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Review (Completed, with pics!)- Tokyo Marui FA-MAS F1



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Old February 2nd, 2006, 14:16   #46
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Yes the FA-MAS appears to be a very photographic weapon. I just love how the pics turned out though, I thought I had trouble with the camera, I must say it is a freaking awesome gun.
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Old February 4th, 2006, 14:56   #47
Bob the Angry Potato
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As I have heard many complaints of the FA-MAS to be an annoyingly creaky weapon, I decided to take action about this.
Taking my FA-MAS apart, I placed tape on some internal spots where creaking was happening (namely the foregrip).
Next part was a lot harder...
The pistol-grip, as many FA-MAS owners know, is actually one of the main spots of the creakiness. Following Robot2000 of Arnie's Airsoft's advice, I tried to pry open the hatch at the bottom of the pistol-grip (useful for storing small tools/ammo, by the way) with a flat-head screwdriver. However, this didn't work, I wondered why...
Next thing, I tried even HARDER. While trying to pry it open, the screwdriver slipped, taking a small chunk of my finger and hitting me in the chest.
After this, I decided "Screw it", and took out the hinge that kept it in the first place. Prying it open from the hinge part, it popped open (one side at a time) fairly easily... except it had GLUE in it. No-one else had glue in it, why the hell did I...
After that, I unscrewed the small metal screw at the bottom. This led to me being able to take off the pistol-grip fairly easily.
I applied some tape to the place it screws over, and put the grip back on (taking a while to screw it back in, there were metal threads so I could put it in tightly without damaging anything). After I was sure it was REALLY solid, I tested it.
Surprisingly enough, this got rid of 75 percent of the creaks. Still creaks A BIT, but not nearly as much as it did beforehand.
Later today, I'll finish with the silencer (PVC pipe being cut to fit it perfectly).
Age verifier- Halifax region
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Old March 3rd, 2006, 09:49   #48
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With people complaining more and more about how the FA-MAS is a creaky gun, I decided to do a quick guide in how to get rid of 90-percent of the sound.

As I have heard many complaints of the FA-MAS to be an annoyingly creaky weapon, I decided to take action about this. This is a guide, so other FA-MAS owners and prospective buyers can know what to expect, and how to take care of it.
Taking my FA-MAS apart, I placed tape on some internal spots where creaking was happening (namely the foregrip).

First, remove the foregrip. At the walls of the foregrip, the part that touches the body of the gun, add a thin layer of tape. It is not noticeable from the outside of the gun, yet it makes the foregrip a bit tighter, and removes the plastic-on-plastic creaking that plagues the FA-MAS in that particular area.

You don't need to add any tape to the body itself, simply the part of the foregrip that touches this part.

Next part was a lot harder...

The pistol-grip, as many FA-MAS owners know, is actually one of the main spots of the creakiness, due to plastic-on-plastic sounds. Following Robot2000 of Arnie's Airsoft's advice, I tried to pry open the hatch at the bottom of the pistol-grip (useful for storing small tools/ammo, by the way) with a flat-head screwdriver. However, this didn't work, I wondered why, as many owners are able to do so with their fingers. I promptly tried again, and handed the gun to a friend to try as well- it wouldn't open, even with prying incessantly with the screwdriver.
Next thing, I tried even HARDER. While trying to pry it open, the screwdriver slipped, taking a small chunk out of my finger and hitting me in the chest. I had to promptly run off, bandage up my finger and take a look at the bruise before returning.

After this, I decided "Screw it", and took out the hinge that kept it in the first place. This was done easily- I found a tiny screwdriver, placed it in the hole, and pushed the hinge out. There were no catches or gimmicks, it slid out without any difficulty.
I stuck the screwdriver in at the hinge side, and applied pressure one side at a time. Each side popped up with a loud 'Snap' sound, and opened fairly easily... except I noticed it had GLUE residue in it. No-one else had glue in it, at least on Arnie's, however perhaps mine is either a different batch or simply different in some other way.
After that, I unscrewed the small metal screw at the bottom (the pistol-grip, while you cannot tell from the outside, is hollow with very thick walls. There is a screw placed at the bottom, which you can remove). This led to me being able to take off the pistol-grip fairly easily, it simply popped off.
I applied some tape to the place it screws over, a small, rectangular nub sticking out of the FA-MAS body, and put the grip back on (taking a while to screw it back in, there were metal threads so I could put it in tightly without damaging anything). After I was sure it was REALLY solid, I tested it.
Surprisingly enough, this got rid of 90 percent of the creaks. It feels quite solid now, the gun does not make many sounds while moving it around (if any at all), and the parts do not wobble at all.
All in all, it's a decent project, which will only cost you some tape, 10 minutes (at most) and a screwdriver.
Sorry about the pictures, I used pictures existing beforehand from my FA-MAS review, before I had done the modification.
Age verifier- Halifax region
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Old March 5th, 2006, 02:43   #49
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Those pictures almost make me regret buying a G36 instead of the FAMAS. But then I remember the creaking and don't worry.

I swear, if someone were to make a good FAMAS without any damn creaking, it would sell so well.
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Old March 7th, 2006, 17:06   #50
Bob the Angry Potato
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That's what this guide was for :-D

Here's an exerpt from my thread on Arnie's, a patron of that board, n00btard, was nice and took some pics of his job for the thread. He followed my guide, and was nice enough to elaborate on it:

Originally Posted by n00bTard,Mar 4 2006, 12:09 AM
Ok, got some tape.... and I apologize for the crappiness of my camera - I hope the tape isn't too hard to see.

First, here is the slightly modified handguard of my FAMAS SV:

You can see here how I've covered the right hand side with tape - letting just a bit overlap the side:

repeated on the otherside:

I then covered the front tabs as well, knowing that when I put it back on the gun, it would all press down nice and firmly. (yes, I'm an Eagles fan)

Once I put the handguard back on, the tape is hardly noticable at all.

I must admit, while handling the gun by the handguard, everything is nice and solid and significantly less creaky. So far, so good - I'm impressed.

Pics of the pistol grip modifcation are next!

Ok, now for the pistol grip. This is the major area of creakiness, especially for an SV. In this first pic, you can see the hole for the hinge that will need removed:

Now, I used an allen wrench to pop it out - came right out with just a little bit of pressure:

I then popped open the panel on the bottom - there was definitely signs of glue, though it still popped right off pretty easily:

With the panel off, I could get at the screw that holds the pistol grip on:

After removing it, on the SV, you also have to carefully push the front of the grip - these tabs up and over this flap and then slide it off:

That exposed the area that needs the tape:

That's pretty much what I did, with a bit more at the handguard. However, I added a bit more at contact points, when I can find a camera I'll put up pictures.
Today, I replaced the tape with something like this sort:

and it cut down creaking by another lot, as it allows for more friction.
Age verifier- Halifax region
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Old April 30th, 2006, 13:19   #51
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Yet another mod done, I'll have a guide up soon.

Anyways, for those of you with a FAMAS F1 or are thinking of buying one, yet don't like the fact you can't put a sling- that's a complete load of shit.
I just put a sling on my FA-MAS F1, and still have full use of the bipod. I'll have pictures up soon- no internal or external mods are necessary, and you don't have to change your sling around any.
However, it doesn't use a gun sling- I used my guitar sling. The notch in the very front was perfect for the metal-bit that stuck out of the bipod.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 17:02   #52
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Those're only on for fun, really. They'll be peeled off come the next game, if I decide to.
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Old May 4th, 2006, 17:03   #53
i like your stickers!! where did u get em?
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Old May 4th, 2006, 17:04   #54
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I made 'em in about 10 minutes.

M4 guy getting nutshot is courtesy of BB Bastard and the guy who made it (kudos to you), and the pirates is from a set of Photoshop brushes.
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Old May 5th, 2006, 20:17   #55
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so nice , want some 8)

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Old May 6th, 2006, 13:58   #56
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LOL nice!!!! Next time put a usebar on it J/K

Sweet gun!
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

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Old June 16th, 2006, 20:32   #57
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Necropost, but this'd come in handy for folks who just bought/want to buy a FAMAS.

YouTube - TM FA-MAS Intro
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Old June 16th, 2006, 20:47   #58
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just to make sure you guys know that , it's not Nate ( BTAP ) on this video.

It's some British guy that gives a very good overall view of the FA-MAS

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Old October 6th, 2006, 21:59   #59
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Thread revival, but over the winter I'm looking at a conversion and upgrade.

My conversion plan. Parts are being bought as we speak.

Agent Spencer (from Arnies Airsoft, if anyone there's a member kindly drop him a +1)'s rendition of this.
Age verifier- Halifax region
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Old October 7th, 2006, 12:46   #60
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Both are definatly beautiful variants, I love both of them. Try to dual weild that and have a little fun in a CQB game ^_^.

This seriously makes me reconsider buying a FAMAS despite all I've heard about the creaking(which I also know is easily fixable).

The affordability and just the overall look is orgasmic.

Good luck with your upgrades, make sure you post the finished results!
Looking for an Age Verifier who passes through Renfrew area to contact me! PM me please!

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