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Old March 16th, 2010, 23:01   #16
Join Date: Mar 2010
Originally Posted by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw View Post
Yeah this is NOT a good idea at all. The cottage one for the reason that if its accessible or in view of the public then you will be up shits creek with your local ERT team for a paddle.
Well, I don't think thats an issue, the country I mentionned is like almost 2 hours away from 'civilization'.. ppl there go shoot real hunting rifles anywhere in the woods near shooting pits and locals are used to it. Ppl often go and have paintball or airsoft games in the woods.. Kids learn to shoot guns over we're we go, airsoft is a joke really

Thanks for the tips on getting Age Verified, I think I'll do that soon!
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Old March 16th, 2010, 23:17   #17
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Just because it is accepted doesn't mean its legal.. Is it worth the risk that one day someone panics and just wants to be sure? I don't think so.

But yes I will echo everyone else. Don't waste your money. Be patient. Go out to real games, try renting to see what you like, then once you save up and get AV'd, buy something that is worth your money. While $300 to $500 isn't twice as much money, its like 20x the quality of product you will get.

And one more time I will say... DON'T play in places like that! Just because you've been doing it and getting away with it doesn't mean its ok! One day you will regret it.
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Old March 17th, 2010, 02:12   #18
Short Round
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Originally Posted by GODSPEED|seven View Post
Yeah, although I completely agree with the advice I'm getting, I should have pointed out though that my buddies whom I will go play with, don't go to paintball/airsoft fields, they have some cottage up in the country we'll play at.. either that or some lost abandonned building.

So I'll forget blowback.. and for some reason, someone had told me we cannot have Classic Army here... maybe you can shed some light on this.. where could I get one? All the stores (online and near my place) only have KJW, SRC, KWA and G&G.. I've read so-so reviews about G&G's, so unless I can find something better than SRC... I'll be "stuck" with that. Thanks again!
All I have to say is don't get caught. My friends and I have done this before in his backyard but his property is the biggest in my area (its big enough to get lost in and have an aircraft garage on the property).

If the property your playing on isn't yours, I strongly advise you to steer clear of playing at the cottage. Unless you are in the middle of northen ontario (around kirk lake), then I question why your friend has a cottage there since most towns up there are quite ghosttown like.

Personally I would prefer paintball fields as they have alot more better turnouts, players who are actually quite friendly, and the fields are way suitable for airsofting (atleast Flag Raiders here in KW is quite impressive) then a forest where animals usually linger, as well as poison ivy, oak, and other fun stuff like that.

Last edited by Short Round; March 17th, 2010 at 02:15..
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Old March 17th, 2010, 19:36   #19
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No these are all friends of mines.. the cottage is on private land.. up where i am cottages can have land that is pretty big.. like big forests and all.. I mean there are no rules against paintballing or airsofting in the forest.. seeing as how the forest is not necessarily a public place on private land.. these are not pl I don't know and this is not something new.. I am quite surprised everyone reacts in such a drastic way.. I never heard of ppl not playing paintball or airsoft in the forest... sheesh.. I've been raised and live in a city for over 23 years. but sheesh city ppl are pretty stuck up and don't seem to know how country rules are different than city rules.. anyways, no matter.
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Old March 17th, 2010, 19:38   #20
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Originally Posted by Shooting Addict View Post
Is Mach1 bring in RS for sure then? or do you mean buying them from the classifieds.
E-mail them and ask.

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Old March 17th, 2010, 19:59   #21
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Honestly, I'd forget a pistol (you don't need one to play airsoft) and save more for an AEG.
Agreed. Believe me, I've dumped a shit ton of money into my little pistol collection as is, and I'm only now realizing that if I had just spent the money on a decent AEG/upgrades for that, I could have enjoyed my first game and a half wayyyy more.
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Old March 17th, 2010, 22:29   #22
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Yeah.. I see what you mean.. the cost/usefulness factor is in play..
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Old March 17th, 2010, 22:33   #23
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But why is that? I mean do so many ppl have trouble with Airsoft pistols... maybe I am not comparing the right thing, but I have a 5 year old airgun (pellet gun) that works with CO2... it's never been maintained, nor lubricated.. irregular usage.. etc.. and it still works super well, no gas leak or nothing... and I paid it some crappy 150$ at Canadian Tire.. But a +200$ airsoft pistol won't last for one airsoft game??!!! Why??
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Old March 17th, 2010, 22:48   #24
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Well the explanation to that is a little tricky. Its not that pistols are tricky to maintain. Ive had and maintained the same pistol for over 6 years now and all I do change a few springs every few years. Its more of the usefulness factor mixed with the style of play factor.

More often than not, if you are playing out doors you will be using an AEG. Easier to aim and definitely faster and more accurate to get round down range with sufficient power to punch through bush. A pistol has its uses if you are speedy, switching to secondary is definitely quicker than reload of a primary. However that pistol is only useful if you are with in a sufficient engagement range, and that range generally is a fair distance shorter than that of an AEG. In a CQB environment a pistol is extremely useful as it can be used as both a primary and secondary.

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Old March 27th, 2010, 11:58   #25
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Godspeed, im in the same boat as you, and live in montreal. ive been reading up on airsoft for a while now and am currently saving up for my first AEG as well. from what ive read, the guys at Surplus Ig have great quality guns, im planning on picking up a SRC G36 from them....not sure which one yet, but they have Gen IIIs, which, if i understand well, is the best there is out there for these guns, and the material they use is very solid. as for the color, all you need is a little paint no?
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Old March 27th, 2010, 12:58   #26
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Actually, I don't think you need any paint at all... they look pretty good in my opinion. Sure they have partially transparent receivers, but its very dark anyways..

I've PM'ed Bruce to go and get AV'ed.. but I still haven't received any message back.. I was hoping this could be a quick thing. I really want to take a look at the classifieds here BEFORE I need to go out and get an AEG... so I can have more choice. Anyone know if its normal to wait almost 2 weeks for a reply to get AV'ed... thanks

Last edited by TokyoSeven; March 27th, 2010 at 13:48.. Reason: merge posts
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Old March 27th, 2010, 14:56   #27
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There is always the possibility that the AV rep has seen this thread and will not AV you based-upon your statements of wanting to play airsoft outside of organized fields, that has happened in the past.

I live in the country, I regularly shoot my firearms within minutes if my house. but I wouldn't be seen carrying my AEG or GBB anywhere but at our local field. Most people in the country are used to and comfortable with hunting arms, but blow a complete fit when anything black and scary shows-up.

Very few "fun" things are worth your face in the dirt with a boot on the back of your head or worse.

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Old March 27th, 2010, 17:26   #28
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Originally Posted by GODSPEED|seven View Post
I am quite surprised everyone reacts in such a drastic way.. I never heard of ppl not playing paintball or airsoft in the forest... sheesh.. I've been raised and live in a city for over 23 years. but sheesh city ppl are pretty stuck up and don't seem to know how country rules are different than city rules.. anyways, no matter.
They're not stuck up, they're worried about the delicate nature of the sport. I'm pretty new myself, but I've learned that playing on anything but certified fields is a big no-no. It's one thing to be out in the woods shooting a hunting rifle or duck gun, it's quite another to be caught by RCMP or what have you carrying mock-up assault rifles and wearing full tactical gear. "Country rules" and "city rules" have no effect on the law, and if old grandma Taylor sees you guys running around with these guns she'll call in just about everything but the marines. And I can guarantee you the RCMP won't be happy about it.
Originally Posted by The Chad View Post
IN the earlier days, craftsmen carved the components out of wood and stone. BBs were made from dried fruit.
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Old March 27th, 2010, 17:45   #29
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I bought a G&G GR 16 R4 Commando and it's a tank.. It weighs about 6 and a half pounds. Its all metal accept The Grip, The Stock, The Lower Receiver and the Fore Grip. Only thing s the battery is kind of messed to install but i masted it. I'll prob take pics on how i did it and post it..

If i as to go CQC i would go with a Sub-Machine

BA Level 3 Certified

Last edited by BobbyDangerous; March 27th, 2010 at 17:51..
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Old March 28th, 2010, 15:06   #30
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Originally Posted by p0et View Post
They're not stuck up, they're worried about the delicate nature of the sport. I'm pretty new myself, but I've learned that playing on anything but certified fields is a big no-no. It's one thing to be out in the woods shooting a hunting rifle or duck gun, it's quite another to be caught by RCMP or what have you carrying mock-up assault rifles and wearing full tactical gear. "Country rules" and "city rules" have no effect on the law, and if old grandma Taylor sees you guys running around with these guns she'll call in just about everything but the marines. And I can guarantee you the RCMP won't be happy about it.
I do understand this, and I don't want anyone here thinking I'm arguing and stuff, I'm not trying to act like an asshole or something, no hard feelings I hope!

But to clear things up.. Not even cops can stop you from playing Airsoft or Paintball on your private property, it isn't like they're any neighboors nearby, its a cottage in the woods... (i'm not talking about my city residence here! Although I would be aloud to play paintball or airsoft in my tiny yard, I have enough common sense to realize the effect it can have on others or to the sport itself (Its private property in a public area). I'm talking about a cottage in the woods on privately owned land.

Any airsoft gun that is distributed by the CANADIAN AIRGUN SUPPLY reads the following:
[blah blah blah]....Do not brandish or display this product in public as this may confuse people and may be a crime. Police and others may think this product is a real firearm. Do NOT bring this product to any school or public place. Only use this product in designated Airsoft Fields or on PRIVATE PROPERTY which you have full permission to play on."

In this case playing on privately owned cottage (with full permission) out in the woods is not a crime, it cannot scare anyone, because if someone sees us playing they are tresspassing anyways..

CAS goes on:

"Do NOT change the coloration and markings to make this product look more realistic. This is a dangerous crime."

While I agree everyone here needs to show they are responsible not to give this sport a bad name and all, it is pretty ironic that lots of ppl here get replacement parts for their airsoft guns to make it look even more realistic or get rid of any transparency.. these "all-black-guns" are just as illegal as playing in public..

So while this 'forum' (meaning the ppl in it) strives to abide by rules (like not playing in public.. it is breaking other rules, like the coloration and modyfying of guns.

So to those making a big thing out of me playing on a privately owned property out in the woods, make sure you follow ALL the rules as well...

As I've previously stated, this is all said in a very friendly manner, I hope you do not take offense, as no offense is meant and I appreciate your input.
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