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FAQ for Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa, 2011, 1911, MEU & Detonics type variants


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Old December 15th, 2011, 14:05   #1381
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I know the machining property of brass, I just wonder if there were any practical reason they used brass aside from that. I think a lot of legacy WA pistol upgrades are brass also....brass typically is not something I'd pick for anything structural, but since it has some self lubricating properties it is popular for a bearing/bushing use....

Maybe you can see the shiny brass in the loaded chamber indicator? like there is one in the chamber? lol....

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Old December 15th, 2011, 14:21   #1382
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If only they can make brass slides, I'd take one right away.
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Old December 15th, 2011, 15:22   #1383
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They do for

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Old January 8th, 2012, 04:32   #1384
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So I took my 1911 out to a game for the first time since I've put new parts in. After a few shots, it developed some weird issues.

First, the holster I've always used for it (Huang BH CQC) won't fold the gun in "lock" anymore. I suspect this has something to do with the safety on the right side of the gun, as it won't move anymore (likely has something to do with the square piece that fell out).

Second, after a few double taps, the gun locked back like I was out of ammo. There were still BBs and gas in the mag. Upon inspection, the slide was locked back WITHOUT the slide catch release holding it back. After a while, the slide would suddenly slam back into battery for no apparent reason.

Any ideas, gurus?
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Old January 8th, 2012, 09:36   #1385
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Once, the (too) big NB oring of the piston head slipped out of its groove and jamed into the loading nozzle, locking the slide back. I switched back to a "regular" oring since.

BTW, when do you need the big NB oring?

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Old January 8th, 2012, 09:36   #1386
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Taro, that happened to my Hi-Capa when my frame was cracked and my hammer was askew. As in crooked. You might want to check and make sure your frame isn't cracked.
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Old January 8th, 2012, 15:01   #1387
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Originally Posted by Freeze View Post
Taro, that happened to my Hi-Capa when my frame was cracked and my hammer was askew. As in crooked. You might want to check and make sure your frame isn't cracked.
Regular Hicapas have metal frames.

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Old January 8th, 2012, 15:18   #1388
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The frame looks fine. I think it might have something to do with the recoil spring being overly compressed, but it's just a guess.

Edit: My barrel bushing and recoil spring cap are now flush...I have no idea how it happened, since it was physically impossible yesterday.

Double edit: Okay, I THINK the problem is that the Guarder slide and the Nova catch aren't playing nice. The reason the gun appear to slam forward for no reason is, I believe the slide just grinds against the Nova until it can pass. I'm still not sure.
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Last edited by TaroBear; January 8th, 2012 at 17:47..
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Old January 8th, 2012, 18:26   #1389
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Originally Posted by TaroBear View Post
So I took my 1911 out to a game for the first time since I've put new parts in. After a few shots, it developed some weird issues.

First, the holster I've always used for it (Huang BH CQC) won't fold the gun in "lock" anymore. I suspect this has something to do with the safety on the right side of the gun, as it won't move anymore (likely has something to do with the square piece that fell out).
This... I can't help you with, unless I see it in my hands.

Originally Posted by TaroBear View Post
Second, after a few double taps, the gun locked back like I was out of ammo. There were still BBs and gas in the mag. Upon inspection, the slide was locked back WITHOUT the slide catch release holding it back. After a while, the slide would suddenly slam back into battery for no apparent reason.

Any ideas, gurus?
There are a number of reasons for this. Best thing to do, is put your gun in to the hands of someone who knows what they're looking at to figure it out for you. But I would hunt down the source of the restriction. I'd start by seeing WHERE the slide is hanging. Is it stuck at full back stroke? Part way? Is the blowback unit hanging on the hammer? Is the corner of the blowback unit hanging on the disconnect lever? Is the slide locking up to the chamber? Is the slide hanging on the slide lock? (common problem for users who don't properly modify Nova slide locks and don't realize the slide lock isn't properly seated.)
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Old January 8th, 2012, 20:15   #1390
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
This... I can't help you with, unless I see it in my hands.

There are a number of reasons for this. Best thing to do, is put your gun in to the hands of someone who knows what they're looking at to figure it out for you. But I would hunt down the source of the restriction. I'd start by seeing WHERE the slide is hanging. Is it stuck at full back stroke? Part way? Is the blowback unit hanging on the hammer? Is the corner of the blowback unit hanging on the disconnect lever? Is the slide locking up to the chamber? Is the slide hanging on the slide lock? (common problem for users who don't properly modify Nova slide locks and don't realize the slide lock isn't properly seated.)

I believe your last suggestion is the most likely. I'm going to take it apart and examine each moving component to see if I can figure out what's wrong. if nothing else, I'll drop it off with you when I pick up my rifle.
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Old January 8th, 2012, 21:52   #1391
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I believe picture one shows the problem.
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Old January 8th, 2012, 22:39   #1392
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Doesn't seem like the slide is caught on the slide catch to me. You can isolate this by removing the slide catch and insert only the pin portion to secure the hop up unit.

Since you get this problem after a few quick shots, it's possible that the piston head oring is wedged with the loading nozzle. Check that.
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Old January 9th, 2012, 00:04   #1393
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What other parts is on the gun?

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Old January 9th, 2012, 02:31   #1394
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Inner and outer barrel, recoil spring, spring cap, grips, the slide catch, and trigger. I also had to sand down the grip weights a bit for the grips. Oh, and a metal slide/frame.
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Old January 9th, 2012, 14:15   #1395
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Hey all,

I've run into a brick wall with a like new cansoft KJW KP-08. Loading nozzle + floating valve + valve blocker (well, the pin that replaces the function of the valve blocker in the red "CO2 ready" KJW loading nozzle assemblies) are all intact. KJW magazines have wear on them right above the valve button itself, as if the valve knocker is hitting there instead of on the valve where it should be to open the valve correctly. Valve knocker spring seems to be installed correctly.

From a fully loaded and gassed up magazine, I rack the slide to chamber a BB and cock the hammer and I get one full cycle. The second time I pull the trigger, I get a small puff of gas exiting the magazine, but no recoil action (and thus the hammer remains fully down). Sometimes, putting upward force on the baseplate of the magazine gets it to cycle correctly.

A possibility that crossed my mind is that the KJW magazine catch is out of spec, allowing the magazine to slightly loosen itself during the initial shot. This would explain the odd wear/dents in the magazine valve, though wouldn't quite explain why the valve gets partially opened when I pull the trigger for the second time. At least, that doesn't quite make sense in my head.

Another possibility that has crossed my mind is that the valve knocker is out of spec, though if it was truly out of spec, I'm thinking that it shouldn't be able to open the valve as much as it does during the first trigger pull.

Hammer seems to have enough force to open the valves on the first strike with a fully gassed up magazine, so I figure that it isn't the hammer spring.

I have no Hi-Capa of my own at this time, so I'm having trouble figuring out exactly which part is giving me trouble. Seeing as how I sold most of my spare parts along with my Hi-Capa, I'm hoping that someone here can give me suggestions on what I should be looking for.

Thanks in advance.
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