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Old July 27th, 2014, 22:08   #234
Treelinesniper's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Yellowknife, NT, Great White North
Operation Scorcher

July 27th day had a turn out of seven people, Myself, Yellowman, Philkensebben, Mysticalhobo, Marnius, Young Warrior and Windows. We had so much smoke driving out on today's game from the over 200+ forest fires and one not even 30 km out of town that visibility was only 150 feet on the roads at best. It was so smoky that it was hard to breath but luckily once we got out there a breeze started and cleared up most of the smoke on our field. But most of us wanted to see what is was like to play in it. Here are two pictures taken inside Yellowknife the first is on a clear day a couple days ago on one of my runs and the other in one taken around the same spot just yesterday.

Here are the winners of the six Soup Nazi games we played.
Winner of game: Team name: Weapons used:
Bearsintheyukon - Moltese Dildo - Realsword Type 56-1 and TM 1911a1
Mysticalhobo - James Cameron - Cyma Ak47 and WE 1911a1
Mysticalhobo - Morgan Freeman - same
Philkensebben - Cream - Bolt M4 SOPMOD and KJW m9 with co2 magazine's
Bearsintheyukon - Touched by an Uncle - same
Philkensebben - Steam - Same

Picture's! taken by my go pro hero 3+ as screenshots and Two from yellowman's cannon rebel T3I

Last edited by Treelinesniper; July 28th, 2014 at 22:38..
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