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Tm VSR-10 (Upgrades)



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Old October 2nd, 2006, 16:56   #31
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Do you still have the stock vsr piston? If you do remove the oring from that and place it on the zero trigger. I should net you a few extra fps. The porting ont he piston of the zero triggger piston is to push the oring out and make a good seal. Unfortunatly its to skinny so the more bulky stock one does a far better job.
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Old October 8th, 2006, 11:02   #32
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Around Christmas time i shall make my next big parts order for all of my remaining parts. I will also be ordering a m14 quick detach silencer so i can actually find a gun bag that fits this huge rifle.
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Old October 8th, 2006, 14:37   #33
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Silencer Install

I was looking at the threaded silencer adaptor and i can't figure out how to get the damn thing installed on my gun. I don't see any threading at the end of my barrel or a way to take off the orange tip (if that is what needs to be done.). Any hints?
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Old October 8th, 2006, 14:53   #34
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Well do you have the gspec or the realshock/pro? If you have the rs/pro the end of the barrel has a threaded insert. If it gets stuck try sticking needle nose plyers inside it and using them to turn. If i recall its threaded opposite most things are. Hope that helps and ask if you have any questions.
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Old October 8th, 2006, 15:17   #35
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I actually have a usr-11, but its basically the same thing as a real shock (i've already taken the wieghts out). It was stupid of me not to think of reverse threads.

Last edited by usefuljon; October 8th, 2006 at 15:19..
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Old October 14th, 2006, 01:32   #36
JDM Narin
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I have to say this has been a very informative and interesting thread. It seems it was fate that this thread was made around the same time I bought my VSR10 G*Spec.

I was wondering if anyone could post an approximate price on parts? And are there any other barrel lengths other than the 555mm? Bean that gun looks amazing and I bow my head to you.

I would like to keep this in the 450fps range cuz it seems most BA rifles used in games are only allowed to have 450fps as a max limit.

I was snooping around some forums and found this guide to be the closest to he 450fps mark.

*Laylax pss10 ps130 spring: 427 fps*
-Trigger sear*$35
-piston sear*$21
-spring guide*$25
-Spring guide stopper*$21
-High pressure piston*$45
-Silent damper piston head(increases fps by a little, but also is stronger)*$19 ($35 for pro version)

How accurate is this setup? I would also assume these are all Laylax parts and in US dollars?

I have also been told and read tha to remove the cylinder you must drill it out? Im not to keen on doing it myself , would it be better off to replace it with the teflon piece instead? Also does anyone actaully do upgrades on this particular rifle?

Thanks again for this great info!

EDIT: Also noticed that if I bought a Lylax Zero Trigger it replaces the whole trigger assembly and piston and would l not need any of the parts stated in the list?

Last edited by JDM Narin; October 14th, 2006 at 01:36.. Reason: Adding statement
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Old October 15th, 2006, 21:24   #37
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For a quality set up i would reccomend the zero trigger and piston. If you dont want to drill the teflon cylinder is a viable choice. Its expensive to get allt he fancy parts and i cant really give you a good estimate on what things cost but be reasy to spend a few dollars thats for sure.
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Old October 16th, 2006, 10:49   #38
JDM Narin
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So the zero trigger assembly and piston would replace that list that was posted?

I would most likely take this route as well, just wanted to confirm. Let's see how my drilling skills hold up *crosses fingers*
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Old October 16th, 2006, 11:44   #39
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The spring guide is needed but other than that its it
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Old October 16th, 2006, 13:19   #40
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I didn't actually get my pin drilled out. I'm lucky enough to know some people with some welding skills so I got them to attach a small piece of metal to the pin and then just pull the pin out of the cylinder. Much cleaner than the drilling approach and there's no chance of killing your cylinder or cylinder head.
As far as your questions go JDM,
My setup runs right around 440FPS and all I have in there is the 130 spring and the Laylax 430mm 6.03mm tight bore barrel. There have been no reliability issues so far and I've been running it in this form since spring.
Those prices you listed are in American funds so you are looking at a fair chunk of cash if you do want to go with the quality setup as bean said. With this rifle it's pretty much an all-or-nothing upgrade. The Zero Trigger is definitely worth it since it costs about the same as upgraded sears and piston and that's exactly what it replaces. Plus you get a kit that should work flawlessly unlike the separate sear/piston combos out there where you could have tonnes of fitment issues. The only real negative is that you lose the safety.
I can't comment on accuracy at that FPS and the stock barrel since I replaced both at the same time. With the 130 spring and the tight bore I know I've had confirmed kills out to 250 feet but that is pushing the platform. I would say that 200 feet is the upper limit on the rifle pushing sub 450FPS.
If you do decide to go the Teflon cylinder and Zero trigger route you'll also need the spring guide and piston head.
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Old October 17th, 2006, 02:39   #41
JDM Narin
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Tsuru: Yeah thats awesome you havent had any problems yet. Thats the main thing that concerns me the most is I have read stories about people just upgrading the spring then something goes wrong a few games in.

And yes I would agree this is an all-or-nothing upgrade, Im ready and willing to spend the money where it's needed. I am just wondering which piece I should upgrsde first or should wait until all parts are in my possession then just to a full internal make over.

And yes I am looking for quality but obviously a little less power than Beans set up.

You would happen to know where the welded that piece would you? I can always get my old man to do some welding for me.

Thanks for the input!
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Old October 17th, 2006, 19:34   #42
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They just welded a small piece of scrap metal (about the size of two cooked grains of rice laid in a row) to the pin itself. The pin pretty much comes straight out when you pull on the metal with a pair of pliers.
I wasn't there for the actual welding part so I honestly have no idea how they got the metal to stick to the pin but if your old man's into welding then I imagine he should have no problems.
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Old October 18th, 2006, 15:03   #43
JDM Narin
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I gues I can give it a shot. If it isn't successfull then it looks like I will be making more purchases han before.

Would anyone recommend upgrading in a certain order piece by piece or should I just do it all at once?
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Old October 20th, 2006, 03:26   #44
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Well, unless you want to pay a lot for shipping costs from asian (assuming your ordering from one of the asian retailers) then I'd suggest getting it all over with at once. Although, I guess the potential downside to ordering it all at once is duty fees.

When I did my VSR-10 order around $750 USD before s/h, duties only cost me $50 out of a $100 invoice I got from DHL. Keep in mind though that $750 got me parts to upgrade two VSR-10 G-specs to the nines. The only thing I didn't order was new bolt handles, which regretably I kinda want one now.

Tsuru, I saw your wanted thread for a stock VSR Piston, I can sell you mine, as soon as I get around to drilling my stock cylinder (only because I want the O-ring).

I'm so happy cause I finally figured why I got 5 different Cylinder nozzles with my VSR-10. But to frustrated to actually make use of my information since the zero trigger takes forever to seat properly.

If practice makes perfect, yet nobody is perfect... Why practice?
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Old October 20th, 2006, 12:41   #45
JDM Narin
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Nines? As in 900 FPS? Wow.

If you dont mind me asking, whats your setup?
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