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Family Photo (from a newbie in his first season)


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Old May 11th, 2006, 23:52   #1
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Ottawa
Family Photo (from a newbie in his first season)

Spent a little too much on airsoft over the winter, bank account is crying, I will be crying come tuition payment time, need good job for rest of the summer, may be doing road construction work, anyway....

I'm still new to airsoft, in my first season, only been to a couple games so far but still love it, in the beginning I was wondering whether I would be a gear whore or a gun whore as I loved both, but with one set of BDU's, and being forced to make my own gear from Cordura from ebay, I guess you can call me a gun whore.

From left to right...
"Melanie" - KJW M92f +2 extra mags
not yet named - WA SVI 3.9 (in pieces, currently assembling, bought from arny068, great guy)
"Candy" - KSC M93r II version 1 (gun I bought when I first realized I was a gun whore)
"Anne" (unless arny068 has a complaint) - WA SCW2 SVI 5.0 Expert FMU + 1 extra mag (also from arny068, I'm in love with this gun and its metal-ness)
some Spanish name I forgot - KSC G19 HW (friends, being held for collateral on a money loan)

"Ashley" - TM G3/SG1 (soon to be upgraded to 400fps by Stalker)
"Jessica" - TM M733 (have a reddot for the carry handle mounted rail, but its in storage in Ottawa and I'm currently home in Sudbury)

I originally wanted to get another AEG, but I believe its much wiser to upgrade the ones I have, going full metal including an RIS handgrip on the G3 (I like the look even though an RIS on a non-CQB gun isnt as useful) and also getting a metal reciever, upgrade to 400fps, and a crane stock for the M733. I dont want the M733 upgraded till I have another stock TM gun for CQB games, want to get a P90 or an ICS MP5A4, the P90 will satisfy me more but the MP5 is a more logical choice financially, dont know what I'm doing.
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Old May 11th, 2006, 23:55   #2
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I name my guns too.

Gun 1, gun 2, gun 3, etc.

Nice collection.

"...and if I fall, to taste the ground, and you hear that firebell sound. Don't fear, it's just the bullets, bouncing off my helmet..." -Hawksley Workman

"I sir, point & laugh at you from across the ocean."-Aquamarine

"It is that same freedom to choose that many organized faiths refuse to accept. And for that, I refuse to accept them."-MadMorbius
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Old May 11th, 2006, 23:56   #3
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wholy shite dude...

you sir have to much money on your hands. Acctually, let me re-frase that, you DID have to much money on your hands
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Old May 11th, 2006, 23:56   #4
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Holy crap, thats a lot of G3 mags.

Nice collection.
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Old May 11th, 2006, 23:58   #5
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Ottawa
The guns names have meanings, girls I know who share attributes with the guns (girls always call me "cute" and look at me like you would look at a puppy, friends tell me this is a bad thing, they never want to be more than friends, its a curse), also I have a broken TM M3 shorty that is kinda my project gun to get it working again, shes named Rebecca

G3 mags stacked are STAR mags, the one on its own is a hi-cap, and there is a low-cap in the gun. Armalite mags are MAG midcaps. I'd only have one pistol if I had spent the money on real TM lowcaps, I'm a cheap bastard, its my Finn half.
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Old May 11th, 2006, 23:59   #6
Scotty aka harleyb
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Awesome! I am jealous of your G3 lows... unless I've assumed incorrectly and you actually own 22 hicaps. In which case, shame on you. You'll have to let me have a night out on the town with Anne some time.
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Old May 12th, 2006, 00:07   #7
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agreeing to harleyb: Anne is a hottie!

haha, i love the naming! i used to name my guns too but they all turned out to be whores so i call them whore 1 whore 2 whore 3..etc. theres still lots of metal upgrades available for your expert (chamber cover, outer barrel, but they don't come in gold, so u can decide, other than that, its perfect), the springs are already upgraded.

anyway, since you are still new in airsoft, i feel that what you have now is nothing compared to what you are going to get eventually. becareful with your spending!! but if u spend it on airsoft, i'll understand :cheers:
1911s & 2011s
Collection: custom WA Colt Springfield V12 (FMU), custom WA Para HRT SCW (FMU), custom WA Prokiller Mark F6 (FMU), custom WA Kimber Marsoc SCW 3 (FMU)
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Old May 12th, 2006, 00:13   #8
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Originally Posted by arny068
anyway, since you are still new in airsoft, i feel that what you have now is nothing compared to what you are going to get eventually. becareful with your spending!! but if u spend it on airsoft, i'll understand :cheers:
So true, thirteen AEGs and counting.

I need to use some more of that money on food.....

"...and if I fall, to taste the ground, and you hear that firebell sound. Don't fear, it's just the bullets, bouncing off my helmet..." -Hawksley Workman

"I sir, point & laugh at you from across the ocean."-Aquamarine

"It is that same freedom to choose that many organized faiths refuse to accept. And for that, I refuse to accept them."-MadMorbius
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Old May 12th, 2006, 00:13   #9
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Ottawa
Yeah, so far what I definitly want to get is a P90 (keep it stock permanetly), ICS MP5A4, ICS AK74M, and a full wood and metal AK-47. Also looking at the CA M15A4 and G&G M14.

Some of my friends tell me I need help, some just want to borrow my guns to get some games in since they are too busy buying custom PC's and motor cycles to afford airsoft...

Arny068, yeah I know there are a few more parts I can get, stainless hammer and slide lock and all the other fun bits, and I could get a steel outer barrel and send it away to get gold plated (or brass if I want to be cheap...) but that can wait, need AEG upgrades first.
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