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Thanks Canadian Customs...



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Old March 11th, 2007, 03:33   #61
Join Date: Mar 2007
I was just looking on the Canadian Customs site, and i may of found a way to allow us to import airsoft legaly.

Muzzle velocity
We may consider other barrelled weapons, such as pellet guns, as non-restricted or restricted firearms if they meet the legal definition of a firearm, and if they have a muzzle velocity of more than 152.4 metres (500 ft.) per second. Owners of such weapons have to meet all import, licence, registration, and authorization requirements for non-restricted or restricted firearms.

If the muzzle velocity of a weapon is 152.4 metres (500 ft.) per second or less, the weapon may still, technically, be a firearm. However owners of such weapons do not need a firearms licence, the weapons do not have to be registered, and owners do not need an "authorization to transport" to import such a weapon.
While im sure someone has tried using this loop hole, it may just be the edge we need to win this fight.
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Old April 7th, 2007, 13:50   #62
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Has anyone ever had random parts confiscated: a cocking tube for example?
I was supposted to get it about 2 weeks ago...
Do they at least give you a notification that it has been seized?
But seriously, how do they know its not off a blender or something?

*sigh* i should of known better....
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Old April 7th, 2007, 14:13   #63
Amazing KG3
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Its nice to see a thread about taking action, instead of what laws will probably be made. Im getting furiously sick of seeing the endless wastes of time. unfortunately a minority cant take action because it will result in there ban, and as we all know, if your banned on ASC, you don't play airsoft. (as was the case with the petition) I hate that. The people who front this organization don't post about this kind of thing, and we need them to the most. Nothing is ever going to get done. If we can get a majority user vote on a plan or people to spear head it, then we will be laughing but i wouldn't expect to see that anytime soon. I understand that we need to delicately approach this topic, and no one should take the liberty to take action themselves, but seriously, if you contribute in anyway let us know, and help.
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Old April 7th, 2007, 14:23   #64
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Originally Posted by crosby87 View Post
Has anyone ever had random parts confiscated: a cocking tube for example?
I was supposted to get it about 2 weeks ago...
Do they at least give you a notification that it has been seized?
But seriously, how do they know its not off a blender or something?

*sigh* i should of known better....
customes will notifiy you if your item gets taken at the border..but it barely happens. I order metal bodys , cocking tubes and otehr body accessories all the time from the states. never had any problems. perhaps one day they will catch on.
You have to be familliar with the smell of crap to understand someone with their head up their own ass.
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Old April 7th, 2007, 14:24   #65
Amazing KG3
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everything i order overseas gets held up at customs, i have never had anything seized but it adds a couple of days to shipping : (
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Old April 7th, 2007, 15:04   #66
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i don't want this hobby to die and i feel useless just sitting here. i do agree that we need to get the ball rolling and set out some goals, what we want to focus on. i think a small forum would be helpful to pool thoughts and ideas, but have posting access to experienced people on the board.

this is just an idea, but perhaps members who have broken the 1,000 post-mark and are non-spammers could have posting access to this possible new forum. everyone else can read, but would have to message these reps to be heard out to avoid spamming, flaming and saying the same thing over and over. again its just an idea.

once we have a collective amount of thoughts and commentary then we could decide the best actions as a group to get the message out. i've seen some really good ideas for educating people in Ottawa and getting the word out. if we had a forum dedicated to this, we will have a group of people agreed to something, we would be organized and hopefully take some action. feel free to expand on this. thanks.
Staff Sgt. James Forbes, 1st Platoon, Bravo Company, 2d Battalion, 503d Infantry Regiment (The Rock), 173d Airborne Brigade (Separate)
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Old April 7th, 2007, 15:08   #67
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well keep in mind 1000 posts doesnt mean your more qualified, it does show your more active on tese forums though. I think age verification is a must though.
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Old April 7th, 2007, 16:50   #68
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I stick to getting all my stuff in canada, though I have looked at getting a metal body for my M4 from the states, just kinda scared to import it. It's the lack of confidence in our boarder services taking notice on the right problems that bugs me. They are more worried about a few people playing airsoft than the real problems Canada faces for boarder security. They are all too happy to screw someone over. They had me and my g/f sit in the customs office for 3 hours just because we went over for an farm show, then they tried to prove that we bought all the animals that we took to the show from the US, and didn't bring them from canada even though all our paper work was from Canada. 3 HOURS, it took me getting pissed off and confronting a few of them to let us go.

Though I support any plan to help airsoft and if any help is needed to get the ball rolling so to speak I wouldn't mind being involved. I love this sport and don't want to see it die because of the reatards at the boarder.

Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Its a good thing stupidity doesnt have mass or whole sections of this board would collapse in and destroy themselves in a stupidity singularity.
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Old April 8th, 2007, 01:43   #69
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I don't know if it's still like this or not, but back in Montreal, if I import something in... accessories wise, I get a charged fee from the broker company.. ($46.00 AND UP depending on what you got). Otherwise, Canadian Custom usually send you a letter regarding a seized item.
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Old April 8th, 2007, 01:53   #70
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I checked and it got out this morning (my cocking tube). They held it for 12 days, omg that has got to a record
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Old April 27th, 2007, 01:02   #71
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look, all this talk is great, but we have to step it up, and fast, or else the border will just get tighter and tighter, and we will never be able to get anything through, so i say to hell with this chit chat, we have to take a serious step towards confronting the customs office. i have sent 8 letters as it is, and i havent gotten a single god dam responce, and its pissing me off, i have been sending it straigh to customs as well as there head, Stockwell Day, so please take this email, and contact him, maybe if we all send email, we can atleast get this thing going, so send everything to if we all send letters, we may get contact, so i tell you all, take action instead of just sitting here on your asses.
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Old April 27th, 2007, 01:06   #72
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Can I see a copy of your letter? I think there's a pre-made one posted up somewhere written very professionally, not sure though.
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Old April 27th, 2007, 01:33   #73
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I like the enthusiasm, but do we have any one who is in politics or who deals with the law (Preferably lawyers, judges, policemen, Judicial clerks, MP's etc) on the forums, or who we could contact. There probably is a way to do this already in place, we just need to find it. Hell even a legal aid will know something. Before we do anything, we should actually find out what the hell is going to work. Petitions are all good and fine, but are rarely read or taken seriously. If we had some way to make aware the problem to the Government, and or some way get our view out there (legally) we can then actual do something constructive and more likely to get us closer to our goal.

Just my $0.02

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing."-Albert Einstein
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Old April 27th, 2007, 03:58   #74
Scooby Steve
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Personally, I'd like to see a documentary on Airsoft made. The Ontario Media Development Corporation, an agency of the Ministry of Culture, is based in Toronto and a simple web search of "Ontario film credit", without the quotation marks, will show how it could be done. I'm sure we'd all agree that it would be done under the auspices of ASC.
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Old April 27th, 2007, 13:26   #75
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Originally Posted by -Number7- View Post
I have never seen a post that made so much sense. Maybe I will complain personally. Heh heh.
Done. My message was forewarded to the minister of public safety . Hopefully something good comes out of it. You should do the same.

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