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Old December 21st, 2005, 16:05   #16
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007 is mistaken. The Snow Dragons don't talk to me. They are either intimidated by my good looks.....or it could be they just think I'm a complete asshole. Most likely the latter, considering the fact that I'm a complete asshole most of the time. Thanks anyway.
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Old December 21st, 2005, 19:07   #17
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All guns break! haha.. Playing in the winter last year, my bone stock mc51 v2 mechbox worked even at -30... mind you the 600mah battery lasted about 30 seconds. My AK and Spetz (mildly upgraded. SP100 and M100 respectivly) have both seen light duty anywhere from -8 up to 0 degrees and I have not broken parts yet. Several guns did break, its simple.. plastic breaks. The good news, most parts that can break, can be replaced with better parts that are cheap.

If you worry about it breaking, maybe you shouldn't be playing because it will break.

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Old December 21st, 2005, 19:20   #18
Glock 18
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Played in the same game with Syphen with a stock ICS MP5SD5 , never had one problem at all. I had the same worrys, aslong as you stay away from auto it should be fine.
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Old December 21st, 2005, 19:26   #19
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If you worry about it breaking, maybe you shouldn't be playing because it will break.
Excellent point! That's probably the best advice I could have recieved. If it does break, then I have a valid excuse to upgrade it with more goodies I've been putting off buying, plus I have a back-up, so who cares? Thanks man.

Afterthought here: This may be a retarded idea but retarded ideas seem to one of my better qualities. Has anyone tried slipping one of those heated socks (the kind that runs on a 9v battery) over the butstock of thier AEG to keep the battery warm while playing? I know they keep your feet all toasty warm, but your feet are inside a boot. Any thoughts?
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Old December 24th, 2005, 16:39   #20
WW2 Airsofter
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Originally Posted by FNG
Originally Posted by Erik_james
Originally Posted by Hortons Heros
I'm pretty sure that an M1A1 is a V5
M1A1= Version 6 mechbox I believe. Only the toughest mechbox out there for the toughest gun out there :-P

Eric, do you use yours outdoors in the winter? I know from experience that Red Deer gets pretty damn cold.

I'd like to get more info from people with upgraded P90's and Thompsons on this whole winter play thing.

P.S. I'll try and get some pics up of my buddy's V3 mechbox. Apparently it's in 5 or 6 pieces. From talking to other people, nobody has ever managed to destroy one that thoroughly before.
I'v played with my Thompson when there was a bit of snow on the ground and it was quite cold out. But my Thompson isnt upgraded so I'm sure it can handle a bit more stress than if it was upgraded. I personaly wont play in anything under -10 that would require me to use my Thompson. I'd be using some kind of springer by then.

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Old December 24th, 2005, 23:20   #21
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as far as i know i have played one game outdoors at FR and everyone didn't seem to have any problems. mind you it was only -5/-8c so it wasn't too bad. there were alot of upgraded guns around and i don't think anyone had any problems besides batterys freezing....i just say bring an extra battery just in case....

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