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Airsoft "Pet Peeves", time to vent guys!



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Old February 14th, 2008, 18:51   #196
So if someone takes pride in their equipment and strives for perfection in their impression AND their play, they're elitist?

Just so I'm clear here.
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Old February 14th, 2008, 18:58   #197
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
So if someone takes pride in their equipment and strives for perfection in their impression AND their play, they're elitist?

Just so I'm clear here.
But for those that take more pride in having their pics taken than pride in skill.............

Recall a couple of your former WP boys, Mini-T and Ringmaster talking crap about some Toronto players, big joke was the guys that had Hatch knees pads that they wore for dozens of games they went to, but not a single scratch on them (recall Exo makig fun of mine too, told him I just got them and was the first game I played with them).

But still, taking your points to heart, I still have to re-iterate those points I made earlier that elitism largely stems from treatment of other players by those that 'had the gear, had the upgrades, had the attitude'. A while back, I think it was 2005, Lutnit was new, played a few games at the LZ, and some of the ETF guys wouldn't even tell him the time when he asked. No slight on the ETF guys, but a lot of them kept to themselves and themselves only, and avoided everyone else (TC's words to me himself, part of the reason he canned the team ETF.) Not helpful at all if you ask most. Is one of the BIG reasons I help new players out as best I can, I had a 'first game/first AEG' once as well.
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Old February 14th, 2008, 19:10   #198
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Good man, report back. Go with BB Bastards BTW <plug>. Well, not that I'm a retailer, just a full time user/tester.
That's what I've been using since September. No issue with them whatsoever.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old February 14th, 2008, 19:24   #199
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
But for those that take more pride in having their pics taken than pride in skill.............

Recall a couple of your former WP boys, Mini-T and Ringmaster talking crap about some Toronto players, big joke was the guys that had Hatch knees pads that they wore for dozens of games they went to, but not a single scratch on them (recall Exo makig fun of mine too, told him I just got them and was the first game I played with them).
Can't fault you there. Big reason they got kicked as I recall.

But still, taking your points to heart, I still have to re-iterate those points I made earlier that elitism largely stems from treatment of other players by those that 'had the gear, had the upgrades, had the attitude'. A
In this, I agree. As I'm sure you know however, a lot of people automatically label people as "elitist" based on their equipment, and how interactive they are in the safe area or before/after a game.

I don't consider myself "elite". This is a game. I do however go ALL THE WAY. I wear all the gear, do my best to give an accurate impression, and I bust my ass in the field. So do a lot of people I play with. That may be interpreted as "elitist", but the fact is people that share a common mindset will gravitate to one another, and just as this type of mindset about the game is "offensive" to some people, the opposite is exactly true for them.

I just don't like all this talk about "elitism". I think a lot of people are getting painted with the same brush here. A lot of people just play DIFFERENTLY. If you don't like the way someone plays, don't play with them.
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Old February 14th, 2008, 19:33   #200
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one of my bigger peeves is a simple one but can just boil blood

noobs ask for help you go Ok sure I'll help, then when you tell them to do like hide at X bush or X tree and stay low and what do they do? stand out in the open and when you tell them to get the hell down or you'll get shot, they get all snarkey and then when they get shot because they didn't listen they get all why didn't you help me blah blah and i just look at them and say i did help you but you didn't listen.
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Old February 14th, 2008, 20:06   #201
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The idea behind airsoft is to simulate the real world. Back in the 1970s when Airsoft was thought up by the Japanese, its initial purpose was to accurately replicate firearms to get around the strict anti-gun laws imposed on the population there. Since then, airsoft has distinguished itself from games such as paintball in that it is ALL about realism. For MILSIM oriented players, airsoft is the way to go because it stresses accuracy of reproduction at every step of the way.

If you believe that someone who takes this seriously, who uses the proper equipment and behaves properly in the field (to fit the role he/she is filling) is somehow "elite," then you belong in a paintball field with the other jealous children. This game, while it will always be just a GAME, is still a serious one geared to replicate a deadly serious business.

When I play I like to get totally into character, and shit like giant pink dildos strapped to the end of weapons like bayonets ruins the immersion for me. I don't like to see any of that faggotry in the field as, in my eyes at least, it ruins the sport -- activity that is counter to the behaviour you would see in an actual operation in real life does NOT belong on the airsoft field during game time. What happens off the field is none of my concern but airsoft was designed, from its inception, to be a serious reproduction of real world combat operations.

Anyone who doesn't see airsoft in that light should be playing paintball. That has been, and always will be, my point of view on the subject.
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Old February 14th, 2008, 20:12   #202
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Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
When I play I like to get totally into character, and shit like giant pink dildos strapped to the end of weapons like bayonets ruins the immersion for me. I don't like to see any of that faggotry in the field as, in my eyes at least, it ruins the sport -- activity that is counter to the behaviour you would see in an actual operation in real life does NOT belong on the airsoft field during game time. What happens off the field is none of my concern but airsoft was designed, from its inception, to be a serious reproduction of real world combat operations.
I agree, to an extent. In big milsim games like border wars, I agree completely. For simple skirms it's not as bad, with one exception:

high caps suck no matter what kind of game it is.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old February 14th, 2008, 20:13   #203
Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post

high caps suck no matter what kind of game it is.
Unless it's in a SHRIKE. But yeah.
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Old February 14th, 2008, 20:22   #204
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
I agree, to an extent. In big milsim games like border wars, I agree completely. For simple skirms it's not as bad, with one exception:

high caps suck no matter what kind of game it is.
All airsoft games should be milsim games.

And yes, I'm not particularly fond of high-caps either (I use real-caps).
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Old February 14th, 2008, 20:31   #205
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Can't fault you there. Big reason they got kicked as I recall.

In this, I agree. As I'm sure you know however, a lot of people automatically label people as "elitist" based on their equipment, and how interactive they are in the safe area or before/after a game.

I don't consider myself "elite". This is a game. I do however go ALL THE WAY. I wear all the gear, do my best to give an accurate impression, and I bust my ass in the field. So do a lot of people I play with. That may be interpreted as "elitist", but the fact is people that share a common mindset will gravitate to one another, and just as this type of mindset about the game is "offensive" to some people, the opposite is exactly true for them.

I just don't like all this talk about "elitism". I think a lot of people are getting painted with the same brush here. A lot of people just play DIFFERENTLY. If you don't like the way someone plays, don't play with them.
Glad we are getting info out there. Ring and 'T' both said they were fed up with the "administration" of the team and quit long before you guys 'kicked them'. Who cares really, only seen 'T' at a game or two last year, and still heard of accounts of his firing back after being lit up in under 60ft, then bitching to the owner/host about being lit up. None of this is about any of them.

Impression................ some act out a role they want to do an impression of, others don't. Some are pure players, some are actors for a role they want to immerse thenselves in, some are in between, personally I don't care, everyone has their version of airsoft to play. I enjoy the enactment of some games, be it gun for hire, or a NATO member patrolling through a trail with constant passing of civilians that *might* have a radio or a hidden gun, it all adds to the fun.

Honestly, elitism isn't the way one plays the game, as might have been repsented here, nor is it the gear/guns they use. The elitism that has sparked a fury here is the attititude of 'better than others' crap, largely because of going out of their way to own a real Eagle CIRAS, looking down on those that bought a cheaper Phantom CIRAS that looks the same. New players come to talk, they kinda ignore and bugger off to their teammates.

My final, since I've stirred up the interest of Wolfpack/former Wolfpack guys.......... I've never had a problem with the Wolfpack attitude. You guys have your head on your shoulders, treat the game as a serious endeavour and act accordingly. But my experience with the local guys early on, Ringmaster taught me a fair bit about engaging guys using team work, one to pin down while another flanks for the kill. Never considered them 'elitist' because they had time for newer players (even if I never got an invite, like I said, always thought I wasn't good enough, formed the Warmongers shortly after with Apocolypse, then got a PM from you asking why I never joined you............. lead into one of your complaints about WP Ottawa). To this day, I carry a great respect for you Morb, Claymore (glad to finally meet him and get acknowledged), and Scarecrow, all how I'd follow into real combat any day (provided I was armed with more than an airsoft gun).

I'm still grasping at straws to outline the complaints about 'elitists' and try to separate those who feel they are viewed as 'elitists' and those who actually ARE 'elitists' and not just those who are good players that take the game seriously. That is the difference, as well as dealing with new players and accepting them, at least, as challenging targets. Hope that all made sense.
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Old February 14th, 2008, 20:34   #206
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Can't fault you there. Big reason they got kicked as I recall.

In this, I agree. As I'm sure you know however, a lot of people automatically label people as "elitist" based on their equipment, and how interactive they are in the safe area or before/after a game.

I don't consider myself "elite". This is a game. I do however go ALL THE WAY. I wear all the gear, do my best to give an accurate impression, and I bust my ass in the field. So do a lot of people I play with. That may be interpreted as "elitist", but the fact is people that share a common mindset will gravitate to one another, and just as this type of mindset about the game is "offensive" to some people, the opposite is exactly true for them.

I just don't like all this talk about "elitism". I think a lot of people are getting painted with the same brush here. A lot of people just play DIFFERENTLY. If you don't like the way someone plays, don't play with them.
I cant agree more with you on this one MadMorbius.

Well i understand that it's a pet preeves thread but some people post a page of pet preeves when in fact they've never played a game. I dont tell them that they cant have a couple to make but the ''i know everything so dont fuck with me'' attitude is not better than the elitist one imho.
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Old February 14th, 2008, 21:04   #207
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Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
All airsoft games should be milsim games.
Lol, I think that's more a matter of how you like to play. I have no issue with people who love milsim games and only want to play milsim.. but I hate it when those people bitch about people who just do skirmish or short scenario games. IMO if you don't like the play style of said game, don't go. There is still a HUGE difference between airsoft scenario/skirmishing and paintball speedballing. Big, big differance. The people being one of the biggest. As far as I'm concerned, if I have fun at a game, it's a win.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old February 14th, 2008, 22:06   #208
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My pet peeve is small children on paintball fields! Those little guys get everywhere and everywhere! It's like they're double jointed and when you round a corner its like "BLAM! You're out." and you'relike "How'd he do that?" On that note...I hate those "I'm not hit, that paint was already there" excuse.

I stopped playing paintball because of that. Frankly...if you spend so much money on militarized gear for paintball, it's a waste of money. Your Desert/Woodland cam turns into the reading rainbow logo and you're out a few bucks because your "cool" uniform is now joseph's technicolor dream coat.

And I dislike those people that make fun of airsoft and say "they like to play soldier because they can't make it as a real soldier." blah blah blah. Both games have weapons...both lines of weapons discharge objects from a barrel...I think paintball is the special olympics of airsoft.

My two cents.
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Old February 14th, 2008, 22:07   #209
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By some standards posted in this thread, some people would consider me elitist.

I live to play, wear "high speed" gear, play to win, am a current military member, on team Wolfpack.

I think I have met all the criteria for an "elitist" label, anything I have missed?

Anyone who knows me would not think of putting such a label to my name, but because of the above criteria I could be labelled as such.

I would hope people would make an effort to interact with someone before giving a label based on outside appearances or affiliations.


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Old February 14th, 2008, 22:36   #210
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Originally Posted by MADDOG View Post
By some standards posted in this thread, some people would consider me elitist.

I live to play, wear "high speed" gear, play to win, am a current military member, on team Wolfpack.

I think I have met all the criteria for an "elitist" label, anything I have missed?

Anyone who knows me would not think of putting such a label to my name, but because of the above criteria I could be labelled as such.

I would hope people would make an effort to interact with someone before giving a label based on outside appearances or affiliations.

An elitist person simply thinks he's better than everyone else. Just because you ARE better doesn't make you elitist! lol
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