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Looking for an informed review on the VSR-10 and it's clones.


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Old April 28th, 2007, 13:57   #16
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Thanks for being so in-depth CDN_Stalker.
So I'm gathering from that display of accuracy that you're more than satisfied with your m700.

Would you say that the consistency of the gun was most affected by the sharp feed lips or the bent inner barrel? It seems weird for the bent barrel to affect the barrel is consistently bent for each shot is it not?

Again thanks for the help.

May I ask how much you ordered yours for? If I remember correctly, you ordered it from Grim Fandango right? Some of the shops in canada have really disproportionate the markup percentage for different guns vary...
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Old April 30th, 2007, 18:37   #17
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Hey, i was wondering what weight BBs you guys have had best luck with for a heavily modified VSR G-spec. I know its gotta be 25 grams or higher, but what seems to work the best for you?
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Old April 30th, 2007, 19:27   #18
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Originally Posted by CuppoJava View Post
Thanks for being so in-depth CDN_Stalker.
So I'm gathering from that display of accuracy that you're more than satisfied with your m700.

Would you say that the consistency of the gun was most affected by the sharp feed lips or the bent inner barrel? It seems weird for the bent barrel to affect the barrel is consistently bent for each shot is it not?

Again thanks for the help.

May I ask how much you ordered yours for? If I remember correctly, you ordered it from Grim Fandango right? Some of the shops in canada have really disproportionate the markup percentage for different guns vary...
Ya, I bought it from Grim in 2005, cost was $310 each with shipping on top.

Seriously, I haven't fielded it yet, always trusted my CA M24 more just because I've always used it, this year I'm gonna field it more to see how it does.

I did some shooting at an indoor range I have access to (ok, it's an isolated storage area at work, some guys do archery in there at lunch) and 90ft is the measured range, here are two targets I took a dozen or so shots each on from each rifle to adjust hop up and zero my scope on the M24 (target right) and M700 (target left).

While the M700 printed exceptionally well with 0.29g and 0.30g BBs at 30ft, my M24 was a bit larger group, generally an inch or so with the occasional flyer................... the M24 put more BBs on target at 90ft than the M700 did (barrelwise, M24 has a 6.03mm bore, and the M700 has the stock 6.05mm) yet keeping in mind, I shot about 2/3 more M24 rounds than M700 just because I was focusing on the M24 since it's my "every game" rifle where the M700 was mostly use at home and the odd rental. But because it's a constant challenge to tame my M24 when playing, and now that I installed a KM RH65 hop up rubber, I'm having consistancy problems, could be due to worn piston head (my initial 515fps has dropped to 470fps after a year and a half of use), I'm going to give my M700 it's due and use it more this year. If it ends up being a nasty mofo for accuracy out to 150ft and past, then the rep I got from wishful thinking shots using my M24 will really piss people off when I field the M700 since I can get more BBs on bodies than dealing with follow-up shots.
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Old April 30th, 2007, 20:04   #19
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stalker I love those targets


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Old April 30th, 2007, 20:34   #20
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Found the online, or something like that. Just print off and use!
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Old April 30th, 2007, 21:31   #21
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Originally Posted by tjs0110 View Post
Hey, i was wondering what weight BBs you guys have had best luck with for a heavily modified VSR G-spec. I know its gotta be 25 grams or higher, but what seems to work the best for you?
I alternate between SGM 0.29 and Straight (Digicon?) 0.36 Non-Graphite depending on the weather of the day. I usually keep 3 mags of 0.29's and one marked mag with the 0.36's in the case I need to try to penetrate heavy bush to get to a target.

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Old April 30th, 2007, 21:37   #22
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Originally Posted by CalvinTat View Post
I alternate between SGM 0.29 and Straight (Digicon?) 0.36 Non-Graphite depending on the weather of the day. I usually keep 3 mags of 0.29's and one marked mag with the 0.36's in the case I need to try to penetrate heavy bush to get to a target.
Ditto, except it's two 0.29g SGM and one 0.36g Straight 0.36g (for when wind is too strong).
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Old May 1st, 2007, 18:14   #23
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I'm most likely getting a VSR G-Spec with these upgrades
Prometheus Metal Spring Guide
Prometheus 130 Spring Upgrade
Prometheus Upgraded Trigger Sear
Prometheus Upgraded Piston Sear
Prometheus Upgraded Piston
Prometheus Silent Dampners
Prometheus Upgraded Cylinder Release
Prometheus 430mm Tighbore Barrel
Mini-Mil Dot Illuminated Sniper Scope
3pt Tactical Sling

It's got around a 405 FPS with all of those most likely
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Old May 1st, 2007, 18:38   #24
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130 spring is rated as 130m/s = 426.509186fps

If the spring guide is of the bearing type, it'll add roughly another 15fps.

Depending on the tightbore you get (really, doesn't matter except it's a tightbore), you are looking at maybe another 10fps on top.

So, you'd be closer to 450fps than the 405fps (unless your fingers made a typo). And as long as you prove to have a minimum engagement distance of 80-100ft, you should be fine to play on any field, even if you are over by a few fps.
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Old May 1st, 2007, 18:49   #25
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Since the topic of vsr clones is in the air can any one have experience with the JG Bar-10 mariu clone?
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Old May 1st, 2007, 19:58   #26
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Old May 1st, 2007, 20:31   #27
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Thanks for the link cnd stalker but I already seen that I was just wondering if any one had experience with it, beause I don’t want to trust one source on the quality of the gun

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Old May 1st, 2007, 21:04   #28
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I posted the link because ASC is one of the last places you should look for information on non-standard airsoft sniper rifles. APS2/VSR G-Spec/CA M24/KJW M700 are pretty much the extent of what you'd get actual real info from. Point being, consider the airsoft population of Canada. Then drop it by a huge amount of people that will actually have good info regarding airsoft sniper rifles. Take into account the 100x greater airsoft population of the US, another 100x number or experienced airsoft snipers. Also the broader availability of oddball lower end sniper rifles than the above mentioned three.................. Hope that explains why I posted the link to find info, because it sure as hell won't be found on here!

BTW, you are welcome!
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Old May 2nd, 2007, 18:29   #29
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This might be kinda off subject, but I think it pertains to the subject somewhat. In a match, do you find its more effective to heavily camo yourself and wait for a target to enter your fire zone, or would you say its best to try attempt to stalk a target or multiple targets. I can see the benefits to both of these techniques, but I wanted to get the opinion of some much more experienced players.
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