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Old July 9th, 2010, 11:38   #16
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Dartmouth NS
Yep, it does, and I love it. I actually use it as my backup in place of an MP5 or Skorpion (which is why I asked about the shoulder stock). Some will like the full auto, some won't. I personally do NOT like Glocks, so for a Full Auto backup (which I was looking for) my options were kinda limited, and I didn't want to go with the KWA M11A1. Meh, to each their own. As I said, I love the versatility of it.
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Old July 9th, 2010, 11:41   #17
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Well it's good to hear. I'm talking with an age verifier who passes through my town from time to soon I shall not be deemed as a chairsofter...mwahahaha.

Anyways, looking forward to gaming/picking a few guns up/meeting everyone.

Thanks for the answers.
Looking for an Age Verifier who passes through Renfrew area to contact me! PM me please!

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Old July 9th, 2010, 16:52   #18
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If you've only ever gamed with CT crapsoft then you may find you are more outgunned then you would like using just a pistol.
Pretty much 90% of all hits in airsoft are made from a flanking/covert position, at least when played outdoors.
The guns just don't have the range compared to how far off you can identify the enemy.

Pistols can be a lot of fun, but you really have to know when to hold fire which is basically any time the other player can see you. This is fairly true of all airsoft weapons, just more-so for pistols.

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Old July 9th, 2010, 22:41   #19
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I know you said GBB... but if you want a pistol that will really piss of people on the other team pick up a TM NBB mk23. With the silencer on that thing they are so whisper quiet. Got a guy out here that plays with just pistols, he carries on the field a mk23, a Glock AEP, and more often than not my hicappa dragon as a back up to a back up.

but that MK23... I HATE THAT THING. *wap....* wtf where did that come from? BTW prob one of the only guns in airsoft where the silencer does something. And it being NBB no moving parts... meaning less maintenance = more reliability and you can generally play in cooler climates.

btw just as an add in, I do play with my mac11 often as my main arm. its def a wait until they are close gun. In fact this last day out I had two people creeping up on me, I fired at one and apparently the gun is loud... it startled the other player and he had a knee jerk reaction to just call him self out too lol. 2 kills that were 60 degree apart with 3 rounds.... I am just that amazing.

Last edited by Dart; July 9th, 2010 at 22:52..
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Old July 9th, 2010, 23:14   #20
aka coachster
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but that MK23... I HATE THAT THING. *wap....* wtf where did that come from? BTW prob one of the only guns in airsoft where the silencer does something. And it being NBB no moving parts... meaning less maintenance = more reliability and you can generally play in cooler climates/QUOTE]

No moving part also means most efficient use of gas which results in higher fps.

I have mine setup without the silencer. Loaned it to Zeon for a game last month and I swear I couldn't recognize it when he fired it in the woods. Sounded like a rs bolt action.
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Old July 9th, 2010, 23:34   #21
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Im thinking of doing that with my meister glock 17. Already got 3 mags, i figure why not just keep my mp5 with one hi cap just incase, toss it on my back, load up my rip with like 8 plus glock mags?
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