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A&K Masada Troubles


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Old May 21st, 2014, 01:17   #1
Join Date: Mar 2014
Angry A&K Masada Troubles

I recently purchased an A&K Masada used). He stated that the gun was firing but needed a new loading nozzle. I then replaced the loading nozzle and hoping that the gun would fire, but sadly it didn't. I took it to my local gun doc, and he said that everything is fine with the gearbox but he doesn't know if it's the hop up unit. I'm too hesitant to purchase a new cnc hop up and have the gun not fire. What would be my best course of action without me losing a crap ton of monies?
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Old May 21st, 2014, 01:27   #2
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Find a better gun doc.
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Old May 21st, 2014, 02:49   #3
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If I'm right, this is a local kid with the Masada, and the gun doc is me.

The A&K Masada is one of the worst gun designs I've seen, and there are almost no replacement parts for it, since it's a proprietary design. The hopup unit as it is probably doesn't even provide any hop effect, and the lever is so loose and poorly designed that the hopup nub can fall out. My best guess is that the nozzle isn't making a seal with the hopup rubber, but after testing with the outer barrel on, outer barrel off with just the hop unit and inner attached, pressing the hop unit into the mechbox manually at different angles, trying a new hop rubber, nothing helps.

I told him I don't know if that gun can be saved. He could try a new nozzle (if they even make any aftermarket ones), but I'm not sure if that would help. It could possibly just be a result of such poor tolerances that it doesn't work. I told him that he should avoid it, and he bought it anyway, used.

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Last edited by Styrak; May 21st, 2014 at 02:55..
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Old May 21st, 2014, 03:03   #4
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I have an ares g36, which is another gun known for proprietary crap, and I had weird feeling issues too, and you know what fixed it? Entirely new parts. What you should do is buy a new hop up, see if it fixes it, if not get a new nozzle too.
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Old May 21st, 2014, 08:36   #5
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So it won't feed into the hop up chamber?

And is the hop up or feed tube stock or aftermarket?

And styrak at least two companies make aftermarket hopups nozzles and feed tubes....

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Old May 21st, 2014, 08:46   #6
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wii tech has parts for it.. check airsoftdepot.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old May 21st, 2014, 09:44   #7
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I know that Wii Tech made feed tubes, he has one.

Anyway, if you bought
a new Wii Tech nozzle:
And a new Wii Tech hop unit with all the new parts and arm:

It may help, since I assume they were made to be compatible with each other.

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Old May 21st, 2014, 10:57   #8
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Originally Posted by Skiddy View Post
I recently purchased an A&K Masada used). He stated that the gun was firing but needed a new loading nozzle. I then replaced the loading nozzle and hoping that the gun would fire, but sadly it didn't. I took it to my local gun doc, and he said that everything is fine with the gearbox but he doesn't know if it's the hop up unit. I'm too hesitant to purchase a new cnc hop up and have the gun not fire. What would be my best course of action without me losing a crap ton of monies?
Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
If I'm right, this is a local kid with the Masada, and the gun doc is me.

The A&K Masada is one of the worst gun designs I've seen, and there are almost no replacement parts for it, since it's a proprietary design. The hopup unit as it is probably doesn't even provide any hop effect, and the lever is so loose and poorly designed that the hopup nub can fall out. My best guess is that the nozzle isn't making a seal with the hopup rubber, but after testing with the outer barrel on, outer barrel off with just the hop unit and inner attached, pressing the hop unit into the mechbox manually at different angles, trying a new hop rubber, nothing helps.

I told him I don't know if that gun can be saved. He could try a new nozzle (if they even make any aftermarket ones), but I'm not sure if that would help. It could possibly just be a result of such poor tolerances that it doesn't work. I told him that he should avoid it, and he bought it anyway, used.
Sounds like you guys are speaking different languages.

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