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G&G MP5 Reviews/Comparisons (A4/SD5/G5)



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Old September 7th, 2009, 13:52   #1
formerly Knyte
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Location: Manitoba
G&G MP5 Reviews/Comparisons (A4/SD5/G5)


G&G MP5 Reviews & Comparisons

A4 - SD5 - G5


MP5 A4

I'll start with the A4.

The MSRP: $326.00

These are available from yours truely: Warfighter Tactical, and we offer a comprehensive upgrade service through Amos for any AEG's we sell.

Advertised FPS is 350, we have found most of the AEG's from G&G shoot 330ish, but with a simple piston head replacement, the velocity jumps 20-40 fps.

Initial Impressions

The packaging, like the AK Wood/Steel and M4 Classic and the advanced versions, is excellent. Everything is nicely tucked away in good quality styrofoam.

Taking the gun out, I was quite impressed already with the weight and feel of the piece. No creaks/wobbles, the mag has no wobble, foregrip is tight and secure, it feels rock solid.

Included in the package:
-1400 mah nihm 9.6v Split Stick Battery (small tamiya connector)
-Glasses w/ Soft Case
-Wall Charger (small tamiya connector)
-Bag of BB's
-Unjamming Rod
-Metal Hi-Cap Magazine
-Small-Large Tamiya Adapter
-MP5 Type Quick-Attach Flash Hider
-MP5 RIS Sight Rail


External quality on this MP5 is really top notch. Better than CA & ICS from what I have seen, certainly better than TM.

The nylon fiber or composite they use in the stocks and grips feels superb. It feels like the nylon fiber used in CA's G36's. It isn't 'stiff' or 'hard' like the plastic used in CA's MP5 lines or TM's, it also has the rough texture finish on it as well. The foregrip, rear stock, and pistol grip, all the same high quality material and finish. Very impressive, especially considering the price of this AEG.

The polycarbonate receiver feels/looks like all the other smoked receivers from G&G we have looked at thus far. Not much else to say about it really, they are not brittle, they don't feel 'weak'. I trust their integrity more than I would a TM plastic receiver or a receiver from any of the clones or low end gusn.

Metal components are as follows:
-Quick-Attach System
-Thread Protector
-Flash Hider
-Sight Rail
-Sling Mounts
-Mag Release Button & Lever
-Bolt Cover
-Bolt Handle

Essentially everything aside from the receiver that should be metal on the RS version is metal. The metal also seems to be good quality. Doesn't feel cheap as many metals on AEG's to. Finish seems good.

The barrel has the MP5 quick attach 3-flange system, and also a 14mm cc thread for attaching regular silencers in front of the quick attach. It includes a checkered metal thread protector. The quick attach flash hider slips over the mechanism and locks in place smoothly and tightly. No complaints there.

Not much else to say about the externals at this point really. Most noticeable thing is certainly the feel and look of the stocks and grip.


First thing I really checked for was to see if the bolt handle functioned. And yes, it surely did. Like the other MP5's and the AK's, there is a strong spring in the bolt handle, and it is completely metal, and capable of being used and abused like their RS counterparts. Slapping the bolt handle down is quite satisfying.

The selector clicks into place noticeably with audible confirmation, and there is also a bit of resistance moving it out of a position which is nice, you don't need to worry about it 'slipping' in between semi and full or semi and safe in combat. The selector is also ambidextrous in case anyone was wondering, and it is that way on all the MP5's.

The mag releases are both metal and work well. The MP5's have both the right index finger button akin to M4 style guns as well as the lever release just in front of the trigger guard. I tend to use the lever release on MP5's, although I am not a southpaw. The springs in both releases are good and tight, so there should be no concern about accidental engagements.

The mag sits tightly in the magwell with minimal wobble, and clicks into place securely. CA, MAG, and G&G mags fit perfectly, we have yet to test other brands.

Full stock can hold a large size battery, the AEG is wired for a large tamiya connector, so the adapter must be used to connect the included split stick battery.

Hop adjustment is the same lever type as the W/S AK and other MP5's. It is tight and stays in place well when adjusted. Like the others, it seems to have a 'sweet spot' than you have to find, anything beyond will arc waaaay up.


Oddly enough, this one had the hop perfectly set right out of the box. At first, I thought it was just fluke and the hop needed some break in time, but about 300 bb's later I began to change my mind. I assume, it was possibly tested out before at the factory or at CAS, but it really shoots well.

Like the other MP5's, the response time is excellent. Better than the M4's and AK's from G&G, and better than most guns I have seen and used. Near instant response when the trigger is pulled. I don't know what G&G does with their MP5's different to cause this great response but it makes them more of a pleasure to shoot that is for sure.

-Rate Of Fire
As with the response, ROF is better than the M4's and AK's, and again, better than a lot of other brand's guns too. Especially for a stock gun, really impressive.

Accuracy is excellent for a stock gun, on par with the M4, not quite as good as the wood/steel AK. As I have mentioned before in my reviews, most stock guns from other major manufacturers are NOT this accurate out of the box. A big plus for G&G's guns.

Right along there with the accuracy, the range is excellent. On par again with the M4, not as long as the AK wood/steel. Really good considering the price, and that this is a stock gun. I don't expect this performance from much more expensive full metal guns from other manufacturers.

Roughly 330, we didn't have a chrono at the field yesterday. I will have Amos chrono her when he takes a look at the innards. As with the other lines, we can expect I am sure a piston head that doesn't seal well. So replacing that will usually give a 30-40 fps increase.

All total about 700 rds through her thus far, no hiccups or issues. Will continue to report as we go along.

See Below


I'm assuming, the internals will be the same as the G5, but we will check to find out. Also going to have Amos check and ensure this can take a std MP5 metal receiver.

I think this is my favorite of the three MP5 versions, due mainly to the high quality composite in the foregrip as well as the rear stock and pistol grip. For the price range, I have seen nothing that can compare, and based on performance and function, I would even recommend this over many other much higher priced AEG's. Perfectly skirmishable right out of the box, and a few minor upgrades should offer a good performance boost as well.

Last edited by WARFIGHTER; September 7th, 2009 at 21:03..
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Old September 7th, 2009, 13:53   #2
formerly Knyte
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Location: Manitoba
Mp5 sd5


And we'll continue on with the SD5

The MSRP: $340.00

Again, they are available through Warfighter Tactical. We offer a comprehensive upgrade service through Amos for any AEG's we sell.

Advertised FPS is 350, we have found most of the AEG's from G&G shoot 330ish, but with a simple piston head replacement, the velocity jumps 20-40 fps.

Initial Impressions

Excellent packaging again. No surprise there.

Great weight and feel, heaviest of the three MP5's, very solid.

Included in the package:
-1400 mah nihm 9.6v Split Stick Battery (small tamiya connector)
-Glasses w/ Soft Case
-Wall Charger (small tamiya connector)
-Bag of BB's
-Unjamming Rod
-Metal Hi-Cap Magazine
-Small-Large Tamiya Adapter
-Metal Silencer
-MP5 RIS Sight Rail


External quality again very good. Better than a lot of others I have seen, especially in this price range.

The SD5 has the same material in the rear stock and grip as the A4 and G5 do. Feels fantastic, has a nice 'rough' texture, good weight, little flex. The front ribbed foregrip is a different material, it isn't a bad quality or anything it just doesn't feel as good as the other.

The polycarbonate receiver feels/looks... Exactly like the others.

Metal components are as follows:
-Thread Adapter
-Sight Rail
-Sling Mounts
-Mag Release Button & Lever
-Bolt Cover
-Bolt Handle

The metal parts feel the exact same quality as the A4.

The barrel has a metal threaded adapter with washer that is screwed into the 14mm counter clockwise threading, and then the included full metal silencer screws into the clockwise threaded adapter. The adapter has a set screw that needs to be tightened, otherwise, when trying to screw in the silencer, you will unscrew the adapter trying to get the silencer on tightly...

As with the A4, there are two sling mounting points, one is the slot type on the side of the rear stock, which is a metal bracket and bar, the other is a eyelet just below the front sight for a HK style hook or similar hook type clip.



Bolt handle and cover fully functional. Both metal, and fun to manipulate.

The selector clicks into place noticeably with audible confirmation, and there is also a bit of resistance moving it out of a position, just like the A4/G5.

The mag releases are the same as the A4/G5.

The mag sits tightly in the magwell with minimal wobble, and clicks into place securely. CA, MAG, and G&G mags fit perfectly, we have yet to test other brands.

Full stock can hold a large size battery, the AEG is wired for a large tamiya connector, so the adapter must be used to connect the included split stick battery.

Hop adjustment is the same lever type as the W/S AK and other MP5's. It is tight and stays in place well when adjusted. Like the others, it seems to have a 'sweet spot' than you have to find, anything beyond will arc waaaay up.


This one needed the hop tuned, once I found it's sweet spot, I was pleased to find it performed as well as the A4. It is noticeably quieter than the A4/G5. The sound is a lower frequency, and more muffled. The inner barrel only extends about an inch into the silencer, which is encased in foam. I am not sure if there is a quieter motor in the SD5 as well or not, but I didn't expect the amount of noise difference just from a foam filled silencer that the SD5 has over the A4/G5.

Like the other MP5's, the response time is excellent. Better than the M4's and AK's from G&G, and better than most guns I have seen and used. Near instant response when the trigger is pulled.

-Rate Of Fire
Seems the same as the A4/G5. Most excellent.

Accuracy is very good for a stock gun, on par with the M4, not quite as good as the wood/steel AK. As I have mentioned before in my reviews, most stock guns from other major manufacturers are NOT this accurate out of the box. A big plus for G&G's guns.

Right along there with the accuracy, the range is excellent. On par again with the M4, not as long as the AK wood/steel. Really good considering the price, and that this is a stock gun. I don't expect this performance from much more expensive full metal guns from other manufacturers.

Roughly 330, we didn't have a chrono at the field yesterday. I will have Amos chrono her when he takes a look at the innards. As with the other lines, we can expect I am sure a piston head that doesn't seal well. So replacing that will usually give a 30-40 fps increase.

All total about 400 rds through this SD5 thus far, no hiccups or issues. Will continue to report as we go along.

See below


I'm assuming, the internals will be the same as the A4/G5, but we will check to find out.

A great MP5 from what I have seen so far. I like the A4 a bit better due to it's foregrip material but the quieter shooting of the SD5 also has it's advantages, so it's a tough call.

As with the other's, perfectly skirmishable right out of the box, and a few minor upgrades should offer a good performance boost as well.

Last edited by WARFIGHTER; September 7th, 2009 at 21:03..
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Old September 7th, 2009, 13:53   #3
formerly Knyte
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Location: Manitoba
Mp5 g5

MP5 G5

And now the G5 (moved and revised from it's separate review thread).

The MSRP: $313.50

Available of course from Warfighter Tactical.

Advertised FPS is 350, we have found most of the AEG's from G&G shoot 330ish, but with a simple piston head replacement, the velocity jumps 20-40 fps.

Initial Impressions

The packaging, you guessed it, very well done.

This is the lightest of the 3 MP5's, although considering it's skeleton stock I was expecting lighter. It is a very good weight for it's size, feels solid.

Included in the package:
-1400mah NiMh split battery (Mini Tamiya Connector)
-Ballistic Glasses (Clear, w/ cloth pouch)
-Wall Charger (Mini Tamiya Connector)
-Small Bag Of BB's
-Unjamming Rod
-Metal Hi-Cap Magazine (200rd)
-Fast-Attach Flash Hider
-Bottom/Side Forearm Rails
-Railed Sight Mount (Shown Mounted)
-Quick Release Swivel Sling Mount (Shown Mounted)


External quality is again very good.

The pistol grip/lower receiver, and folding stock, is the same great material as the A4's and SD5's. I really like the folding stock, it isn't flimsy as many others I have seen and used, and it locks into place securely, with little flex and no looseness. The rubber butt pad is thick and grips well.

The polycarbonate receiver is the same as the others.

Metal components are as follows:
-Quick-Attach System
-Thread Protector
-Flash Hider
-Sight Rail
-Sling Mounts
-Mag Release Button & Lever
-Bolt Cover
-Bolt Handle
-RIS Rails

Essentially everything aside from the upper receiver that should be metal on the RS version is metal. The metal is the same quality as the others.

The barrel and flash hider are the same as the A4.

What I like the least about the G5 is the foregrip. Due to the fact that it needs to fit a battery, it is fairly thin, and isn't as secure as the A4/SD5. It is attached via a single pin at the front, and small plastic tabs that lock into the upper receiver at the rear. It does have slight wobble, not nearly as bad as a TM M4 barrel wobble or anything, but it's noticeable, especially if you put a vertical grip on the rails. The material used in the foregrip, like the SD5, isn't the same material as on the rear stock and pistol grip/lower. Again, it doesn't feel bad or cheap like a lot of other AEG plastic, it just isn't as good as the other material.

On the upside, the foregrip does have spots for 3 accessory rails, which are included.


Bolt and cover are again functional.

The selector, and mag releases, are the same as the other two models.

No mag wobble in the G5 either.

Split type stick battery (nunchuk) is stored in the foregrip. This is a PITA to get in. The first time I put it in, took me 3 tries. But the second and third and fourth, must have taken me 15+ tries each time. It has to sit just right and the wires must be coerced out of the way through the process of wiggling the stock into place again. I have gotten better at getting it in but it still takes a few tries and is annoying.

The battery needs to have one stick in the middle, one at the right side, then the wires need to be moved to the left side, at least, this is how I've gotten it to work.

Hop adjustment is the same lever type as the W/S AK and other MP5's. It is tight and stays in place well when adjusted. Like the others, it seems to have a 'sweet spot' than you have to find, anything beyond will arc waaaay up.


The G5 had a bit lower range/accuracy than the A4/SD5, although now that we had replaced the piston head in it and it is sealing better, it out ranges the A4/SD5. Not sure if maybe it was just this gun or what, but it still had great range and accuracy for it's size, and especially for the price.

Fantastic response. Like the other MP5's.

-Rate Of Fire
Also great like the other MP5's.

Accuracy is good, especially for a stock gun of this price. Not quite as good as the other two MP5's we tested, or the AK W/S of course, but still very usable. On par or better with most stock guns from the major manufacturers.

Good range, again not quite as far as the other two MP5's, although after the piston head upgrade it is now out ranging them.

Speed was 340. After the piston head upgrade, it's shooting 360.

All total about 500 rds through it. Been perfect thus far.

See Below


A excellent AEG for the price. I think this is my least favorite of the three MP5's, although I do really like the folding stock, just not enough to make it worth the difficult battery change

Still though, a fine gun. A few simple upgrades will yield a good performance boost, but it is skirmishable in it's stock state as well.

Last edited by WARFIGHTER; September 7th, 2009 at 17:58.. Reason: Update
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Old October 16th, 2009, 11:21   #4
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G&G PM5-A4

I'll start off by saying forget the G5. If you have the option between the G5 and this MP5... you should 100% choose this MP5.

Fitment: Everything fits together quite well, all screws screw into metal and hold everything together properly. The lower is held onto the upper via 2 push pins. This is a fantastic system and makes working on this gun very enjoyable.

Finish: Everything is very good. The black parts feel exactly like they should feel, you get a very strong sense of rigidity.

Barrel + Hop:
Decent hop-up setting, Well cut and crowned brass barrel. Only thing that I didn't like is how the hop-up adjustment arm seemed to be a little big flimsy, but it didn't bother me much once it was inside the gun.

This motor felt to have quite a bit more torque and speed than previous versions of the G&G guns I've played around with.

This is where the problems with the gun are!

Stock this gun was firing anywhere from 341 to 425 at 16 BB/sec... It seems G&G has been paying attention to complaints of poor air seal effecting the FPS... but they haven't done the proper thing by re-designing their shitty piston head... instead they loaded it with a 425 FPS spring hoping this would solve everything.

When I opened it up I noticed that the spring was EXTREMELY poorly coated and already had rust forming on it.

I also noticed the high FPS spring was starting to take a toll on the gun's internals (after under 200 rounds being fired)

Metal Shavings in the gearbox

Chewed up spring guide

Shimming: It wasn't too great, alot of the gears were pretty loose.
All 3 gears had at least 0.5mm of play
I'd rate this shim job a 3/10

As always these parts suck pretty hard. I'd recommend changing them out ASAP.

I threw a Prometheus M90 spring, Systema cylinder head w/ Sorbo pad and a Systema piston head in here...

And this gun is now firing a solid 315 FPS at over 21.56 BB/Second... If you need a BB hose.. with some VERY MINOR changes... this is your gun.

Overall: This gun is WELL worth it. Out of G&G's entire line the G&G PM5A4 and the G&G RK47 (standard model, not the shitty rec version) are the only two guns I would recommend.
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Old October 16th, 2009, 11:25   #5
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Shimming: 5/5
Amazingly shimmed, one of the best "stock" shim jobs I've ever seen.
Bevel: .1mm
Sector: Perfect
Spur: .2mm
2 1/2 Revolution free spin

Compression: 0/5
AWFUL compression, terrible piston head design... Would recommend changing out compression parts ASAP.

Wiring: 4/5

Decent wiring, ran very well, Stock Tamiya connectors are very cheap, should be replaced with deans ASAP.

Finish 3/5
Mostly plastic, few metal parts are painted and it scratches easily. Plastic is solid.

Fitment 4/5
Everything fits together very nice. Doesn't have the "China Clone Wobble" that's present in other low-cost guns. Mechbox is strange, screws for mechbox dissasembly are on the wrong side of the box (Unscrew and flip over before opening.) The gun dissasembles EXTREMELY easily and nicely.

Overall: 16/25 Or 64/100
Get the PM5A4 instead of this one.
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Last edited by Amos; October 16th, 2009 at 19:07..
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Old December 28th, 2009, 09:45   #6
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Owner of a G&G MP5 G5.

Having bought my Mp5 last year I have been keeping a good eye out for reviews on the model which may bring to light any issues I may have to deal with. Upon recently finding your review, and hearing the complaints of the many other reviewers out there about their piston heads not sealing well, I decided I would take mine down and replace the piston head. Inside of my gun however is much different than the one you have pictures of. This may be an indication of G&G bringing their quality up, or it may be that either you got a lemon. Here is a list of what I found:
- Screws were still on the wrong side of the gearbox. (I find this funny, literally.)
- My Spring was non-linear and was definitely sized at 110. (100%)
- Same Cyclone piston head that did not seal. (equipped with ball bearings)
- Same brass cylinder.
- Full metal bearing spring guide.
- Same piston. (I found it to be good quality.)
- Ball bearing bushings, shimmed to perfection. (I'm really picky, and I loved it.
- Same shitty cylinder head which sealed. (does it's job.. but... yea...)
- No sign of wear on anything in the box. (including piston, excluding piston head)
- G&G gears (may have been metal may be crap) but they got G&G stamped on them.
- The barrel was also brass instead of aluminum.
- Motor was different having a black finish instead of silver. (pushes 18.3 bps with stock 9.6v 1400mah battery.)

I was very lucky to have taken this thing down when I did because the grease they used to lube the cylinder with was incompatible with the plastic used on the piston head. My piston head was cracked and half of it was in pieces everywhere. It caused no further damage to anything else, I replaced it with an area 1000 piston head, I had nothing else at the time. Will definitely need to chrony this bastard because if everything is sealing well, an m110 with bearing spring guide and bearing piston head should push anywhere from 370-400fps. Instead of the stock 345fps which mine chrono'd at 6 months ago. I must also add this gun is the most accurate AEG I have ever seen! I have shot the TM Sig, and G3 stock, along with my friends upgraded and some of them heavily upgraded guns. My friend's PTW is down due to a shitty mosfet they sent him, it is in the mail and I have never shot his gun to compare obviously it will beat the mp5. Everyone I have ever played with has agreed the accuracy on this gun is retarded. We try to get out playing every week to every other week for at least one full day. Maybe it's luck but this G&G mp5 G5 has got a shit load of hours on it and it's still crazy.

Last edited by Jonoats; December 28th, 2009 at 09:49..
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Old February 5th, 2010, 19:41   #7
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Thanks for the review. I recently got my G&G MP5A4. It feels very good to hold and has a good weight to it. I'm not too smart when it comes to the guns internals, so it's good to be able to come here and see a review like this to help me out.
Barrie, Ontario, Canada
G&G M4A1

Last edited by desiredtoe; February 5th, 2010 at 19:49..
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Old February 6th, 2010, 11:41   #8
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Excellent info. Thanks for sharing!

I feel your pain about the battery and after struggling repeatedly, I ended up opening the handguard and applying a strip of strong 2way tape on each side. The nunchuk batt can then be spread out which clears the middle nicely. Slips in and out in an instant. Of course that certainly eliminates the ability to quickly swap out.

I will definitely check into some of the upgrades you recommend and engage a local gun doc since I suck at this stuff.


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Old March 19th, 2010, 10:07   #9
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I bought the American G&G MP5A4 (plastica) blowback and I was beginning to see some double feeding/chopping as well as the problem that the gun doesn't shoot at all. Plus, I realized that my barrel/hopup get dirty very easily. I was wondering is it's the magazine that the gun came with or is it some internal problems.
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Old March 19th, 2010, 10:10   #10
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Originally Posted by S.N.O.W View Post
I bought the American G&G MP5A4 (plastica) blowback and I was beginning to see some double feeding/chopping as well as the problem that the gun doesn't shoot at all. Plus, I realized that my barrel/hopup get dirty very easily. I was wondering is it's the magazine that the gun came with or is it some internal problems.
I had similar problem with mine it's the mag not the gun, get some CA mags.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
You can tell a person over and over that 4 + 5 = 9 and show them the mechanics of how addition works, but at the end of the day when you look into their eyes you know damn well that in their heads they still see 4 + 5 = pineapple.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
Harden the fuck up, you liberal pussies.
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Old April 4th, 2010, 19:52   #11
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Location: Shawinigan, QC
Thanks for the nice reviews.

I got a G5 last year, it was before I read this thread, or else I would have bought an A4 instead. The stock and the 3 extra rails are still nice, so I'm not too disappointed... The battery was a PITA but I solved the problem by using a mini battery instead. Now its much easier.

Anyways, for this year I was looking to spend some money on upgrading it, I guess I should start with new compression parts. I'm new to all this, any help would be appreciated. Where do I start?

Where can I get the parts I need? I looked at but i'm not exactly sure of what I should buy. A piston head? a new piston? would any new part fit on my G5? etc.

Tl/dr : I'm a noob and I'd like to upgrade my G5 with parts that would give the biggest performance gain for the least amount of money. Any tips?
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Old April 4th, 2010, 20:04   #12
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Originally Posted by JuicyFruits View Post
Where can I get the parts I need? I looked at but i'm not exactly sure of what I should buy. A piston head? a new piston? would any new part fit on my G5? etc.
Get a full tune up kit i used this one
in my SD5 fixed the slight compression issue i had. You should get a new spring while your at it find the modify M90 will do nicely for CQB with my MP5 coming in at 340fps.

Originally Posted by JuicyFruits View Post
Tl/dr : I'm a noob and I'd like to upgrade my G5 with parts that would give the biggest performance gain for the least amount of money. Any tips?
Modify has the best parts IMHO besides prothemus(spelling) and i find modify isn't that expensive. You should put in a prothemus(spelling) tightbore barrel to gain the best accuracy as well as a slight fps gain otherwise you only need to invest in mags/battery's unless you want to change up the externals, if you decide to do that as well CA is your best bet although anything TM compatible will work but may have filament issues.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
You can tell a person over and over that 4 + 5 = 9 and show them the mechanics of how addition works, but at the end of the day when you look into their eyes you know damn well that in their heads they still see 4 + 5 = pineapple.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
Harden the fuck up, you liberal pussies.
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Old April 4th, 2010, 23:36   #13
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Location: Shawinigan, QC

I notice that your kit doesn't include the actual piston. I will probably get this one instead : .

It's for "MP5A4/A5/SD5/SD6". I guess it would still fit on my G5? I just want to be sure before I buy 75$ worth of useless tubes

You should put in a prothemus(spelling) tightbore barrel to gain the best accuracy as well as a slight fps gain otherwise you only need to invest in mags/battery's unless you want to change up the externals
How do I figure out the correct barrel size I need? There are many options, ranging from 363mm to 550mm. I guess I could open my MP5 and measure what I already have, but is there another way?

Again, thanks a lot.

edit : I opened it to look inside... that selector switch was a BITCH to put back on. I spent 45 minutes searching for that little spring after it fell on the floor. Then I tried putting it back on and the spring jumped out of my hand AGAIN... One hour and a half later, I finally assembled everything back together. I dread the day I have to open it again to change the piston head. lol.

edit : Also, difference between modify M90 spring and modify S90 spring? I can only find the second one apparently. At first I was against the idea of buying a new spring that would give less FPS, but yesterday my brother exploded his piston head (he uses a G&G too.), so I think I might reconsider before it happens to me too lol.

Last edited by JuicyFruits; April 6th, 2010 at 12:33..
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Old April 13th, 2010, 12:53   #14
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I was actually debating picking up my first AEG betwen the MP5 A4 and G5, this review has helped me finalize my choice!

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Old July 17th, 2010, 11:38   #15
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Niagara Falls
You didn't really go into specifics too much on the G5, what was specifically wrong with it that made it so much worse than the A4? I'm thinking of using on of these as the base for a new gun project as I like the RIS front and UMP style stock. Just need to know what parts are gonna need replacing upgrading so I can start budgetting!
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