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Old March 13th, 2016, 18:34   #16
Cobalt Caliber
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stock sniper rifle=stock AEG in range but less rounds per second and no advantages.

basically your going to take 30 hits to maybe get 1 hit in most cases.

AEGs are infinitely more game able.

Select watch you want gun wise. Lets say M4

Okay, G&G M4's are great starters and easy to find. and a stock AEG can hold its own in a firefight and it will come down more to user than gun in 99.9 percent of firefights.

I'd recommend an extra battery and charger, maybe a new load bearing rig.

So lets say you go G&G and condor + an extra battery, decent charger and a pack of mid cap mags. And lets also assume you use some basics from paintball like your camo or game clothes, mask and footwear.

G&G gun, 200-300
Condor basic load bearing chest rig (not molle, you can get molle for same price+pouches) 50
battery and charger from a hobby shop (not airsoft store) 30-40
mags 50
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old March 14th, 2016, 08:22   #17
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I am looking at the G&G CM16 R8-L

Looks like a nice package to start and comes with the batteries and charger for them. How long does the battery normally last on these guns? If I play anything like I did in paintball, there will not be a lot of shooting. Never played paintball on any field, only private locations with a group of friends. We did out own thing and play very differently then others, at least when it came to shooting. Much more sneaking around for the kill then firefights. Would not be doing any of this on any pay sites, would be privately owned forest and farm land.

One thing I want is accuracy. I hated in paintball how that could change based on weather.
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Old March 14th, 2016, 09:42   #18
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VFC VR16 series;

You can find them on sale at a Canadian store with google, for $300 - 350.

VFC VR16 M105 CLASSIC: $300
VFC VR16 FIGHTER CQB or carbine : $350

99999% better then G&G.
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Old March 14th, 2016, 09:45   #19
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
VFC VR16 series;

You can find them on sale at a Canadian store with google, for $300 - 350.

VFC VR16 M105 CLASSIC: $300
VFC VR16 FIGHTER CQB or carbine : $350

99999% better then G&G.
What makes them that much better? From what I have been reading G&G is well reviewed and a solid gun. The CM16 R8-L is much cheaper then what you have mentioned and includes a red dot sight as well as the battery and charger.
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Old March 14th, 2016, 10:25   #20
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Originally Posted by wonderings View Post
What makes them that much better? From what I have been reading G&G is well reviewed and a solid gun. The CM16 R8-L is much cheaper then what you have mentioned and includes a red dot sight as well as the battery and charger.
They have far better quality control and are a better upgrade platform down the road. They also retain their value a lot better.
Guardians of Asgaard - KF25 -

Primaries: LCT AK74MN w/SKTBR, VFC M4 SOPMOD Block 2
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Old March 14th, 2016, 11:18   #21
Cobalt Caliber
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Originally Posted by Desmodus View Post
They have far better quality control and are a better upgrade platform down the road. They also retain their value a lot better.
VFC is a much nicer gun, and the red dot sights are mostly trash if they come with the guns.

As for battery life that depends on MAH, and the charger is usually not a smart charger (in the packages that come with the gun) that means you want to watch the charger cause it will NOT stop when the battery is charged and can damage the battery and cause it to overheat and become a fire hazard.

But I find for example two 1100mah batteries will last me a skirmish day and I don't shoot a whole lot. Again buy your batteries/chargers from RC hobby stores, its cheaper. Allot cheaper

G&G is an okay gun, but VFC is a high end gun.

In reality both are good choice for starters but VFC has better quality control resulting in less defects.

AEGs are mostly weather resistant, cold can still effect performance. As the temp drops battery life will start to suffer (once you get below 0 degrees its useful to put the battery in a sock if you got space or keep your spare on the inside pocket of your coat so it stays warm while waiting to be used. And hop up rubbers stiffen up in the cold as well, making them less effective.

Other than that there isn't any huge changes in AEG performance. But if the temp nears or dips below -10 I recommend you stop playing. Most AEG gearboxs are a low quality pot metal and become brittle in the cold.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old March 14th, 2016, 11:22   #22
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People are being unfair to sniper rifles here, these can be made completely silent in airsoft thus making you into a ninja assassin. Though you generally need a sidearm to go with your sniper so its true that nothing beats an AEG for a starter gun.

Tip: If you are any good with a soldering iron and time to wait for shipping feel free to get cheap Chinese lipos. 2x3Sx800mah + a charger came out about $40 for my friend, so far only one of the cells failed so now its a 3s(11.4v) and 2s(7.4v) + balance charger for $40.
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Old March 14th, 2016, 11:41   #23
Cobalt Caliber
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Originally Posted by dmitril View Post
People are being unfair to sniper rifles here, these can be made completely silent in airsoft thus making you into a ninja assassin. Though you generally need a sidearm to go with your sniper so its true that nothing beats an AEG for a starter gun.

Tip: If you are any good with a soldering iron and time to wait for shipping feel free to get cheap Chinese lipos. 2x3Sx800mah + a charger came out about $40 for my friend, so far only one of the cells failed so now its a 3s(11.4v) and 2s(7.4v) + balance charger for $40.
Were not being unfair to snipers here. And heres why

Most snipers trigger mechanisms break sooner rather than later and develop slam fire
Low end sniper rifles have terrible quality control, making it hard to get parts that actually fit, many wont
Miss your shot, get found, get completely out gunned by everything AEG.
AEGs make it easier if he ever wants to go to a traditional field or visit a different field.
AEGs are the most gameable platform.
Snipers have no accuracy advantages between two stock guns.
To give snipers the edge over an AEG can easily cost double what the gun cost, and not all parts may fit due to low end brands having poor quality control. And TM VSR-10 being expensive.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old March 14th, 2016, 12:44   #24
Red Dot
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Sniper rifles have a very specific niche in airsoft, they do not operate like their real counterparts in giving you that insane range and accuracy out of the box.

Regarding G&G packages, stay away from them. The batteries and chargers they come with are beyond cheap. The chargers themselves will wreck batteries as they don't have a smart shut-off. That being said the G&G combat machine series is probably one of the best selling starter AEGs and for a reason.

All you need is good eyepro, a mesh mask for you mouth, the gun and a smart charger with a couple of batteries and some BBs. That will be fine for skirmishes at walk-on days. If you get into longer games you'll need more gear.
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Old March 14th, 2016, 13:08   #25
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G&G is the crap they force on you when you walk into a store lol.

Walked in and said I wanted to try holding some vfcs, and they still suggested an Ares or G&G. Lol.
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Old March 14th, 2016, 16:56   #26
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FB GO, bet you got negotiate something too if you're local!

Last edited by BloodSport; March 15th, 2016 at 12:43..
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Old March 14th, 2016, 17:44   #27
"I like syrup on my blue waffles." #diseasedvagina
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Bio I think showing people where to buy AS guns in the non-av section is against the rules.
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Old March 14th, 2016, 17:54   #28
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Its against FB policy to buy and sell guns now, too.
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Old March 15th, 2016, 13:59   #29
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I talked to the guy who AV'd me here (Do that) and followed his advice. Bought nice foot gear, goggles etc then did a long series of trades to end up with a G&G combat machine and a Marui.

Used both, and here's what I'd say.

G&G's are great. Reliable, easy to use. Great starter. Think of it as a nice Corolla.
Nice VFC's, Marui's etc etc are a nicer car. Like a BMW, more expensive, but nicer to drive. Both will still get you from point a to point b. One's just better at it.
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Old March 15th, 2016, 14:06   #30
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Originally Posted by dmitril View Post
People are being unfair to sniper rifles here, these can be made completely silent in airsoft thus making you into a ninja assassin. Though you generally need a sidearm to go with your sniper so its true that nothing beats an AEG for a starter gun.

Tip: If you are any good with a soldering iron and time to wait for shipping feel free to get cheap Chinese lipos. 2x3Sx800mah + a charger came out about $40 for my friend, so far only one of the cells failed so now its a 3s(11.4v) and 2s(7.4v) + balance charger for $40.
Have you ever read the sniper post on the stickies, in the newb section? No one, not even a good airsoft sniper will reccomend a sniper rifle as a starter gun. Same as most won't reccomend a PTW, a GBBR, etc, because the cost money and have unique quirks. There's nothing wrong with trying out the sniper gig if you really can't shake it off, but I've gotta tell ya, get yourself a reliable gun first, upgrade it to functional/consistent, get batteries, mags, a charger, etc, basic gear you may need, then get into a sniper project. Even good snipers with properly tuned rifles aren't super versatile or always needed. 99.9% of people who start in this way, end up selling their dissapointment at a loss and are discouraged.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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