action... My question in addition to yours is how many shots do you get out of a full charge? 10? 20? Since you're using a sniper rifle you are probably using heavier ammo than most (.28's or .3's) so I think you'd be using more propellant per shot. PLUS you have to carry a propane canister around with you... Like I say.. an interesting upgrade. I'd love to try one for a day...
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