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Age Verified?


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Old June 5th, 2009, 07:49   #1
ginnz's Avatar
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Age Verified?

hey guys....

as i just joined this forum, i havnt had a chance to get age verified yet. and as i live 90+ miles away from anyone that can do it, it may take a while, but i fully intend to do it..... as a matter of fact, i talked with Amos yesterday about it again, but he's out of town, and he pm'd me some names of other "verifiers" in the "not so local" area.....

now what can i see in the for sale section when i get verified that i cant see at retailers sites? can i find full metal, all black receivers (for example)? and if so, what are the average prices of such? i mean, if i want an airsoft gun off e-bay, all metal, i can get it. im sure most of us can..... heck, a week or so ago, i got a JG M4 SIR, all black, like new for 90.00 U.S.....;-)

for example, if i were to want a metal receiver for a mp5 type airsoft gun, what would the average price i could expect to see here? (i can get one from a seller on ebay for 50.00 US)

or say, a full metal front end for an mp5sd? ( i bought one yesterday from an ebay seller for 90.00, a B&T ICS full metal front end).

are the deals to be had here comparable? lets just say, if i go out of my way to get verified, only to find that stuff is selling for retardly high prices, well......

and, what are the laws here (Canada, not the forums), regarding sales of all black, metal airsoft guns from forum member to member, i mean, i understand dealers can't stock them and sell them to individuals, so wouldnt that mean that an individual cant sell such to another individual?

im just curious how this all works, and what the general rules are..... and as im getting into the hobby, and have decided to build up a collection of these things, if i can get the real looking deal here, i'll go out of my way to get verified, getting items from the US is a real inconvenience..... even if i have to pay a little more here, money is no object.... i have no problem dropping 5-600 on a gun, heck, even a grand, if its WHAT i want..... ill build a six or seven unit gun rack on my hobby room wall and the'll look awesome hanging there (along with my 10,000+ in model RC heli's) ;-)

and id like to re-iterate what ive posted before in other posts, im NOT INTO GAMING, my guns have never been pointed at another person, and they won't ever be..... so when you read about my desire to build 500+ fps AEG's, keep that in mind.... i have a young son, and im teaching him gun control and responsibility with a gun, and pointing them at other people is strictly out of the question. plus i have arthritis in my back, and a bad knee, so i cant run, cant crouch, am old, and shot..... no gaming ! :-) ;-)

thanks for reading the long winded novel of a post, but im just curious.

Last edited by ginnz; June 5th, 2009 at 07:59..
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Old June 5th, 2009, 08:19   #2
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Importing guns will eventually land you in trouble. I hope your 90$ import doesn't turn into legal problems.

Generally speaking, import restricted items will cost you 2-3 times the sticker price from an HK site.

Non-import restricted items will cost about 50% more than the HK price, but you don't have to worry about being hit with random import fees.
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Old June 5th, 2009, 09:11   #3
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how can it land me in trouble, its here in my den? i dont plan on walking around with it..... as a matter of fact, the guys who game, have a greater chance of getting in trouble for having all black airsoft guns, they put them in a car and drive to a site.....

mine doesn't leave my backyard ;-)

but, i agree, its a shame one has to "bend" the rules just to acquire a plastic bb firing toy here in Canada......

and my question whether or not there are legalities regarding the selling/buying of metal receiver guns in the classified wasnt touched upon?

i think what ill do is invite the nearest age verified guy over, and have a peek in the buy/sell forums myself..... that'll answer most of my questions. :-)
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Old June 5th, 2009, 09:28   #4
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If it's black then it has been in the "grand fathered" stage. Meaning if you had it before 1998 then your ok. Otherwise you shouldn't have it. The trick about this is you can claim to have had since before then and noone can argue anything since you may have just updated it which is totally legal. What Surebet is saying is that, Importing recievers and all black guns can land you in shit pretty quickly. You can end up on a black list and all of you stuff be monitored from then on it. Not to mention they'll destroy it. Selling a black airsoft gun within Canada to anyone without a certain restricted item license is also highly illegal. This being said you can find just about anything in our classifieds once your AV'd.
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Old June 5th, 2009, 09:31   #5
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Originally Posted by ginnz View Post
how can it land me in trouble, its here in my den? i dont plan on walking around with it..... as a matter of fact, the guys who game, have a greater chance of getting in trouble for having all black airsoft guns, they put them in a car and drive to a site.....

mine doesn't leave my backyard ;-)

but, i agree, its a shame one has to "bend" the rules just to acquire a plastic bb firing toy here in Canada......

and my question whether or not there are legalities regarding the selling/buying of metal receiver guns in the classified wasnt touched upon?

i think what ill do is invite the nearest age verified guy over, and have a peek in the buy/sell forums myself..... that'll answer most of my questions. :-)
You got lucky getting your AEG. Keep playing with fire and you will get burned eventually. Importing airsoft could land you in a heap of trouble one of these days, and you will wonder why you didn't listen to us. Take our advice if you want, otherwise you can kindly leave if our words are falling on deaf ears. Not to be rude but whats the point of asking us what we think if you don't listen to us and just do your own thing anyway?
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old June 5th, 2009, 09:42   #6
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Importing restricted items is ILLEGAL. Whether the final product is used on the field or hung on your wall in your den makes no difference. The act of importing it is what is illegal. Simple as that. You got lucky and managed to get something across the border by mail. Lucky you. For any restricted item (full gun, AEG receivers, pistol frames), you can expect to pay 2-3x what you'd see out of country. That's the price of airsoft in Canada, whether we like it or not.

And quite honestly, by having publicly announced that you wanted to get 500+ fps AEGs to shoot cats in your back yard, you've pretty much guaranteed that any age verifier will always be "too busy" or "out of town" and won't be able to meet and verify you.

What I would strongly recommend is that you spend more time reading these forums and seeing how the community operates, and less time starting new threads and repeatedly shooting yourself in the foot.
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Old June 5th, 2009, 10:19   #7
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
Importing restricted items is ILLEGAL. Whether the final product is used on the field or hung on your wall in your den makes no difference. The act of importing it is what is illegal. Simple as that. You got lucky and managed to get something across the border by mail. Lucky you. For any restricted item (full gun, AEG receivers, pistol frames), you can expect to pay 2-3x what you'd see out of country. That's the price of airsoft in Canada, whether we like it or not.

And quite honestly, by having publicly announced that you wanted to get 500+ fps AEGs to shoot cats in your back yard, you've pretty much guaranteed that any age verifier will always be "too busy" or "out of town" and won't be able to meet and verify you.

What I would strongly recommend is that you spend more time reading these forums and seeing how the community operates, and less time starting new threads and repeatedly shooting yourself in the foot.
what is your problem? i never stated i ordered an AEG over the mail? pls dont put words in my mouth.... when you ASSUME, you make ass out of you, and me.....

and the whole cat thing is blown out of proportion.... im not the one shooting at other people. maybe its my opinion that aiming a gun at another person and "playing war" is stupid? i dont go around barking it out to everyone. i have a young son, whom im teaching care and control of a firearm to, im teaching him NEVER to point a gun at anyone, not even a play one, and that its not "OK" to shoot at people, even in simulation, but thats just me, if you wanna "play war" fly at 'er, thats your perogitive, i won't judge you for it, and i'd appreciate the same respect ....and scarring away pests, with really doing them no harm is better IMO, then blowing them away with real steel, or legholds, but thats not the debate here, and will never be discussed again......

im simply asking questions, trying to learn the ropes. simple as that. and i dont understand the "high and mighty self-righteous" attitudes so quicky displayed here..... i mean most of the people here serious about the hobby surely dont have "clear" airsoft guns? come on, fess up.....

all i wanted to know is what the legalities were, plain and simple.
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Old June 5th, 2009, 10:39   #8
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Originally Posted by ginnz View Post
what is your problem? i never stated i ordered an AEG over the mail? pls dont put words in my mouth.... when you ASSUME, you make ass out of you, and me.....

and the whole cat thing is blown out of proportion.... im not the one shooting at other people. maybe its my opinion that aiming a gun at another person and "playing war" is stupid? i dont go around barking it out to everyone. i have a young son, whom im teaching care and control of a firearm to, im teaching him NEVER to point a gun at anyone, not even a play one, and that its not "OK" to shoot at people, even in simulation, but thats just me, if you wanna "play war" fly at 'er, thats your perogitive, i won't judge you for it, and i'd appreciate the same respect ....and scarring away pests, with really doing them no harm is better IMO, then blowing them away with real steel, or legholds, but thats not the debate here, and will never be discussed again......

im simply asking questions, trying to learn the ropes. simple as that. and i dont understand the "high and mighty self-righteous" attitudes so quicky displayed here..... i mean most of the people here serious about the hobby surely dont have "clear" airsoft guns? come on, fess up.....

all i wanted to know is what the legalities were, plain and simple.
Hey you got your info now if you don't like it then fuck-off. Simple as that. We shoot at other willing players. A cat is not willing to get shot.
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Old June 5th, 2009, 10:40   #9
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no guns for idiots that want them to shoot animals with, why is this fool not banned already?

inviting people over to let u see the classifieds section? - sounds like trying to bypass the AV system there

pisses me off to see people actually take this guy seriously, he has no intention of joining the community, he wants hot guns to fuck around with at home and shoot animals and supposedly to teach his son gun-control yeah fucking right buddy

Last edited by pusangani; June 5th, 2009 at 10:50..
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Old June 5th, 2009, 10:57   #10
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We have rules and etiquette we follow as part of the airsoft community. One of those big rules is to never shoot animals with our guns for ANY reason. People? Yeah. We make the choice that when we game, part of it is to get shot. For the most part, we're well protected with vests, goggles, etc. We make that choice and accept its consequences, which is something that animals - pests or not - can't make. I agree that it's better to shoot them with a 'harmless' airsoft gun than blow them away with a real gun, but still. You can potentially seriously injure a small animal with a high power airsoft gun. And that's something the community is strongly against.

As for the legalities of things, if you read the forum stickies, the answers are all there already in painstaking detail. Which is what I mean about reading more and posting less. The legalities of airsoft are complicated and it really lives in a grey area of the law. While ownership is not outright illegal, it's not outright legal at the moment either. However, there are holes in the law that allow us to practice our sport unbothered by authorities.

You'll find that asking about it in the forums will get you mixed answers, as many of the people chiming in don't really have a clear understanding of things either, and it turns into a case of the blind leading the blind. You'll get a lot of incorrect answers. The best it to simply read the accurate info that's been posted by forum admins on the subject and pinned to make them easy to find. Chances are, if you have a question about legalities, it's covered in detail already with accurate info.

And it's not getting "high and mighty". Your second thread you started, you outright announced that you intended to use your AEG for an activity that is illegal and that the community is strongly against. As age verifiers, we won't verify someone who has intentions to use their guns for illegal activities. We're a self-regulating community, and that's the mechanism we have in place to prevent our 'tools' from getting into the hands of minors, or adults that will misuse them according to community rules.

By limiting access to these replicas, there are less incidents that reflect badly upon our sport and could open the entire community to stronger enforcement of the law. To you, this may not matter as your guns are wall hangers that you plink with occasionally. Having a nation-wide crackdown on replicas because of an 'incident' won't affect you. It would have a profound effect on people that actually use the guns to play the sport. To you, these rules may seem overly harsh and unfair. But to us, they're in place to protect the sport we love and to ensure its continuity and longevity.
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Old June 5th, 2009, 12:28   #11
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well spoken, and i appreciate your response, and whats behind it. and i understand it.

no hard feelings at this end, and i hope its the same there.

talk to you later, and take care.

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