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Tm VSR-10 (Upgrades)



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Old November 23rd, 2008, 17:34   #91
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Originally Posted by GabeGuitarded View Post
You'll find the accuracy of the stock TM will be better than the accuracy of the stock Well. Even at the lower fps, it will be better to use. Just use black bb's rather than white bb's and fps won't be too big of a problem. FPS doesn't mean much if your shot isn't going to go where you want it to. I actually ran a lower fps spring in my Well all summer and had no problem getting hits with it from upwards of 50 feet.
How does the color of your ammo affect velocity? Please do research before posting.

I have a TM VSR, and I've also tinkered with clones. Clones often say 'TM compatible' but that doesn't means its true. After getting frusterated with lack of quality and compatibility from Chinese clones, I figured quality airsoft would be better for me. True, I virtually gutted my TM to put in upgraded parts, but I have yet to have any issues with it. In the end, its well worth it to invest in quality products.
If 50 bucks is really all you have to dish out, go for a tightbore and keep your rifle maintained.
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Old November 23rd, 2008, 19:17   #92
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Originally Posted by Muffin View Post
How does the color of your ammo affect velocity? Please do research before posting.
Why are you being rude? My point was that black bb's are much harder to see in flight. If you're running lower fps, white bb's are easier to avoid. I never mentioned anything about them affecting velocity.
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Last edited by Huron; November 23rd, 2008 at 19:27..
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Old November 23rd, 2008, 22:02   #93
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I'm not trying to be rude towards, sorry if you see it that way.
Using colored rounds to attempt to hide better from the enemy really isn't worth the trouble. The chances of them seeing one BB in mid air is slim enough to not effect anything. White BB's are best as you, as the shooter can see the flight path BB. You being able to see your shots is far more important then trying hiding them from others.
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Old November 23rd, 2008, 23:05   #94
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Originally Posted by Muffin View Post
I'm not trying to be rude towards, sorry if you see it that way.
Using colored rounds to attempt to hide better from the enemy really isn't worth the trouble. The chances of them seeing one BB in mid air is slim enough to not effect anything. White BB's are best as you, as the shooter can see the flight path BB. You being able to see your shots is far more important then trying hiding them from others.
No problem, my mistake. Good point that you need to be able to see your shot to correct for it, but even from around 60 feet I've had my target see the shot and duck, although it might have been that they heard the sound and just ducked after that.
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Old November 24th, 2008, 17:31   #95
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but back to my original point, I don't really want to spend that much money in the first place. I live in the U.S, so I can buy a Well MB03 for $70.00 and a pack of .28 bb's and I'm set for 150 feet, decent accuracy. I'm not that serious about tournaments and all that ( still just playing with friends) so hitting somebody dead on at 50-100 feet isn't really in my interest. I do concur with what you say though. But I still am interested in achieving a better sniping platform. If I were to upgrade even just a few things in a Well MB03 wouldn't that give me good accuracy with .28's?
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Old November 24th, 2008, 17:37   #96
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Realistically the stock vsr would give you better accuracy then the well could with a tightbore. The well has power but doesn't have the tolerances etc required for accuracy. Having a rifle set up for range and accuracy is sadly very expensive.
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Old November 24th, 2008, 18:05   #97
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What if I were to buy a TM VSR-10, and just replace the spring, what results would I get?

also, what is the difference between the Tokyo Mauri G-spec VSR-10 and the standard VSR-10?
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Old November 24th, 2008, 18:07   #98
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Originally Posted by andthenhewent View Post
What if I were to buy a TM VSR-10, and just replace the spring, what results would I get?

also, what is the difference between the Tokyo Mauri G-spec VSR-10 and the standard VSR-10?
barrel length, outer barrel, bolt handle and an air-break piston head.
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Old November 24th, 2008, 18:26   #99
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So you're saying that the G-spec's got a better airbreak, and bolt handle
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Old February 21st, 2010, 03:27   #100
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Originally Posted by andthenhewent View Post
What if I were to buy a TM VSR-10, and just replace the spring, what results would I get?
Depending on what power the spring is, your stock trigger wouldn't long.

I bought a 150sp spring, using the stock piston/trigger, and the trigger sears broke in the first cock. I picked up a Zero Trigger and a new piston; works like a charm.

But I understand your on a budget, if you were to get a new trigger, go for the V-Trigger, it's a bit cheaper.

Just don't expect too much life outta the stock trigger
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Old November 16th, 2010, 08:40   #101
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Teflon cylinder

Hi there, I have listed many sites but none of them had told me how is done the connection between teflon cylinder and the piece where is attached cocking handle; My stock cylinder show some tear around that four pins which holds it even after the first time I had fielded it; I have Bar10 with M160 spring. I wouldn't have done such an upgrade if guys in shop haven't told me that stock cylinder can handle such a strength. PDI cylinders are said to be welded but I have no idea about that telfon one. One friend of my is working on modification of my stock one to fix that issue, anyway. I would also like to ask if it is true that it is significaly easier to cock the teflon one than pure steel one and if yes, if it is worth buying for that purpose. In my region all PDI sets and similar are sold out for months and I was only able to find that teflon in near country.
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Old December 9th, 2012, 20:56   #102
M. Mackey
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I have a VSR 10 that I bought from and I believe it's made by WELL. I'm new to upgrades and I have no idea if my gun is Marui compatible or what upgrades will fit it. Can someone point me in the right direction? I'm looking to do a barrel upgrade.
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Old December 9th, 2012, 23:29   #103
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Originally Posted by M. Mackey View Post
I have a VSR 10 that I bought from and I believe it's made by WELL. I'm new to upgrades and I have no idea if my gun is Marui compatible or what upgrades will fit it. Can someone point me in the right direction? I'm looking to do a barrel upgrade.
I was about to buy a VSR10 clone from buyairsoft until another member here told me that he had to modify 90% of the gun to make it fit. Not really TM compatible. A JG Bar10 is a much better choice if you want to go clone.
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Old December 10th, 2012, 09:35   #104
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Don't buy a clone, you won't likely get out of it what you want. The Marui VSR is worth the money if you can get one. It your looking to save some money buy a Classic Army M24.
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Old December 11th, 2012, 08:51   #105
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Don't buy a clone, you won't likely get out of it what you want. The Marui VSR is worth the money if you can get one. It your looking to save some money buy a Classic Army M24.
We all know TM is the way to go but in the real world, ASC represents only a small fraction of Canadian airsoft players and only if you are AV'd, you can get a real TM via the secret ASC dealers.

Brick and mortar dealers don't carry TM, so thus the JG Bar10 is readily available. If you want a good compatible, then the ASW338LM which is more modern looking.
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