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Old July 25th, 2011, 18:34   #11
Originally Posted by Ronald Chang View Post
Thanks for your reminder.

But I started to contact the ASC adm and staff since last Friday.
It now has our attention, but the process is the same.

We have no power to track down, sanction or pursue restitution on your behalf. Aside from the AV system, we take no responsibility for trade issues conducted on the site. We provide the venue, and we can try to assist in the event of a dispute, but our options are very limited.

It comes down to one of two things. We can ban someone, or we can revoke their AV status to prevent them from selling (or buying) again. However, you must exhaust every avenue to come to a resolution prior to that point.

Incidentally, the proper way to report an issue is to use the report thread function. This ensure the issue is seen by *all* ASC staff, as opposed to the one or two staff members who may be contacted.