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Old February 24th, 2011, 21:44   #181
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Some used Pelican 1700's on Ebay right now. Foam can be purchased seperately. I really like the Pelican cases, but its tough to be stealth with them as everyone knows there's a gun in the box. I get some strange looks carrying one of my high end airguns around in a hard case. I notice when I use a soft case, no one gives me a second glance.
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Old February 26th, 2011, 09:17   #182
AKA ExtraExtra
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I did a bit more digging and found this site. There's single and double layer of all sorts. They will ship to Canada with taxes and duties included so no surprises.

This one I like as it includes the space I need for double layer and long enough to put other items. Come with foam. Total is about $200.
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Old February 18th, 2012, 10:49   #183
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Originally Posted by annesmith12329 View Post
The VFC AK-105 features a stamped steel receiver and a one-piece outer barrel to make it sturdy, a good 330 fps out of the box and a working bolt carrier for realism when you shoot. We take a look at the Systema PTW M733 MAX, a limited edition gun. This review covers all you may need to know about this gun (and more!) with detailed comments on how the gun operates and performs.
Nice try you spamming motherf#&@er.

But, in case anyone needs to know, the M733 was Gen 3 electronics with an early 490 motor. Not the best combo, and I would be surprised if any of them still have Gen 3 electronics. There were only 2 that came into Canada from what I remember, and one of them had a cracked lower from shipping damage, so really the the only identifying feature left on that gun is the 11.5" barrel.
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Old May 22nd, 2012, 11:32   #184
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Interesting note I've found from PTW forum

personally I found an issue with this...

Redwolf's picture on a Supermax M4 says:4847110
M4-2008-Unit#471-10 (October)

Supermax didn't start until 2011 AFAIK
Originally Posted by Sgt Yu
Externally: Serial number:

First digit "4" would mean it was made for a M4/M4A1/M4 CQBR rifle. "2" would be M16A2, and "3" would mean for M16A3.

Second/two digit "8-9-10-11" means the year the body was produced.

Three digits follow is the batch or lot number that the unit was produced, if it says "100", that just mean your unit was 100th unit of that year.

Last/two digit "1-12" would mean the month of that year that the unit was produced.


4824207 = Model M4 variant, 2008 Production body, 242th unit of that year, and made in July of 2008.

Like Tackleberry stated, motor housing would have another unique set of serial number, and the concept also applies there.

Last edited by kullwarrior; May 22nd, 2012 at 11:40..
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Old July 11th, 2012, 15:41   #185
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Quick question from a PTW newb, guys:

I have a black cylinder (M90) that I've tossed a heavier spring in (bumped it up to roughly 400fps)... will this cause any damage to the cylinder/other parts? Or can any cylinder handle any type of spring?

I'll pick up an M125 cylinder eventually (looking at the new FCC cylinders) but was hoping this could be a stop-gap measure until then.

Thanks in advance for your help.
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Old July 11th, 2012, 15:49   #186
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All the cylinders up to M110 are the same (aside from colour). M130+ and they're different

Between them, there's an additional port cut into the cylinder to allow the piston to get up to speed before the compression starts.

That said...I've thrown all sorts of springs into the same cylinder body. All it's changed is the FPS, the shot cycle/etc didn't get messed up. That said some spring/cylinder combos might be less than optimal.

***should note that these comments all have to do with 2007/2008 PTW stuff

Last edited by m102404; July 11th, 2012 at 15:55..
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Old July 11th, 2012, 16:34   #187
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Thanks for the reply, m1. Are the cylinder internals (piston, nozzle etc) all the same as well?
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Old July 11th, 2012, 16:42   #188
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So far as I know...yes, they are all the same internals.
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Old July 11th, 2012, 19:38   #189
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There is a thicker cylinder head bumper and or-ring on the M150.

M165 is cut for a larger sun gear, and until this year no other cylinders were cut for use with a SuperMAX.

All cylinders made after 2006 use the same design of spring guide, piston, rack gear, piston head. Slight changes were made to materials like polyurethane nozzle o-ring in 2007 from Viton, and stainless spring guide and cylinder head in 2008.
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Old July 12th, 2012, 19:24   #190
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Thanks for your replies, gentlemen. I feel a little better about popping a heavier spring in my black cylinder now.

The previous owner gave me a couple of "dead" motors that he had lying around - apparently they need to be rewound. Is there anywhere online that can fix these up and get them functional again? I'm pretty happy with the FCC 2.0 motor I have in there right now, but I've heard horror stories about motors dying and I've love to had a backup or two just in case.

I must say I'm thrilled with the performance of my PTW. Granted it was pretty heavily upgraded by the previous owner so it's far from stock, but I'm still impressed with the accuracy/range I'm getting out of it. By far the best performing airsoft replica I've ever used. Glad to be part of the club.
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Old July 12th, 2012, 19:36   #191
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Originally Posted by dizzale21 View Post
Thanks for your replies, gentlemen. I feel a little better about popping a heavier spring in my black cylinder now.

The previous owner gave me a couple of "dead" motors that he had lying around - apparently they need to be rewound. Is there anywhere online that can fix these up and get them functional again? I'm pretty happy with the FCC 2.0 motor I have in there right now, but I've heard horror stories about motors dying and I've love to had a backup or two just in case.

I must say I'm thrilled with the performance of my PTW. Granted it was pretty heavily upgraded by the previous owner so it's far from stock, but I'm still impressed with the accuracy/range I'm getting out of it. By far the best performing airsoft replica I've ever used. Glad to be part of the club.
you need to contact Chris Evans at Double tap tactical he's done work on my new PTW M16 it's nice but not as nice as a FCC in the end I caved and end up getting a custom FCC rifle from Chris

In terms of FCC some people swears by it some hate it, I'm a slow convert what made me finally jump in with both feet is the superior performance of their G2.5 motor and theri box when compared to the 2012 PTW (My M16A3) it's like comparing a PTW vs a JG the difference is night and day and on my end deffinitely worth the extra $$

Last edited by wildcard; July 12th, 2012 at 19:42..
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Old July 20th, 2012, 03:22   #192
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The extra holes in the cylinders forward of the piston rack slot you are talking about, would these holes be there to reduce cylinder volume (same as any AEG cylinder matching barrel length to cylinder volume)?

I have a RED cylinder in my PTW (no hole) I get 40fps +/- in my M-4 length barrel with the same RED cylinder spring depending what cylinder I put it in.

The RED cylinder shoots less FPS, due to the fact the cylinder in longer, as the piston starts to move forward it pushes the BB down the barrel, as the BB leaves the barrel I have not reached the full benefit of the piston speed and cylinder pressure.

Seems to me the RED cylinder would be better off in the M-16?

Any one else found the same? any thoughts?
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Old August 2nd, 2012, 05:31   #193
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My M4A1 was supplied with an unported black cylinder which averages 300fps and swapping the cylinder for a ported blue cylinder increases the fps by an average of 26fps.

Similarly swapping a M110 spring between an unported black and a ported blue results in an average fps of 360 and 388 respectively.

I just use it as another method of fine tuning fps using combination of ported, unported and spacers to achieve the fps I require.
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Old August 8th, 2012, 23:03   #194
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For those of you having issues with the bolt catch using Pmags.

This tab needs to be shaved down a bit. This photo isn't the best to demonstrate but you'll notice the tab has two different levels. If you shave the thicker part down to the same thickness as the top of the tab, you shouldn't have anymore problems with the bolt catch kicking in.

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Old September 2nd, 2012, 21:35   #195
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I've been saving my pennies and I'm excited to say I'm going to be joining the "ptw club" shortly. I've been talking with Chris from DTT and he's been great. I'm leaning towards getting the 2012 max DTT custom which comes with their a hop-up and motor mod.

From what I've come across the motor and waterproofing issues as well as a hop mod seem to be the most important issues to take care of off the bat.

So what I'm looking for is any additional advice you would give to a systema newbie. Any handy tips your experience has developed that would have like to have known as a brand new ptw owner.

-Are there any other mods or upgrades that you would recommend?
-What do you do on a regular basis to maintain your ptw?
-What mags would you recommend that will feed 28's & .3's. Has anyone had any experience with the DTT pmags?

Thanks, any advice is much appreciated

Last edited by Kozzie; September 2nd, 2012 at 21:45..
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