Originally Posted by HackD
A few load-outs... and a few purchase mistakes along the way, also.
ATACS FG clothing isn't/wasn't cheap at time of purchase. I use ATACS FG primarily, at my local field - but I've also got a couple other sets of BDU's that were bought new or found at second-hand clothing shops.
Most of my webbing is Condor. Fairly inexpensive given the quality and recreational intention of use. I have an OD setup for spring/fall, and another lighter OD setup for the summer high-heat, along with all of the weapons and accessories specific pouches necessary (Interchangeable between two rigs - not duplicating them for cost reasons!). I also have a black themed setup for possible indoor/OPFOR/PMC styled use, again with pouches specific to several weapons and accessories. Pouch costs can also add up, if you include holsters, back-packs, hydration carriers, etc, etc. Two different helmet replica styles are included - I use only one of them.. One was a mistake purchase, as i ended up not liking it's style and fit all that much for airsoft.. it's been relegated to a mountain-biking brain-bucket, so no cost-wastage there. Good ankle supporting combat boots i already had, from my motorcycling hobby.
Eye-pro, which i count as gear, was cumulatively around $500.00-$600.00 including good quality full-seal goggles, plus a prescription for a set of lenses and insert for shooting-glasses, including the shooting glasses...
If you keep it minimal and basic.. under $1000.00 is certainly a reasonable and attainable goal for gear costs.
My original estimated costs for gear might even be on the conservative side, given further thought into it. I've also bought ancillary items like a sleeping bag, primus stove, flashlight, etc for this hobby.
For myself, I guess I'm not that hardcore into the airsoft matches nowadays. I don't actually have any gear at all now. My current m4 is merely but a wall hanger/decoration. All my actual airsofting was done a decade ago and I was one of those noobs who just had a mask and a hat, and wore normal albiet baggier clothes. Not exactly milsim. That was it. Since college, I've been doing all my 'milsim' on the computer with PC games like Medal of Honor, etc lol.
I'd love to get back into airsofting someday, and when I do I'll think about proper gear. But I'd prob go for the minimalist SF look, where you basically have a vest on and wear whatever else you want. So it will be cheap too lol.