I think the standard is 30A fuse... but that's rather high... I've seen guns in distress not pop a fuse, and guns prematurely pop a fuse, so it's kind of a headscratcher when you're talking about disposable fuses.
I'm getting into installing poly fuses into a few client guns as testers. they will pop when they get to a certain temperature usually through surge, but you can pop them with heavy draw setups if you use a lot of semi... I'm talking big motor, short gears, big spring type setups.
The nice thing about them is that when they cool down they resume functioning as normal so there's nothing to replace... unless you really melt it down but by that point lots of other things have gone really wrong.
I would also recommend an imax b6ac ( with the ac adapter built in), some of them are external powered and you don't want to deal with the hassle.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.