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Is everyone using AEGs Still?


Airsoft Guns Discussion

View Poll Results: Primary rifle:
AEG 89 76.72%
GBB 27 23.28%
Voters: 116. You may not vote on this poll

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Old January 26th, 2018, 15:52   #16
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: CYXD
I haven't got a clue what PTW is, could someone explain?

Also I was including HPA in GBB... not that I realized that HPA was used in airsoft, I know it's big in paintball. But basically the idea what to poll between gas and electric. And why wouldn't you have a GBB if you're already having the other drawbacks of gas?!

(My thinking anyways)

Thank you so much everyone for all the input, keep it coming! ( :
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Old January 26th, 2018, 16:30   #17
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Originally Posted by Iceking007 View Post
I haven't got a clue what PTW is, could someone explain?

Also I was including HPA in GBB... not that I realized that HPA was used in airsoft, I know it's big in paintball. But basically the idea what to poll between gas and electric. And why wouldn't you have a GBB if you're already having the other drawbacks of gas?!

(My thinking anyways)

Thank you so much everyone for all the input, keep it coming! ( :

Just google Systema PTW training weapon. Is the best you can get on electric guns (my opinion).
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Old January 27th, 2018, 00:42   #18
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So the PTW system is basically like an electric blow back?
(Perhaps more refined)

The only thing I didn't like from their website is that the trigger pull initiates the whole firing procedure, although I'm sure is quick, it acts more as a double action with every shot. Why not "cock" the rifle before hand and then release the round when the trigger is pulled, then a de-cocking procedure would be realistic also.
(Probably a rhetorical question for the owners and developers of PTW rather than this forum but just throwing it out there anyways incase I missed something)

Very cool system by the looks. Are these systems reliable long term?

Too bad they don't make more models.
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Old January 27th, 2018, 01:07   #19
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The ptw is a take on the standard aeg, however it is far more refined and efficient. Systema does now make a recoil model, but the traditional ptw doesnt have recoil. The way the gearbox and cylinder assemblies were designed makes the system far more efficient and consistent, while also making it fairly user friendly and reliable. The only downfall for most ptw's is the motor which tends to be the most common point of failure. This can be remedied however by having the motor rewound which makes the system far more reliable.
And in regards to precocking, it really isnt necessary for a ptw due to how quick they already are. Some people do this on certain aeg builds to aid in trigger response, but it puts a lot of strain on the system and isnt always necessary.
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Old January 27th, 2018, 09:53   #20
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Was AEG than went to Gas than back to AEG

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Old January 27th, 2018, 12:30   #21
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Electric still. Longevity, reliability, lower maintenance time and cost. There’s no hoses, tanks, or gas cans and a couple small lipos are lightweight, fit into a tiny pouch, and can run your gun for days. They’re more stable in temperature variation, they almost never suffer from joule-creep. The list goes on and on. Airsoft is designed to be competitive, so the most all around effective and functional gear wins every time.
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Old January 28th, 2018, 12:18   #22
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Theyre just a brand of expensive, awesome, tight tolerance, proprietary electric guns.
But the advances in stock AEGs and available upgrade parts are making them a smaller niche.

Its getting extremely difficult to justify their cost these days. And dont even look at the non-systema clone ptws.
Buying a A&K ptw is nothing like buying a marui clone aeg.
Its like wanting to buy a lamborghini, and getting a civic with a body kit instead.
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Old January 28th, 2018, 13:02   #23
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I started playing with a GBBR but switched to an AEG and then HPA (which uses AEG mags). GBBRs are more fun but if everyone else is using AEGs with mid-cap mags then you will need follow suit or you will be out gunned.

The verbose:

I started airsoft with a GBBR running CO2 mags (WE L85A2). I found the mags were effective down to about 0-5 C and I just loved the realism. I have spent a fair bit of time hiking and back packing up and down mountains so hauling around 12 GBBR mags was not a problem (my 2-3 day back pack load sits at about 45 kg).

However, I didn't use my GBBR very long because at big games I found my 30 round mags to be a liability when going toe-to-toe with an AEG with even a mid-cap mag (80+ rounds). I found I was performing mag changes while the other guy continued to hose rounds at me; simply put I was out gunned by the larger AEG mag capacity.

I currently play with a Polar Star and just love it. I don't mind the hose and air bottle because I put together a really good vest system that makes carrying it a breeze. The satisfying crack and metallic ring when firing a P* turns heads every time; almost every time I use it someone comments on how wicked it sounds. The shot-to-shot consistency and longevity of a good modern HPA platform blows away an AEG in my humble opinion (and the R-hopped Promy barrel makes hitting things at range much easier).

Now I run with a group that is serious about milsim. Most of the guys use GBBRs so I short load my AEG mags at 30ish rounds for use with my P*. Personally, I very much prefer the milsim game play instead of the spray and pray crap that seems to predominate most skirms and big games. Why spend all of that smart money on gear just to play stupid?
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Old January 28th, 2018, 15:52   #24
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For sure a good portion of what you use will depend on the local scene.

It the locals all run high caps and their go to move is five minutes of solid hosing you're gonna have a bad day with a GBBR.

If the locals all have PTWs you're gonna have a bad day if you show up with an AEG fresh out of the box.

If the locals all run well tuned GBBRs and have ammo limits you'll have to adapt your style to suit.
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Old January 29th, 2018, 14:12   #25
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AEGs with Hi-Cap Mags because I am lazy
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Old January 29th, 2018, 16:01   #26
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Originally Posted by danhay View Post
I started playing with a GBBR but switched to an AEG and then HPA (which uses AEG mags). GBBRs are more fun but if everyone else is using AEGs with mid-cap mags then you will need follow suit or you will be out gunned.

However, I didn't use my GBBR very long because at big games I found my 30 round mags to be a liability when going toe-to-toe with an AEG with even a mid-cap mag (80+ rounds). I found I was performing mag changes while the other guy continued to hose rounds at me; simply put I was out gunned by the larger AEG mag capacity.
not true. if you have good timing and a smart play style you're just as, if not more, effective than a guy dumping entire mags into a room just because he can afford to waste the ammo. my team is 100% gas and has been doing fine vs aeg, polarstar, and ptw users alike
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Old January 29th, 2018, 21:14   #27
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I'd have to agree with leth1337, although having not played... usually if someone is just unloading you can duck into cover and wait it out; then you time your shots (or sneak off and flank). Reason why I don't mind having realistic capacities, any veteran shooter knows accurate shots are better than more shots... if not at the very least for less wear and tear and less cost.

Although there is a time and place to spray down cover fire and suppress the opposition or push them.
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Old January 29th, 2018, 21:40   #28
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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I don’t run high-caps, but when there’s 40-200 opponents on the field and you’re out there for long periods of time, bucket-loads of pre-loaded ammo is a must have. I was in a fire-fight that lasted over four hours at a game I was at. 8 mid-caps was dicey and that’s not with hosing. Also, swapping out a quick battery to buy yourself another half day versus filling individual mags and carrying canisters or tanks that collectively won’t even touch those few batteries is a major distinction. The extra weight and space you have by not carrying around those items allows for the carrying of extra ammo that can be speed loaded and you’re good to go. Or carrying other things as well, or just going lighter and lower-profile. I’ve seen experienced GBBR players hit any number of these walls in a scrim, let alone a longer game.

I’m not cutting down GBBRs, but other platforms other than AEGs don’t solve these issues, even being the “newer” technology, sort of. Quick scrim with a few people, then who cares I guess. Once again though, there’s noise, temperature, joule-creep, maintenance, etc, etc, on top of all that.
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Last edited by Ricochet; January 29th, 2018 at 21:45..
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Old January 29th, 2018, 22:14   #29
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Very good information and points all around.

Truly the best setup may very well be a GBB, an AEG/PTW, and an HPA lol. Just like one race car isn't ideal for every track and every race.
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Old January 29th, 2018, 23:25   #30
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Noise is awesome. More than once that sharp GBBR crack has flushed a gopher for me.
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