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FAQ for Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa, 2011, 1911, MEU & Detonics type variants


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Old June 15th, 2011, 11:03   #1156
Join Date: Feb 2011
Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post

For Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa/1911, causes are:

1) Valve knocker is too long. Grind down it's length.
2) Flow valve strike face height is too high. Adjust it lower.

I'm assuming you're talking about Tokyo Marui, but you mention "CP slide & frame set", which as far as I can recall, only manufactured for WA. If you are referring to WA, then unfortunately, I don't know enough about the Magna pistols to be able to comment.

thanks, i managed to find a problem, CP slide and frame set YES it is for MARUI, i use it a few in here and i saw at prog4 too...

the problem is the knocker, i have to use 1911 type which doesn't have a portion on the top, (see picture) rather than hi-capa version. because the mechanism on the frame is similar to 1911 version so when the magazine push to the place, the knocker will allow small amount to lift up so it doesn't jam the valve.

hi-capa version:

1911 version:
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Old June 15th, 2011, 11:25   #1157
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Thanks for the info. I wasn't aware CP was back in the scene now. They haven't been active for quite a while, and they were very strong in the WA area years ago.

As for the knocker, there is nothing wrong with it. We've designed it so that it can be used with both Hi-Capa and 1911.

There is extra room at the front-bottom of the knocker (where it hits the valve.) This is to allow room for customization, as high level smiths tune the height of their valve knocker, and doing it this way allows for maximum contact with the valve. You just need to file a bit of material off the bottom edge of the knocker to allow it to slip past the edge of the valve. Thus, it is now given room to drop down when the hammer is cocked back (after magazine is inserted with hammer down.) Will take some photos for you later.
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Old June 21st, 2011, 08:10   #1158
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Illusion, if you don't mind, would you tell me how tm hicapa's blowback unit different to meu's ? As you might already knew, I want to fit SD hicapa slide (which i previously want springfield v12 but end up with sti eagle because of availabilty issue) to meu frame (which I finally go for guarder meu frame) and now the problem as I already knew it's coming, is that the meu's bbu doesn't fit in my SD slide.

And also for bbu, will kjw kp-06's bbu fit SD hicapa slide. If anyone ever experience this and able to answer, please do.

Btw bbu = blowback unit/blowback housing
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Old June 22nd, 2011, 07:57   #1159
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Hi there. I've just read all this topic (took 6 hours) but didn't find the clear answers for questions I wonder.
Would be grateful for any helpful advice!

I have Tokyo Marui Hi-capa XTREME (Full auto) and have already made some modifications to get greater velocity:
- PDI Winter piston head;
- PDI 6.01 precision inner barrel;
Now I have 265-280 FPS on 0.25 BB with Green Gas and 25C temp.

And intend to upgrade the pistol with:
- Guarder Enhanced Loading Muzzle for Hi-capa 5.1 (have it);
- Guarder High Output Valve For Marui Hi-Capa (have it);
- Guarder 150% both recoil and hammer springs (have it);
- Any aluminium slide, that is durable and consistent with my pistol.

I have already tried to combine PDI Winter piston head and PDI Winter piston head but the piston seems to be too tightly moving inside the muzzle - the top BBU spring's power is not enought to move muzzle back (i tested it in my hends, not shooting).

1.Will I win any FPS replacing stock loading muzzle with Guarder Enhanced one? Does it make sense taking into account "tightness" problems with PDI piston?

2. How much FPS may I win after 2nd (intended) stage upgrade?

3. Do TM Hi-capa 4.3 aluminium slides fit to my pistol (exactly slides, not BBUs)? What slide would you recommend?

4. Is it safe to use stock plastic slide with items from 2nd (intended) stage upgrade installed?

Last edited by 13thWarrior; June 22nd, 2011 at 08:18.. Reason: adding info
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Old June 22nd, 2011, 14:10   #1160
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Originally Posted by ggxxx View Post
Illusion, if you don't mind, would you tell me how tm hicapa's blowback unit different to meu's ? As you might already knew, I want to fit SD hicapa slide (which i previously want springfield v12 but end up with sti eagle because of availabilty issue) to meu frame (which I finally go for guarder meu frame) and now the problem as I already knew it's coming, is that the meu's bbu doesn't fit in my SD slide.

And also for bbu, will kjw kp-06's bbu fit SD hicapa slide. If anyone ever experience this and able to answer, please do.

Btw bbu = blowback unit/blowback housing
MEU BBU has a notch cut on the top (beside the screw hole) to allow fitment of the rear sight. Beyond that, everything else is the same, and for all intents and purposes, an MEU BBU *can* fit in to a Hi-Capa slide. The only problem with doing that, is that you run a very very high risk of damaging the nozzle return spring this way, as it's known to catch on that notch if the sight is not in there to block it.

Originally Posted by 13thWarrior View Post
Hi there. I've just read all this topic (took 6 hours) but didn't find the clear answers for questions I wonder.
Would be grateful for any helpful advice!

I have Tokyo Marui Hi-capa XTREME (Full auto) and have already made some modifications to get greater velocity:
- PDI Winter piston head;
- PDI 6.01 precision inner barrel;
Now I have 265-280 FPS on 0.25 BB with Green Gas and 25C temp.

And intend to upgrade the pistol with:
- Guarder Enhanced Loading Muzzle for Hi-capa 5.1 (have it);
- Guarder High Output Valve For Marui Hi-Capa (have it);
- Guarder 150% both recoil and hammer springs (have it);
- Any aluminium slide, that is durable and consistent with my pistol.

I have already tried to combine PDI Winter piston head and PDI Winter piston head but the piston seems to be too tightly moving inside the muzzle - the top BBU spring's power is not enought to move muzzle back (i tested it in my hends, not shooting).

1.Will I win any FPS replacing stock loading muzzle with Guarder Enhanced one? Does it make sense taking into account "tightness" problems with PDI piston?

2. How much FPS may I win after 2nd (intended) stage upgrade?

3. Do TM Hi-capa 4.3 aluminium slides fit to my pistol (exactly slides, not BBUs)? What slide would you recommend?

4. Is it safe to use stock plastic slide with items from 2nd (intended) stage upgrade installed?
1. No velocity improvement with nozzles. They are for durability only.

2. Each setup is different. Hard to say how much improvement. I would guess 15-25fps improvement, because of the output valve. Will also depend on specifically which one you got. Guarder has two available. Note: You will get drastically reduced gas efficiency. Gas usage jumps up dramatically due to the harder springs and heavier slide.

3. Regular Hi-Capa 4.3 slides will fit. I recommend ILLusion Kinetics slides. Seems like an obvious answer when you ask it in this thread...

4. Yes, it's safe to use plastic slide. you will get best performance with the stock slide.
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Old June 22nd, 2011, 16:30   #1161
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Illusion, thank you for answers !
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Old June 27th, 2011, 18:09   #1162
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My recoil spring plugs for my 4.3 all keep getting busted. The ring around the plug breaks. I've used the stock 4.3 recoil plug and now an AIP aluminum recoil plug, but it looks like its receiving the same damage as the stock one. Im using a Prog4 Slide and Comp set that needs a 4.3 plug, but sadly i misplaced the one that came with it. Is there something i can do to keep this from happening all the time?
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Old June 29th, 2011, 23:46   #1163
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Hi Brain,

I have a few question related to Guarder metal upgrade for TM 1911 MEU. I just installed upgrade kit above, everything seem to be working fine beside a few minor problem.

Here is the list of my upgrade parts :

- Guarder Aluminum Slide & Frame For MARUI MEU.45
- Guarder Enhanced Recoil/Hammer Spring for MARUI MEU/M1911 ( 150% )
- Guarder Steel Barrel & Chamber
- Guarder High Output Valve For Marui M1911

The problem is the gun won't finish the whole magazine, it's only last about 8 rounds worth of gas. The gas spill too much from the eject port, it make me almost impossible to aim the pistol close to my face. So could you please me solve this problem ? I'm willing to do more upgrade in addition to make this pistol be able to game. Thanks.

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Old June 30th, 2011, 14:46   #1164
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Originally Posted by MASAKO View Post
Hi Brain,

I have a few question related to Guarder metal upgrade for TM 1911 MEU. I just installed upgrade kit above, everything seem to be working fine beside a few minor problem.

Here is the list of my upgrade parts :

- Guarder Aluminum Slide & Frame For MARUI MEU.45
- Guarder Enhanced Recoil/Hammer Spring for MARUI MEU/M1911 ( 150% )
- Guarder Steel Barrel & Chamber
- Guarder High Output Valve For Marui M1911

The problem is the gun won't finish the whole magazine, it's only last about 8 rounds worth of gas. The gas spill too much from the eject port, it make me almost impossible to aim the pistol close to my face. So could you please me solve this problem ? I'm willing to do more upgrade in addition to make this pistol be able to game. Thanks.

First thing I would check, is to see if there's any damage to the nozzle, piston head, and/or the floating valve. Re-assess from there.

And just for confirmation, the slide to frame movement is smooth, as is the chamber's action?
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Old July 2nd, 2011, 09:53   #1165
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Got a little problem I could use some help on. My 5.1 was working fine and I decided to custom paint a set of grips I had laying around and install them. All went well until I started to put the gun back together. For some strange reason the hammer will only fall to the half position. I have looked and looked and cant figure out what is going on. I have taken this thing apart many times and it went back together fine. This one has me stumped. Like I said, once you put it back together the hammer will only fall to the half position. It will cock fine to the correct position but once you pull the trigger it falls to the half spot.

Any help would be great....

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Old July 2nd, 2011, 14:12   #1166
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Originally Posted by RJT View Post
Got a little problem I could use some help on. My 5.1 was working fine and I decided to custom paint a set of grips I had laying around and install them. All went well until I started to put the gun back together. For some strange reason the hammer will only fall to the half position. I have looked and looked and cant figure out what is going on. I have taken this thing apart many times and it went back together fine. This one has me stumped. Like I said, once you put it back together the hammer will only fall to the half position. It will cock fine to the correct position but once you pull the trigger it falls to the half spot.

Any help would be great....

Not exactly what I did but I got it fixed....

NOPE NOT fixed...

I changed the hammer spring to a stronger one and it started working but then it started firing in full auto. Once I swirched back to my original spring I was using it started doing the hlaf drop nammer thing again.

This is getting frustrating....

Last edited by RJT; July 2nd, 2011 at 15:38..
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Old July 3rd, 2011, 00:48   #1167
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Increase the trigger disconnect lever leaf spring prong tension.
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Old July 5th, 2011, 02:11   #1168
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Hey ILLusion, could you give me any advice/info on short-stroking? Not very sure on what material to use. My friend stroked his Marui 4.3 and it cycles extremely quickly with a 150% recoil rod now. Would you reccomend doing it? (I know it will disable the slide catch, I usually watch my BB's fly anyways xD)

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Old July 5th, 2011, 11:25   #1169
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Short stroking will typically result in reduced felt blowback, increased cycling speed, and a disabled slide lock. If you're able to live with all these effects, and your trigger finger can even pull the trigger fast enough to make such a mod worthwhile, then by all means, go for it.

I prefer a buffer that will provide an active bounce to the slide, which will further speed up the cycling speed. Some brands do this with a spring (like Tokyo Marui.) Some brands do it with a urethane rubber (like Airsoft Surgeon.)

Try a bunch out, and see which works best for you.
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Old July 7th, 2011, 17:34   #1170
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I just got one question. Does the Hi Capa Fixed outer barrel really improve life of a slide? Im thinking of getting a fixed one, but i don't like the markings on it. And SD has a barrel and chamber combo which would allow me to use the chamber markings i want. However, if the slide is gonna crap out on me because of the barrel, i'd rather just get the fixed one. Have you ever seen a slide actually be unusable because of a non fixed outer barrel?
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