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How much money have you thrown into airsoft?


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Old February 8th, 2014, 10:49   #16
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Just around $3000, though I only bought my first one two years ago. That's about to go up by about $500, for the new furnature for my new m4

That's just for guns though
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Old February 8th, 2014, 10:50   #17
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So much hookers and blow I could have had...
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Old February 8th, 2014, 10:53   #18
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Originally Posted by zzzzsleepy8 View Post
How do you guys spend so much on gear?
Real gear...
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Old February 8th, 2014, 11:06   #19
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Originally Posted by zzzzsleepy8 View Post
How do you guys spend so much on gear?

But as for gear, you get a helmet, a vest, a change of clothing, goggles, and maybe rinse and repeat for different camo, I am thinking maybe $1G should be more than enough?
A few load-outs... and a few purchase mistakes along the way, also.

ATACS FG clothing isn't/wasn't cheap at time of purchase. I use ATACS FG primarily, at my local field - but I've also got a couple other sets of BDU's that were bought new or found at second-hand clothing shops.

Most of my webbing is Condor. Fairly inexpensive given the quality and recreational intention of use. I have an OD setup for spring/fall, and another lighter OD setup for the summer high-heat, along with all of the weapons and accessories specific pouches necessary (Interchangeable between two rigs - not duplicating them for cost reasons!). I also have a black themed setup for possible indoor/OPFOR/PMC styled use, again with pouches specific to several weapons and accessories. Pouch costs can also add up, if you include holsters, back-packs, hydration carriers, etc, etc. Two different helmet replica styles are included - I use only one of them.. One was a mistake purchase, as i ended up not liking it's style and fit all that much for airsoft.. it's been relegated to a mountain-biking brain-bucket, so no cost-wastage there. Good ankle supporting combat boots i already had, from my motorcycling hobby.

Eye-pro, which i count as gear, was cumulatively around $500.00-$600.00 including good quality full-seal goggles, plus a prescription for a set of lenses and insert for shooting-glasses, including the shooting glasses...

If you keep it minimal and basic.. under $1000.00 is certainly a reasonable and attainable goal for gear costs.

My original estimated costs for gear might even be on the conservative side, given further thought into it. I've also bought ancillary items like a sleeping bag, primus stove, flashlight, etc for this hobby.

Last edited by HackD; February 8th, 2014 at 11:38..
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Old February 8th, 2014, 11:11   #20
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Clone gear 1K will get you a good setup.

But If I break down my current load out at what these items cost new right now (may cost less or more)(prices maybe wrong, but should give you an easy idea)

Ops Core Base Jump... looking at like 250
Crye BDUs- 400
Boots 150-250
FCPC..I have heard 400 bucks is common.
Nods... low tech gen 1s cost me 450 once you count in the mount\
tactical back pack- 200

And that isnt including pouches, normal hydration, all those little things that complete 'the look' or make the loudout functional..... but Real Gear doesn't fall apart as easily and when you go to sell it you can get allot of your value back.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old February 8th, 2014, 11:12   #21
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Old February 8th, 2014, 11:27   #22
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Originally Posted by zzzzsleepy8 View Post
How do you guys spend so much on gear?
if you decide to 'save' money by purchasing knock off gear you will spend more in the long run. That knock off gear that looked about the same as the real stuff will wear out a lot faster and require replacement far more frequently. It costs a lot to be cheap.

I personally wonder about the people who have spent thousands on guns and accessories but have to retreat to their cars when it rains because they don't own a decent set of rain gear. Any idiot can choose to be uncomfortable in inclement weather.
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Old February 8th, 2014, 11:45   #23
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Originally Posted by danhay View Post
if you decide to 'save' money by purchasing knock off gear you will spend more in the long run. That knock off gear that looked about the same as the real stuff will wear out a lot faster and require replacement far more frequently. It costs a lot to be cheap.

I personally wonder about the people who have spent thousands on guns and accessories but have to retreat to their cars when it rains because they don't own a decent set of rain gear. Any idiot can choose to be uncomfortable in inclement weather.
Oh. Please tell me about it.

I have been running my chinese vest for over 6 years, rolling in mud and sand, shower rain and such. It's still perfectly good, and does not even smell!

The "idiots" I see retreating to their cars usually are the ones with the high speed-low drag gear that cost so much they don't want to get it dirty.

Better buy 2 complete loadouts ACM loadouts that get used, and if something breaks, so what, than buying 1 B! or 5.11 set and never use it because it's not exactly what you where looking for and "suck it" because it was so expensive.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old February 8th, 2014, 11:47   #24
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Over 5,500? Lol. Still need RS optics and some gear. Bleh.
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Old February 8th, 2014, 11:52   #25
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
Oh. Please tell me about it.

I have been running my chinese vest for over 6 years, rolling in mud and sand, shower rain and such. It's still perfectly good, and does not even smell!

The "idiots" I see retreating to their cars usually are the ones with the high speed-low drag gear that cost so much they don't want to get it dirty.

Better buy 2 complete loadouts ACM loadouts that get used, and if something breaks, so what, than buying 1 B! or 5.11 set and never use it because it's not exactly what you where looking for and "suck it" because it was so expensive.
I've seen lots of dissing of Condor gear in the past - It's not the cheapest gear by any means, but it isn't what i wouldn't call professional war-fighting gear either.

Absolutely no QC or wear issues with it at all. Nothing that a needle and thread and a 1/2 hrs worth of time wouldn't fix, in any case.

It's cost-effectively 'good enough', in my opinion.

As far as rain gear goes - layering, and a good quality poncho should be good enough to stay dry for the average non-milsim specific player - if you get to it fast enough.

Last edited by HackD; February 8th, 2014 at 11:56..
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Old February 8th, 2014, 12:08   #26
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How much have I thrown into Airsoft you ask?

Enough that if your mom was a stripper I could have been your daddy 10x
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Old February 8th, 2014, 12:55   #27
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No idea total. My current gun alone is worth about $2,500. I've maybe dumped another $1,000 or more into it on old accessories, upgrades, fixes, mods, etc. I've had a few $1,500 - $2,000 plus guns, and a bunch more $300 - $800.

Gear, hell, I don't know. Guns are definitely the largest investments. My current load-out retails for around $1,500 - $2,000. I've had countless other pieces of equipment.

When I finish my new load-out, I'd say at any game I'd be walking around with $4,000 - $5,000 or so, guns and gear. Not including night vision. Maybe add another $1,500 - $2,000 for that.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...

Last edited by Ricochet; February 8th, 2014 at 14:07..
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Old February 8th, 2014, 12:56   #28
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knockoff gear has it's place, short term and even long term depending on what bit you're talking about, how you're using it and etc.

However, I've noticed some of the lower brand stuff is heavier than the real stuff. Sure sometimes it's not that much of a difference, other times you're talking a few pounds heavier... over the course of a long game, that few extra pounds goes a long way in wearing you out.

Some real gear will save you money in the long run depending on what guns you run. If you have an AK and a m4... well then that's 2 sets of mag pouches you need. You can get hsgi tacos that hold just about any type of mag... but they cost more... but would you rather have 2 rigs or 1 rig that you have to constantly change pouches on... or just 1 rig?

Then there's the quality.. some knockoff gear is better than others... some low end gear is better than others... some of it works, some of it doesn't... what do you want vs what do you need? What do you have to spend? Not everyone needs high end stuff all the time.

There's some tactical gucci/chairsofters out there that buy the most expensive stuff and don't even want to sweat in it. That's ok... there's ferarri owners out there that don't drive their cars... let alone let them sit in the rain... then there's ferarri owners out there that take their cars out to the track and drive them like they're stolen.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old February 8th, 2014, 13:04   #29
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Originally Posted by zzzzsleepy8 View Post
How do you guys spend so much on gear? AEGs I understand because there are infinite internal and external upgrades. Fancy scopes. Maybe even real steel scopes/accessories. Nice gearbox components etc.

But as for gear, you get a helmet, a vest, a change of clothing, goggles, and maybe rinse and repeat for different camo, I am thinking maybe $1G should be more than enough?
Its pretty easy to spend quite a bit on gear, especially if they're going for the quality branded stuff or real steel. Even with replica gear a single set of gear for a basic load out can easily add up to a minimum of $1K.

Branded chest rig/plate carrier: ~$225
Set of pouches (lets say patrol loadout): ~$120
Decent set of BDU's: minimum $100
Decent set of knee pads: ~$25
Good non-fogging goggles: ~$120
Branded gloves (ie. Mechanixs): ~$30
Belt: ~$20
Dump pouch: ~$15
Pistol Holster: ~$40
Boots: ~$130
Hydro carrier: ~$40
Sling: ~$25

Total: $890 (not really taking into account cost of shipping/taxes/exchange rates, etc)

On top of that you can easily add more to that with miscellaneous gear.

Radio: ~$50
PTT: ~$20
Headset: ~$80
Cap: $15
Replica Helmet: ~$90
OPs-Core Fast Base Jump helmet (comparison to the replica above): ~$240
Half mask: ~$20
Nice cobra rigger's belt: ~$70
Patches, socks, magical unicorn armor, etc...

For another set of gear for a different load out you'll be spending around the same as the first set of gear I'd expect. On top of that, things wear out so you'll need to replace things here and there.

Starting to get the idea?

$1K can easily be more than enough for gear depending on what you want/need and you can obviously minimize costs here and there by going with clones and replicas but that's an example of gear cost break down with a mix of real gear and replicas. Your expectations for a basic gear load out might be different than mine so that would affect total costs as well but that's the basic rundown laid out.

Add the cost of guns, mags, upgrades, gun accessories, consumables, and it starts to add up easily.

I can also start to see why some people pick up real steel after awhile. With all that nice gear (if you went for the real stuff) you might as well just get your PAL/RPAL and put your gear to use on the range lol.
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Old February 8th, 2014, 13:05   #30
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At least... $6000-$8000.
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