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Possible Fraud Status - Seller's name "Blacklist" - selling Top M4A1



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Old July 25th, 2011, 09:44   #1
Ronald Chang
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Possible Fraud Status - Seller's name "Blacklist" - selling Top M4A1

I have been holding this back but I believe it is beneficial for protection of ASC member's interest to post this earlier.

1) The Cause of this post

Full payment via EMT for the item accepted by seller on 20 July, who promised to give me the tracking number but until now, despite I have been following-up with PMs and e-mails ,I receive no shipping details at all.

2) Seller's reason

He claimed, via PM on July 22, item was sent out, and he worked in law enforcement and was always on shift, and would send me the tracking number once he got home.

3) The Facts

In his ASC profile, he joined on Aprill 2011, and occupation is "Honda Technition". Not law enforcement. Not sure if someone can change his job so drastically in such a short period of time.

From the ASC forum indicator, he is frequently on ASC, not sure if law enforecment on shifts could have so much free time to access internet.

And no "sold" or "banana" is put on his sales thread so far.

4) Action I have taken

22 July - Seek advice and help through PMs and e-mails to a few ASC staff. I got one staff's reply, who advised me to report the post to get the adm staff's attention.

23 July - I reported the post but received no further contact from ASC's staff. A few ASC friends gave me some valuable advice instead.

23 July - With the hope to settle this matter in the easy way, I sent a final notification to the seller requesting his kind understanding of my worries and:

a) send me the shipping details right the way; OR
b) give me a full refund.

5) My Request to ASC Staff

I believe it is important to protect other ASC member's interest before this matter is clarified/resolved.

So kindly review my report of the post as soon as possible and suspend this post in question, so as to ensure no other ASC members approach the seller and make any further payment.

Please advise me what should I do as a next step via PM or e-mail.

6) To ASC members

Please be alerted the sales thread in question. The link is It is your own choice and risk if you'd still like to contact the seller, but I highly suggest you not to do so until the case is clairfied and settled.


7) To the seller - Blacklist

I sincerely hope this is just a matter of miscommunication or misunderstanding and could be settled in a prompt and easy manner.

Kindly response to one of my above requests.

8) My Own Next Step - Status Update

I would post the progress of this matter from time to time for other ASC member's reference.

Like other ASC members, I would like to spend my very HARD EARNED MONEY to buy some good airsoft items happily. So I still hope this matter could be settled easily soon. But for sure, I would look into other options if all the above effort fails.

Last edited by Ronald Chang; August 7th, 2011 at 21:32..
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Old July 25th, 2011, 11:53   #2
Ride Sleds!
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Sorry about your expirence Ronald, I haven't experienced anything like that. An hope not to. And to Blacklist, answer your fucking pm's man. Not cool to do this and it gives you bad rep. And give Ronald his money back!

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Old July 25th, 2011, 12:54   #3
Ronald Chang
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Thank you very much Eric for your kind support.

Hopefully ASC staff can do the same.
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Old July 25th, 2011, 12:57   #4
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I just had something along the same lines happen.... check the general forum when you have a minute, I could use some of your advice as I have no idea what to do...
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Old July 25th, 2011, 15:49   #5
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Originally Posted by Ronald Chang View Post
Thank you very much Eric for your kind support.

Hopefully ASC staff can do the same.
No problem Ronald. Everyone here should respect everyone and not pull shit like this, we are all adults.. it's unprofessional and creates problems between people on this great forum. Everyone should get along when it comes to buying someones merchandise or selling it. Not send money to someone and not send a tracking number in return to see where the item is if its been shipped to the buyer. Honestly if I was an admin or a mod id ban their I.P address and not allow them to attend games that are hosted. Witch I think is extremely fair. Yet the local Police should also get involved to possibly lay charges on the individual.

Sorry about the rant guys but it pisses me off when people do this shit.

But honestly Ronald I hope you get something back your money or your item you bought.
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Old July 25th, 2011, 16:02   #6
Ronald Chang
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Originally Posted by Kit View Post
No problem Ronald. Everyone here should respect everyone and not pull shit like this, we are all adults.. it's unprofessional and creates problems between people on this great forum. Everyone should get along when it comes to buying someones merchandise or selling it. Not send money to someone and not send a tracking number in return to see where the item is if its been shipped to the buyer. Honestly if I was an admin or a mod id ban their I.P address and not allow them to attend games that are hosted. Witch I think is extremely fair. Yet the local Police should also get involved to possibly lay charges on the individual.

Sorry about the rant guys but it pisses me off when people do this shit.

But honestly Ronald I hope you get something back your money or your item you bought.

Thanks again Eric.

Certainly I will take whatever legal action needed to get this resolved.

I am a bit disappointed of the complete silence and lack of any concrete action or advice from ASC's staff so far. As it is imperative for them to maintain a good reputation of this website, and protect the interest of their members.

Last edited by Ronald Chang; July 25th, 2011 at 16:04..
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Old July 25th, 2011, 16:05   #7
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The staff will get around to this. Its still business hours and they do have real jobs to attend to. Keep your pants on.
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Originally Posted by amano999 View Post
Forget Cadpat and Armalites are boring.....
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Old July 25th, 2011, 18:20   #8
Although the conditions are different, the same basic principles apply.

Decide exactly what you want the seller to do to make things right, but be reasonable. For example, you can ask that he refund the price of the rifle and you return it to him as the state of the gun was misrepresented. Or you can ask that he cover the repair work. You can't arbitrarily make demands, however.

You must make every effort to clear it up with him. If he doesn't make any effort to respond, state his position, and negotiate a reasonable settlement, we can take certain actions although it's generally limited to revoking AV status.

Also, please provide a link to the original sales thread so that it can be marked / preserved as part of a trade dispute.
Old July 25th, 2011, 18:21   #9
Ronald Chang
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Originally Posted by Solomance View Post
The staff will get around to this. Its still business hours and they do have real jobs to attend to. Keep your pants on.
Thanks for your reminder.

But I started to contact the ASC adm and staff since last Friday.

Anyway, while I appreciate members' opinion, please help me to keep this thread clean and focused.
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Old July 25th, 2011, 18:33   #10
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Although the conditions are different, the same basic principles apply.

Decide exactly what you want the seller to do to make things right, but be reasonable. For example, you can ask that he refund the price of the rifle and you return it to him as the state of the gun was misrepresented. Or you can ask that he cover the repair work. You can't arbitrarily make demands, however.

You must make every effort to clear it up with him. If he doesn't make any effort to respond, state his position, and negotiate a reasonable settlement, we can take certain actions although it's generally limited to revoking AV status.

Also, please provide a link to the original sales thread so that it can be marked / preserved as part of a trade dispute.
Thanks for your advice.

In the past few days, I have made tremendous effort via PMs and e-mails to clear this case up with the seller. But despite it was clearly indicated he was on the ASC forum for most of the time, no response was received from him. So there is actually no room for any negotiation or settlement at all.

His sales link is
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Old July 25th, 2011, 18:34   #11
Originally Posted by Ronald Chang View Post
Thanks for your reminder.

But I started to contact the ASC adm and staff since last Friday.
It now has our attention, but the process is the same.

We have no power to track down, sanction or pursue restitution on your behalf. Aside from the AV system, we take no responsibility for trade issues conducted on the site. We provide the venue, and we can try to assist in the event of a dispute, but our options are very limited.

It comes down to one of two things. We can ban someone, or we can revoke their AV status to prevent them from selling (or buying) again. However, you must exhaust every avenue to come to a resolution prior to that point.

Incidentally, the proper way to report an issue is to use the report thread function. This ensure the issue is seen by *all* ASC staff, as opposed to the one or two staff members who may be contacted.
Old July 25th, 2011, 18:36   #12
Incidentally, the name "Blacklist" should have been a clue
Old July 25th, 2011, 18:36   #13
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Originally Posted by Ronald Chang View Post

But I started to contact the ASC adm and staff since last Friday.
I dunno whom you contacted. I certainly wasn't one of those people.
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Old July 25th, 2011, 18:39   #14
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Interestingly, someone activated his AV bit but there's no record of his AV info being submitted.

AV pulled til this is cleared up.
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Old July 25th, 2011, 19:48   #15
Ronald Chang
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Thanks Drake and Madborius for your very prompt response and action.

To answer your question:
I have used the "report the post" function at the bottom of the sales thread on 22 July;
I have contacted 4 ASC staffs and received one reply directing me to the "report the post" function.

I am relieved that seller's AV status has been pulled, so no more ASC members should become victim like me until this matter is solved.

I would now resort to PMs to seek your kind help for my next action.
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