Shimming: 5/5
Amazingly shimmed, one of the best "stock" shim jobs I've ever seen.
Bevel: .1mm
Sector: Perfect
Spur: .2mm
2 1/2 Revolution free spin
Compression: 0/5
AWFUL compression, terrible piston head design... Would recommend changing out compression parts ASAP.
Wiring: 4/5
Decent wiring, ran very well, Stock Tamiya connectors are very cheap, should be replaced with deans ASAP.
Finish 3/5
Mostly plastic, few metal parts are painted and it scratches easily. Plastic is solid.
Fitment 4/5
Everything fits together very nice. Doesn't have the "China Clone Wobble" that's present in other low-cost guns. Mechbox is strange, screws for mechbox dissasembly are on the wrong side of the box (Unscrew and flip over before opening.) The gun dissasembles EXTREMELY easily and nicely.
Overall: 16/25 Or 64/100
Get the PM5A4 instead of this one.