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Airsoft "Pet Peeves", time to vent guys!



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Old February 15th, 2008, 10:15   #226
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Its good ,but actually the x7 tippmann electric its the most real gun an you can change all part for a g36c m4 mp5 mp7 ak47 its a really good way for paintball.In my country i dont have frends that play airsoft game an all people as not able to buy this. I have the same equipement that you but not with JG G36C airsoft but with G36C x7 tippmann 320fps 650rpm.I need airsoft gun an its a real shit on canada for buy airsoft gun .I buy a 300win. swort magnum an i m not able to buy a toy. WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT LAW. At 12 year old you able use a gun an at 24 year , not able to buy airsoft. I need information for age verrified and its safe? peace an have a good day
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Old February 15th, 2008, 10:20   #227
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Coma you are not verrified
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Old February 15th, 2008, 10:21   #228
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Did anyone else make it halfway through Cyric's post and just start throwing up?

Seriously, you need to make your posts a little more legible.
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Old February 15th, 2008, 10:29   #229
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Sorry Vatek you can buying by or an its safe.
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Old February 15th, 2008, 10:37   #230
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I have a questtion, an its a same thing or not
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Old February 15th, 2008, 10:52   #231
Originally Posted by Cyric View Post
I have a questtion, an its a same thing or not

Read up, and if you don't find the answer, start your own thread. How would like to be reading a book about the battle of Carentan and when you turn the page you're suddenly reading a technical schematic for a toaster? Same thing man....jesus.
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Old February 15th, 2008, 11:22   #232
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Cyric, le thread est pas a propos du meilleur vendeur de chinasoft. Check le reste du forum et si ca peut t'aider je te recommende juste parce que LeGros fait parti de cette business la <plug>.

Il doit y avoir environ 45trilliards de topic sur ou acheter et comment se faire Age Verify. Tu as pas besoin de rentrer dans un thread ou on discute des affaires qui nous font chier pour nous demander ou acheter un gun. Si tu cherche comme il faut c'est super facile d'avoir un gun de airsoft au Quebec.
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Old February 15th, 2008, 11:29   #233
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People that post threads that have been done....and done.....and done.
Make love not war...peace man
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Old February 15th, 2008, 11:37   #234
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Wow this this thread is now a pet peeve for many. Cosmic!
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Old February 15th, 2008, 17:07   #235
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Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
All airsoft games should be milsim games.

And yes, I'm not particularly fond of high-caps either (I use real-caps).
and why should they ALL be milsim games? no disrespect to the milsim guys but that is a only a genre, its not what airsoft is ALL about, my understanding is that airsoft is a type of replica firearm, and that it can be used as a tool within milsim, but for the rest of us who aren't that much into milsim ,what? we dont get to play? wtf? that attitude is what people are talking about when they say elitism is shitty
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Old February 15th, 2008, 17:39   #236
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
and why should they ALL be milsim games? no disrespect to the milsim guys but that is a only a genre, its not what airsoft is ALL about, my understanding is that airsoft is a type of replica firearm, and that it can be used as a tool within milsim, but for the rest of us who aren't that much into milsim ,what? we dont get to play? wtf? that attitude is what people are talking about when they say elitism is shitty
Thats not elitism thats airsoft and then you have paintball. You will understand everything when you will get age verified and come at least at one game.

People play this game for the milsim that come with it, sure i do like some skirmish from time to time but thats the milsim who brough me here..... and many of us. If i organise a game one day it will be milsim, if you dont like it you dont come. All of this goes for me too.

What is it with all the noobs that will tell us how to play the damn game?
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Old February 15th, 2008, 18:23   #237
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Only a few things in airsoft that really bug me:

-People who use gamedays as a social event. They either waste time talking between or before games/scenarios. I'm here to play so stop wasting my trigger time! There's time for socializing afterwards!

-People who claim airsoft is restricted to Milsim (or realism style play) and if people don't want to play that way they should go play paintball. First off, the game we play was based around the tools (ie. the guns)...not the otherway around! They were developed for gun hobbyists in Japan because firearms were illegal for the average person to own. They were NOT developped for military simulation or training but were the adopted tool for such things. I cannot recall one (out of the few I've seen) youtube video I've seen of an airsoft game (in Asia where it originated!) where practically everyone is using hi-caps and doing the 'spray 'n pray' style of game. So to claim that airsoft must be played in such a structured and narrow minded way just seems ignorant to me.

One of my teamates (ex CF of 10 years many moons ago) said it best, in my opinion.... paraphrasing "There's no such thing as a Milsim in airsoft. We take the fun and exciting parts out of it and condense it into a short time span. You want a Milsim, give me 3 days minimum and I'll run one and garenteed everyone will be bored as hell".

Opinions are like assholes and belly buttons...everyone's got one and thinks their's is nicest! So, to each there own and leave it at that instead of bitching.

And for the record, I prefer the "Milsim" style of play over skirmishes. I'll take a 'bad' day of airsofting over any good day at work/school anyday!
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Last edited by Flatlander; February 15th, 2008 at 18:25..
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Old February 15th, 2008, 18:32   #238
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-People who claim airsoft is restricted to Milsim (or realism style play) and if people don't want to play that way they should go play paintball. First off, the game we play was based around the tools (ie. the guns)...not the otherway around! They were developed for gun hobbyists in Japan because firearms were illegal for the average person to own. They were NOT developped for military simulation or training but were the adopted tool for such things. I cannot recall one (out of the few I've seen) youtube video I've seen of an airsoft game (in Asia where it originated!) where practically everyone is using hi-caps and doing the 'spray 'n pray' style of game. So to claim that airsoft must be played in such a structured and narrow minded way just seems ignorant to me.


Exactly man! they act as if Milsim and Airsoft are the exact same thing and your only option are play it their way or go to paintball, thats fucking ignorant as hell. and for the record i understand that a certain level of realism is needed but these idiots take it too far and then want to tell people to get out of THEIR sport as if they fucking invented it!
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Old February 15th, 2008, 18:38   #239
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Originally Posted by Blitzz40 View Post
Thats not elitism thats airsoft and then you have paintball. You will understand everything when you will get age verified and come at least at one game.

People play this game for the milsim that come with it, sure i do like some skirmish from time to time but thats the milsim who brough me here..... and many of us. If i organise a game one day it will be milsim, if you dont like it you dont come. All of this goes for me too.

What is it with all the noobs that will tell us how to play the damn game?

so when i get age verified the same ignorant attitude gets implanted in my brain? dude wtf does being age verified have to do with everything? i see airsport as a good sport/activity, but make no mistake, AIRSOFT IS NOT MILSIM and vice versa,

and to that crack about noobs telling people how to play the game, I never told you how to play the game, I was defending My right to play the game the way I want to, you can do your own thing, its thinking that your way is the only right way that I find ignorant. This is why we cant have an effective movement to improve the airsoft laws.
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Old February 15th, 2008, 18:46   #240
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
so when i get age verified the same ignorant attitude gets implanted in my brain? dude wtf does being age verified have to do with everything? i see airsport as a good sport/activity, but make no mistake, AIRSOFT IS NOT MILSIM and vice versa,

and to that crack about noobs telling people how to play the game, I never told you how to play the game, I was defending My right to play the game the way I want to, you can do your own thing, its thinking that your way is the only right way that I find ignorant. This is why we cant have an effective movement to improve the airsoft laws.
First of all take a deep breath, second im not your dude and third like i said if you want to play the game the way you like just organise one and play it or go to one that will suit your style of playing. The ignorant here is surely not me!

Yes you have right like all of us i think not more not less, just grow up!
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