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Deal Gone Bad With Gamer123



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Old March 26th, 2006, 13:47   #31
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Originally Posted by DJ_Mittens
Originally Posted by ILLusion
Originally Posted by DJ_Mittens
Did you pay by credit card? If so, contact your credit card company, inform that you purchased a product from someone online, and that the goods were not delivered. You have made several reasonable attempts to contact the seller to no avail. It has been a considerable amount of time for a reasonable delivery period. You attempted to take the issue up with Paypal but they are unwilling to refund your money. Say the purchase was for sports equipment, only if they ask. Say exactly that, because if you give too many details (private seller, forum, airsoft/gun parts, etc...), they may not be willing to credit you.

If the action is approved, you will be mailed a letter that you sign and return in the postage paid envelope. Your credit card will then be credited the purchase price. Your credit card company will then take the issue up with Paypal who will then more than likely start taking action against this individual. This process applies only when paying by credit card however. It is good in almost all situations. Don't abuse it, or your credit report may be flagged and then you would be in trouble. Just do it in honest situations and you should be fine.
That's a great way to have PayPal shut down your account. It's a well document "fact."
I've done it three times when making purchases through Paypal, with no consequences. Believe it or not, if you wish.
good to hear contradictory evidence. Luckily, I've never had to do it, but that was always a fear for me if I had to do it.
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Old March 26th, 2006, 14:06   #32
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Well, Paypal will send you a letter telling you to take issues about payments up with them, which is always the first course of action, but if you pay by credit card and you don't receive the goods, you don't have to pay for them. Your credit card company knows this. I've never heard of Paypal cancelling someone's account simply because of an issue like this, though it would be within their rights to do so.
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Old March 26th, 2006, 14:22   #33
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Very well and true. Back on topic plz
Douglas Alexander Maxwell (Known pedophile).
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Old March 26th, 2006, 14:27   #34
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Paypal said they will deal with him if he uses Paypal service again but I doubt that. Anyhow, his paypal profile says he is Jackie Ng, in a PM he told me he lives up near 19th. I searched for any Ng's in that area in Markham and only came up with one Chan. Like I said, if it is possible to get a track on his IP address we could possibly figure out where he is from. I really don't know if the police will do anything as we have NO contact information whatsoever. If so I woulda personally already paid him a visit or so on. Since his ASC profile said he was only 17 I'd like to speak with his parents about this as well. But yeah ... right now we don't have much to follow up on. He hasn't logged on ASC since the incident so he's not going to read this post at all.
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Old March 26th, 2006, 15:44   #35
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Well the moderators have been real nice to us and I now have all the IP addresses that gamer123 uses. If anyone is interested in tracking his location in the GTA, you can give me a PM and I will send the information. Currently I am working on tracking it myself but I have exams coming up so I will do my best
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Old March 26th, 2006, 15:52   #36
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Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07
Paypal said they will deal with him if he uses Paypal service again but I doubt that. Anyhow, his paypal profile says he is Jackie Ng, in a PM he told me he lives up near 19th. I searched for any Ng's in that area in Markham and only came up with one Chan. Like I said, if it is possible to get a track on his IP address we could possibly figure out where he is from. I really don't know if the police will do anything as we have NO contact information whatsoever. If so I woulda personally already paid him a visit or so on. Since his ASC profile said he was only 17 I'd like to speak with his parents about this as well. But yeah ... right now we don't have much to follow up on. He hasn't logged on ASC since the incident so he's not going to read this post at all.
If a crime has been comitted... which is clearly the case here - fraud.... the police themselves will track the IP's and deal with it. I still suspect that he IS here with an alternate user, or from a different location. Call me paranoid....

And if anyone is interested ... I pushed LaZeDoUt^ into posting this to get it dealt with now.
Douglas Alexander Maxwell (Known pedophile).
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Old March 26th, 2006, 15:54   #37
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Me knowing Toronto Police or York Region, they are already covered in heaps of paperwork and yeah. Calling in to report the fraud would be one heck of a hassle, I've had a similar case before and I just kept getting passed around 13 times before someone said they'd look into it. But no one responded they just did so to get me off their backs -_-
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Old March 26th, 2006, 17:49   #38
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As shitty as it sounds to say this, it is partially your fault for not verifying contact information during the deal (you say you never got a phone number) which is a MAJOR mistake in any transaction that isn't face-to-face.

Hope you either get what you paid for, or track the shitbag down and hit him with the full extent of the law. Failing that, just hitting him would do nicely.
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Old March 26th, 2006, 18:30   #39
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I didn't think he'd try to screw another asian brother over. Maybe that's why I was lax on that? Oh well, hopefully we'll get a hold of him and deal with it. If we do plan to deal with this face to face though I'd like not only the ones involved in the dispute with gamer123 to be present but maybe an ASC rep. That would be real nice
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Old March 26th, 2006, 18:33   #40
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
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Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07
I didn't think he'd try to screw another asian brother over. Maybe that's why I was lax on that? Oh well, hopefully we'll get a hold of him and deal with it. If we do plan to deal with this face to face though I'd like not only the ones involved in the dispute with gamer123 to be present but maybe an ASC rep. That would be real nice
Yesterday I went to Pacfic Mall to buy a replacement ribbon cable to repair my PS2.

Three (chinese) stores tried to charge me $50-$100 for a small wire. Luckily one (chinese) store sold it to me for $5.

Rule of thumb: Treat everyone as if they are a potential thief (Unless of course you know them)
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Old March 26th, 2006, 21:40   #41
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aren't they all "chinese" stores in Pacific?
last time I was there I didn't see any others
"Now son. Anyone comes throught that door, You put two in their chest and one in their head for me....Alright?"
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Old March 26th, 2006, 21:46   #42
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I am locking this thread, please pass on RELEVANT Info to a moderator.
Bad Karma (Pacific)

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