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What does your GF, partner, wife or husband say about your hobby?



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Old February 4th, 2011, 20:06   #76
Frozen Tex
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My wife introduced me to the guy that got me into paintball, with whom I then segued into airsoft. She encourages the exercise of a game a week, and encourages the socialization aspect. But she doesn't like guns, doesn't want to see them around the house, and doesn't like seeing my game pictures. She also complains about the occasional welt from a hit, even though I try to reason I'd get hurt far worse in a sport like hockey. And I never, ever mention how much I spend, or let her see more than one pistol and one rifle at a time. She doesn't seem to notice details like an M4 or Masada turning into an RPK or an M14. Even when my screensaver shows a collection picture taken in our living room with 7 longs and 2 pistols.

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Old February 4th, 2011, 20:14   #77
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Originally Posted by Frozen Tex View Post
My wife introduced me to the guy that got me into paintball, with whom I then segued into airsoft. She encourages the exercise of a game a week, and encourages the socialization aspect. But she doesn't like guns, doesn't want to see them around the house, and doesn't like seeing my game pictures. She also complains about the occasional welt from a hit, even though I try to reason I'd get hurt far worse in a sport like hockey. And I never, ever mention how much I spend, or let her see more than one pistol and one rifle at a time. She doesn't seem to notice details like an M4 or Masada turning into an RPK or an M14. Even when my screensaver shows a collection picture taken in our living room with 7 longs and 2 pistols.
So, you're basically saying she's in denial?

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Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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Old February 4th, 2011, 20:44   #78
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Originally Posted by Deadpool View Post
So, you're basically saying she's in denial?
Thats the best way to have it. Keep it that way lol
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Old February 4th, 2011, 21:11   #79
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Mine loves it.

Holds the pistol grip, and pulls the trigger for me and everything.
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Old February 4th, 2011, 23:25   #80
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Originally Posted by DEATH2000 View Post
Thats the best way to have it. Keep it that way lol
I make no effort to educate her further (aside from once explaining how a SERPA holster works after we saw one on a TV show).

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Old February 5th, 2011, 00:53   #81
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She didn't mind when we were still together.

It's not about the guy who doesn't call his hit. It's about the pants you're wearing and the pants you're team mate is wearing, Is it real multi cam or is it Chinese repro multi cam? I don't know but in the end it's still multicam.

Last edited by Able1; February 5th, 2011 at 00:58..
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Old February 5th, 2011, 01:10   #82
Boris the Blade
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Originally Posted by Able1 View Post
She didn't mind when we were still together.
I like the other pics better
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Old February 5th, 2011, 01:29   #83
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I'm not 100% sure because she says she doesn't mind and is glad I have a hobby and have fun but I know she's somewhat jealous that I spend time and attention away from her, whethe r it's games or constantly checking ASC on my iPhone...

Like many in his thread I think I may be in denial and so is she!

The ex didn't mind at first and ended up hating it... Both the money spent as well as the time and attention but everything works out for the best...

I think the my new gf wants to try it and would be open to it but is too intimidated, which gives me an idea... we golf together and snowboard together and it seems that there are alot of other guys in the same boat (now ive been drinking a bit and just came off a 16hr shift) but why don't we all invite our girls to join us for a game? Maybe we could buy ourselves a bit of slack and give them a better understanding of what we do? And maybe an excuse to buy more stuff!$ (itd also make an awesome valentines day gift for both!!)

I'm sure enough of us have enough guns and gear to equip a small army...jk but the girls would feel less intimidated and open to playing with a group of other girls and noobs and hey itd probably be fun!

What do you think?

Edit: corrected a bunch of drunken typing and iPhone autocorrect shit

Last edited by dirtdiver; February 5th, 2011 at 01:32..
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Old February 5th, 2011, 01:44   #84
Boris the Blade
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Originally Posted by dirtdiver View Post
I'm not 100% sure because she says she doesn't mind and is glad I have a hobby and have fun but I know she's somewhat jealous that I spend time and attention away from her, whethe r it's games or constantly checking ASC on my iPhone...

Like many in his thread I think I may be in denial and so is she!

The ex didn't mind at first and ended up hating it... Both the money spent as well as the time and attention but everything works out for the best...

I think the my new gf wants to try it and would be open to it but is too intimidated, which gives me an idea... we golf together and snowboard together and it seems that there are alot of other guys in the same boat (now ive been drinking a bit and just came off a 16hr shift) but why don't we all invite our girls to join us for a game? Maybe we could buy ourselves a bit of slack and give them a better understanding of what we do? And maybe an excuse to buy more stuff!$ (itd also make an awesome valentines day gift for both!!)

I'm sure enough of us have enough guns and gear to equip a small army...jk but the girls would feel less intimidated and open to playing with a group of other girls and noobs and hey itd probably be fun!

What do you think?

Edit: corrected a bunch of drunken typing and iPhone autocorrect shit
I think its a great idea!
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Old February 5th, 2011, 09:34   #85
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she thinks its dumb and 'doesn't get it' ..but I still love her and the gun. and I did actually get her to take a couple shots which I had to quickly immortalize in jpeg....*L*
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Old February 5th, 2011, 10:20   #86
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Originally Posted by dirtdiver View Post
I'm not 100% sure because she says she doesn't mind and is glad I have a hobby and have fun but I know she's somewhat jealous that I spend time and attention away from her, whethe r it's games or constantly checking ASC on my iPhone...

Like many in his thread I think I may be in denial and so is she!

The ex didn't mind at first and ended up hating it... Both the money spent as well as the time and attention but everything works out for the best...

I think the my new gf wants to try it and would be open to it but is too intimidated, which gives me an idea... we golf together and snowboard together and it seems that there are alot of other guys in the same boat (now ive been drinking a bit and just came off a 16hr shift) but why don't we all invite our girls to join us for a game? Maybe we could buy ourselves a bit of slack and give them a better understanding of what we do? And maybe an excuse to buy more stuff!$ (itd also make an awesome valentines day gift for both!!)

I'm sure enough of us have enough guns and gear to equip a small army...jk but the girls would feel less intimidated and open to playing with a group of other girls and noobs and hey itd probably be fun!

What do you think?

Edit: corrected a bunch of drunken typing and iPhone autocorrect shit

great idea...but sadly near impossible for myself. i like the buy more stuff angle...*L* definitely has potential.
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Old February 5th, 2011, 10:25   #87
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I met a woman at a wedding, she was from Montreal, we had a bit of a fling one visit there, one here. She saw me cocking my new silver M9 when she came out of the shower (I was in another room) It led to a big fight that ended the fling.
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Old February 5th, 2011, 10:52   #88
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My GF doesn't mind it, and even supports it as long as I don't spend excessive amounts of money at once. Purchasing one "new" rifle per year is ok with her.

She buys be guns and gear on special occasions.
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Old February 5th, 2011, 11:58   #89
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Originally Posted by augustwave79 View Post
My GF doesn't mind it, and even supports it as long as I don't spend excessive amounts of money at once. Purchasing one "new" rifle per year is ok with her.

She buys be guns and gear on special occasions.
Does she have a sister... sure lots of interested parties here

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Old February 5th, 2011, 13:25   #90
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ha!, mine thinks its sexy... hell, she is even on the forums

I recently sold a gun and she wants me to buy another one to fill in the empty gap on our wall.

Lucky me!
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