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Hobbyking Batteries? aka "AEG noob needs battery advice"


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Old April 30th, 2014, 18:26   #1
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Hobbyking Batteries? aka "AEG noob needs battery advice"

Seems like one of those days where I end up asking a ton of questions... anyways, I'm looking to get a 7.4 lipo battery (one that can take advantage of the ample battery space in the fixed stock) for my "back-up" JG G3 AEG as I don't expect the one that came with it to last all day.

I'm not a big fan of AEG's so I'm sorta in the dark when it comes to batteries, I'm not sure what to look for asides from a higher Mah rating for battery endurance and around a 20C discharge rate... I think.

I'm looking at the Turnigy batteries at the moment but honestly I don't know what exactly to look for...

Here's two with specs that seem to meet what I'm looking for but not sure if it'd be alright to use in my AEG... Can anyone help me out here?
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Old April 30th, 2014, 18:58   #2
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Basically just find a nanotech or rhino battery, of ANY discharge rate at or above 20C, and to whatever dimensions you can cram into your stock
7.4 lipo is safe to use on any AEG, and you don't need an encased lipo, unless you plan on using your gun as a close combat weapon at a renaissance fair.
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Old April 30th, 2014, 19:17   #3
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I've been using nanotech for a while. They can offer very good performance for a ridiculous price. Just check if your fuse can take good amount of amperage draw. Some AEG come with 15 amp fuse and it could burn as some motor can take more than that.

Also unless you like to solder you may consider an adapter for your type of connector. I recommand installing a dean connector to any airsoft but I understand some people dont like to solder.
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Old April 30th, 2014, 19:25   #4
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What I did was take my AEG to a local hobby shop where they switched the mini-Tamiya for a deans and that opens you up to using a lot more batteries. I ended up getting some 7.4v 20C 2600mah lipos from them that fit my stock, 2 of those will get me through a 24 hour scenario.
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Old April 30th, 2014, 19:30   #5
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hard case is not a bad idea if you run an external battery bag.. but otherwise... the most mah you can cram into the space you have is sufficient.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old April 30th, 2014, 19:55   #6
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I can solder and replace the connectors if needed, so that's not a big problem for me. Not sure about the fuse rating though, I've got a ton of spare fuses in the basement so if I do burn it out I'll just grab a higher rated fuse I guess.

Now that I know I don't have to worry about the discharge rate, I'll just get the highest mAh battery around $20 that fits my stock. I don't really care about the hardcase if it fits, its just the 5000 mAh hardcase is cheaper than the one without the case lol.

One last thing, is there a lipo charger you guys would recommend? I don't expect to use an AEG too often so would like to grab a cheap charger if possible. Also, are lipo charging bags necessary? I mean we technically charge lipo's all the time (iphones, laptop, etc) and batteries don't spontaneously combust on us all the time.

Hobbyking has a couple of cheap ones here (lots more on the non-airsoft specific charger page) but not sure what to look for.
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Old April 30th, 2014, 21:06   #7
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Imax B6 all the way. I know its not the cheapest but they can charge almost any type of battery with different number of cells. You can choose the exact charge rate and they balance lipo well and it is durable. They only downside I can see is that is beep when you press buttons

And also the batteries in phones and laptop are lithium-ion not lithium polymer. They are a lot less fragile and can handle overcharge better. However they are usally a lot larger for the same capacity and have lower discharge rate.

Last edited by Comeau-SCS; April 30th, 2014 at 21:14.. Reason: spelling
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Old April 30th, 2014, 23:03   #8
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never cheap out on a charger
read up on the noob guide for batteries if you want to know everything you need to know about lipo!
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Old May 1st, 2014, 00:21   #9
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I think the standard is 30A fuse... but that's rather high... I've seen guns in distress not pop a fuse, and guns prematurely pop a fuse, so it's kind of a headscratcher when you're talking about disposable fuses.

I'm getting into installing poly fuses into a few client guns as testers. they will pop when they get to a certain temperature usually through surge, but you can pop them with heavy draw setups if you use a lot of semi... I'm talking big motor, short gears, big spring type setups.

The nice thing about them is that when they cool down they resume functioning as normal so there's nothing to replace... unless you really melt it down but by that point lots of other things have gone really wrong.

I would also recommend an imax b6ac ( with the ac adapter built in), some of them are external powered and you don't want to deal with the hassle.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old May 1st, 2014, 01:13   #10
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And you can turn off the beeps in the menu.
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Old May 1st, 2014, 04:19   #11
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Originally Posted by Comeau-SCS View Post
Imax B6 all the way. I know its not the cheapest but they can charge almost any type of battery with different number of cells. You can choose the exact charge rate and they balance lipo well and it is durable. They only downside I can see is that is beep when you press buttons

And also the batteries in phones and laptop are lithium-ion not lithium polymer. They are a lot less fragile and can handle overcharge better. However they are usally a lot larger for the same capacity and have lower discharge rate.
Hm, looking into the Imax B6 but also considering some other chargers as well. It sorta feels like "too much charger" since I'll only have 2 batteries to charge every once in a while when I'm not running a GBBR.

Also, learned something new about phone batteries, always thought they were the same thing for some reason. Good to know, thanks!

Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
I think the standard is 30A fuse... but that's rather high... I've seen guns in distress not pop a fuse, and guns prematurely pop a fuse, so it's kind of a headscratcher when you're talking about disposable fuses.

I'm getting into installing poly fuses into a few client guns as testers. they will pop when they get to a certain temperature usually through surge, but you can pop them with heavy draw setups if you use a lot of semi... I'm talking big motor, short gears, big spring type setups.

The nice thing about them is that when they cool down they resume functioning as normal so there's nothing to replace... unless you really melt it down but by that point lots of other things have gone really wrong.

I would also recommend an imax b6ac ( with the ac adapter built in), some of them are external powered and you don't want to deal with the hassle.
lol, I know that feeling I was confused as heck when I got my AEG since it fired a couple of bb's then stopped working for no reason. Took a few hours to find the problem as the motor was fine, fuse wasn't burnt out and everything else worked perfectly. Took a closer look at the 25A fuse after and lo and behold... the fuse wasn't sealed properly and one of the end caps came right off... problem found...

Those polyfuses sound interesting but I don't think I'd need one as I'm running everything stock and I don't have plans to really upgrade the G3.

Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
never cheap out on a charger
read up on the noob guide for batteries if you want to know everything you need to know about lipo!
lol totally want to cheap out and get more gas mags instead haha, can't believe I missed the noob battery guide... facepalm... will read it over, thanks!
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Old May 1st, 2014, 12:38   #12
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You may think it's too much charger now, but consider the fact a BAD charger could potentially burn down your house.
Doesn't seem so expensive now lol

Also, the imax B6 can charge lead acid batteries. I use mine to top up my motorcycle battery in the winter
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Old May 1st, 2014, 14:52   #13
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
You may think it's too much charger now, but consider the fact a BAD charger could potentially burn down your house.
Doesn't seem so expensive now lol

Also, the imax B6 can charge lead acid batteries. I use mine to top up my motorcycle battery in the winter
Imax B6 it is then, or something of equal or better quality (seems like the B6 has some issues according a number of reviews?). The motorcycle part convinced me lol.
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Old May 1st, 2014, 16:07   #14
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issues are rare and typically on the chinese clones of the imax b6
youve got nothing to worry about
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Old December 21st, 2014, 22:28   #15
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Just looking for an update to this question:

What's the best practice for ordering from hobbyking: International or US warehouse?
I'm also looking at batteries/charger
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