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Old June 25th, 2014, 00:45   #226
Join Date: May 2013
Boy I love that new m16, looking forward to our next game fellas.
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Old June 30th, 2014, 16:39   #227
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Location: Yellowknife, NT, Great White North
June 29th Operation Phree Bawllin was a much better day to play then the previous weekend. Sunny with little smoke from forest fires and a turn out of seven people. G'fry showed up for his first time this season, his kwa m4 and full marpat bdu is just as scary and accurate as we remembered. We had also learned out lesson on settings on our cameras and go pros so we got a lot of use able footage and a lot of pictures. sadly we did not get photos of Duality, Soupreme and G'fry.
We will try our best to get photos of everyone who attends the games. Its hard for myself, Yellowman and Philkkensebben to put together the games, camera equipment and helping new players with their airsoft guns and gear. So we will be trying to put more effort into getting great pictures of everyone that comes out for the people who enjoy seeing what Greatwhitenorth has to offer. If anyone would like pictures or have questions on a certain area we play, or gear & airsoft guns a certain player is using feel free to leave a post & we will get that done either in next weeks game or a post during the week as we find time.

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Old June 30th, 2014, 16:51   #228
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Here are the winners of the game types we also played, since I almost forgot.
Soup Nazi double header to begin with was sweeped by G'fry
Winner of game: Team name:
G'fry Gay for pay
G'fry Man's man
We played a game of kill team which G'fry and Phillkkensebben took about an hour to complete with 2 against 5 defenders.
And we finished off with another double header of Soup Nazi
Winner of game: Team name:
Mysticalhobbo Man dingo party
Soupreme Monster Dong

I apologize to anyone who may take offense to any of the Team names created and posted, it is not our intent to upset anyone. I am MORE then happy to take down or censor any team name someone feels goes to far, Please PM me. No Team name That contains profanity or curse's will be posted by myself.
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Old June 30th, 2014, 23:21   #229
Frozen Tex
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So much envy.

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Old July 5th, 2014, 23:15   #230
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One day frozen. One day you shall return to us.
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Old July 7th, 2014, 15:15   #231
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Location: Yellowknife, NT, Great White North
July 6th operation Booni freedom had a turn out of 6 people. Myself, Yellowman, Philkensebben, Soupreme, Mysticalhobo and Windows. As we arrived to the field we could hear thunder in the distance and a very dark rough looking cloud looming over top of us, and as we got most of our gear on and Windows arrived it started to rain lightly. After 3 mins of arguing who got the tarp from philkensebben's truck last time and who was going to get it this time it started to rain heavily. Jokes where made about forrest gump and rain big rain drops then Philkensebben ran to his truck as hail a bit smaller then a pee started to fall down with huge raindrops. We constucked a better make shift shelter then previous weeks and waited out the rain.

We started off with two games of Soup Nazi as usually. Then started trying to to play some assassin type games with a team of two trying to take out a balloon in a building from range well defenders waited inside for contacted well one defender was allowed to patrol, spot and make first contacted to compromise the attackers position. These games went fast and still require some changing and balancing. The last game we played was a retrieval game well two defenders try'd defend it against four attackers. Here is who won the first two games of Soup Nazi.
Winner of game: Team Name:
Bearsintheyukon - Doody Duty
Windows - Alpha

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Old July 15th, 2014, 15:51   #232
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Location: Yellowknife, NT, Great White North
Operation Mixed Smoke Signals

July 13th day had a turn out of eight people. Only seven people played at our second field, Myself, Philkensebben, Myseticalhobo, Yellowman, Tankbot, Windows and my step dads 15 year old nephew Little Warrior who came up from Ontario for a month to play. My step dads 74 year old father also came out to take pictures and film. It was a sunny day with a lot of smoke from the around 170+ forest fires burning around the NWT. looks like Beijing air quality here right now.

Here is a family picture I got of Little Warrior and his grand father.

We played two games of Soup Nazi and then a kill team game of 4 attackers on 3 defenders who had two defend a two bases with a balloon in each which lasted about 20 mins. Then finished with two more games of Soup Nazi

Winners of games: Team Names:
Bearsintheyukon/Mysticalhobo- Reach Around
Tankbot - Boner
Tankbot - Soup Nazi
Bearsintheyukon - Lawrence of Alabia


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Old July 23rd, 2014, 16:08   #233
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Operation smokie the bearsoft

July 20th game was not as smokie as previous weeks but still over 170+ forest fires still burning including some on the road above where we play and some cutting off the only road out of Yellowkinfe. Due to a music festival happening this weekend a number of players could not make it out. As well as Yellowman having been called to work due to employees not showing up for their work shift we did not have his Cannon to take pictures with. The turn out for Sunday's game was only Seven people, Myself, Philkensebben, Mysticalhobbo, Young Warrior, Old Warrior. Including having Marnius come up from edmonton for a month with his friend a new player Tallman375.

Here is a group photo from the day taken by Old Warriors Camera

We only managed to play four games of Soup Nazi this weekend
Winner of game: Team Name:
Bearsintheyukon - The French Way
Bearsintheyukon - Transformers
Mysticalhobo - Bilos Bilos
Mysticalhobo - Rob Schneider

Here are some Pictures I took from screen shoots from my Go Pro Hero 3+ footage to fill out the absence of photos as well as two photos that Old Warrior took.

Here is a Throwing knife kill I got on Marnius in a sequence of four photos taken from my Go Pro Hero 3+ footage.

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Old July 27th, 2014, 22:08   #234
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Operation Scorcher

July 27th day had a turn out of seven people, Myself, Yellowman, Philkensebben, Mysticalhobo, Marnius, Young Warrior and Windows. We had so much smoke driving out on today's game from the over 200+ forest fires and one not even 30 km out of town that visibility was only 150 feet on the roads at best. It was so smoky that it was hard to breath but luckily once we got out there a breeze started and cleared up most of the smoke on our field. But most of us wanted to see what is was like to play in it. Here are two pictures taken inside Yellowknife the first is on a clear day a couple days ago on one of my runs and the other in one taken around the same spot just yesterday.

Here are the winners of the six Soup Nazi games we played.
Winner of game: Team name: Weapons used:
Bearsintheyukon - Moltese Dildo - Realsword Type 56-1 and TM 1911a1
Mysticalhobo - James Cameron - Cyma Ak47 and WE 1911a1
Mysticalhobo - Morgan Freeman - same
Philkensebben - Cream - Bolt M4 SOPMOD and KJW m9 with co2 magazine's
Bearsintheyukon - Touched by an Uncle - same
Philkensebben - Steam - Same

Picture's! taken by my go pro hero 3+ as screenshots and Two from yellowman's cannon rebel T3I

Last edited by Treelinesniper; July 28th, 2014 at 22:38..
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Old July 28th, 2014, 09:59   #235
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Out of MRE ?
Tous les jours nous nous endormons plus instruits mais pas forcément moins bêtes...
I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !

Gun doc in Montreal on AEG, GBB, GBBR and Bolt rifle (gaz and spring)
Heavy custom builder (including painting)

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Old July 28th, 2014, 19:20   #236
Frozen Tex
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Umm... What happened to the roof of the shed by the Ambulance Bay?

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Old July 28th, 2014, 19:25   #237
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Wind sadly Tex, nature's levelution.
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Old August 3rd, 2014, 22:48   #238
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Location: Yellowknife, NT, Great White North

August 3rd game had 9 people show up, But Frozen Tex came out for his first time this season! Myself, Philkensebben, Frozen Tex, Mysticalhobo, Soupreme, Voldara, Marnius, Young Warrior and Yellowman. It is still super smoky due to the 200+ forest fires in the NWT. It did not clear up like the previous week, so you will be able to see the smoke in the pictures we have taken.

Here are two pictures I took on my way to my house in the morning before leaving to play. they are in the same spot I took the previous ones.

We played three games of Soup Nazi and one game of Kill Teams with a balloon guarded by each team. Myself, Philkensebben, Soupreme and Marnius won the Kill Team by two suicide runs by Myself and Philkensebben.
Winner of game: Team Name: Weapons Used:
Yellowman - Blue - G&G Black Max MP5 SD / kwa USP 45
Soupreme - Discovery Channel - HK 416 Custom / kwa USP 45 Compact
Marnius - Knight Pandas - Cyma aks 74 / kwa 1911a1

We took a group photo after we finished using yellowmans cannon rebel

And more Pictures! Taken from screenshots using my Gro Pro Hero 3+ and Yellowman's Cannon Rebel

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Old August 3rd, 2014, 23:22   #239
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Oh my lol that looks like it hurt
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Old August 4th, 2014, 00:25   #240
Frozen Tex
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Location: Yellowknife, NT, Great White North
Geez, I just took a bunch of selfies...
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File Type: jpg PM - Aug 3 2014 (9).JPG (1.56 MB, 9 views)
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