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Tm sopmod m4


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Old June 7th, 2009, 00:04   #16
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Originally Posted by Bonjour43ma View Post
Can anyone compare the "kick" between this EBB and a WA/WE GBB?
The TM SOPMOD are like little vibrators, while the GBB like the INOKATSU or G&P have quite a kick to it (Not like a real steel) Close but not close enough.
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Old June 7th, 2009, 00:52   #17
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I wouldn't call it a "little vibrator" by any stretch of the imagination.
Got a few rounds off tonight and its a decent kickback. Blowback? no not at all but its a nice enough kick, and most importantly to me, a better sound than any AEG.
I would stick to comparing this to electric guns, trying to compare it to a GBB is like apples and oranges.
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Old June 7th, 2009, 00:56   #18
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Originally Posted by scottyfox View Post
I wouldn't call it a "little vibrator" by any stretch of the imagination.
Got a few rounds off tonight and its a decent kickback. Blowback? no not at all but its a nice enough kick, and most importantly to me, a better sound than any AEG.
I would stick to comparing this to electric guns, trying to compare it to a GBB is like apples and oranges.

I have fired the SOPMOD side by side with my KA Galil, both if compared to a GBB is like you said apples and oranges but if compared to another AEG that have the Blowback feature the cool factor would go to TM but functional and reliability would have to go to KING ARMS, The Galil blowback is not as crisp as the SOPMOD but in terms of reliability a old teamate SOPMOD broke down after 1 indoor game - the blowback unit somehow got jammed up and it cycles causing the gears to strip

Last edited by wildcard; June 7th, 2009 at 01:02..
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Old June 7th, 2009, 01:03   #19
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I'll concede that since I haven't used this in the field (or for any extended duration) yet and have no idea how it'll turn out.
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Old June 7th, 2009, 01:14   #20
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My roommate owns a TM M4 SOPMOD, we both test fired it at Fort Drum, as did US soldiers who claimed that the recoil was almost the same as a .223.

The gun has realistic recoil, stops firing when empty, and feeds every last round. It's of Tokyo Marui make, and it's full metal. Only things I see wrong with it are the proprietary magazines.

Maybe you guys had scaled down old versions of the gun with just a "bolt mod", but when you see this gun in action it is epic. After firing I was standing behind someone else using the gun, and I could see the recoil hitting them and their shoulder blades were vibrating as if firing a real gun. That said, I have seen videos of the SOPMOD and those guns didn't seem to have any blowback mechanism installed (5 foot skinny asian kids firing it and just the bolt was moving). I've never fielded a WA/WE/AGM M4 GBB, but from videos it just looks like the gun is vibrating and the bolt is moving back and forth.
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Old June 7th, 2009, 01:17   #21
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For the record, I know people have been "hating" on the mags and battery.
I love them both, I really hope the battery takes off and becomes more frequently used and the dual cap function of the mags (I suspect) will be pretty neat when I'm in the field.

Postscript, I drove by Fort Drum today on a beautiful sunny day, I love the North Country.
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Old June 7th, 2009, 01:25   #22
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I like that you can easily take the bottom plate off of the mags and switch them to 30rd real caps without having to buy alternative mags for games that require them. I love the battery, reminds me of the TM MP7, just slide it in and you're good to go, no need to worry about connecting things and trying to jam a battery into a space that seems almost too small to fit the battery.

I'd like to see more guns with the blowback mechanism in the M4 SOPMOD. I might consider getting back into the sport full-time if they do make more of these...I know the new AK74's have the bolt blow back, but I'm not 100% sure if the have the realistic/piston blow back like the M4 SOPMOD has.
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Old June 7th, 2009, 02:17   #23
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now the question is.............. where can I buy one? custom orders I bet.
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Old June 7th, 2009, 10:21   #24
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Originally Posted by moderatesniper View Post
I like that you can easily take the bottom plate off of the mags and switch them to 30rd real caps without having to buy alternative mags for games that require them. I love the battery, reminds me of the TM MP7, just slide it in and you're good to go, no need to worry about connecting things and trying to jam a battery into a space that seems almost too small to fit the battery.

I'd like to see more guns with the blowback mechanism in the M4 SOPMOD. I might consider getting back into the sport full-time if they do make more of these...I know the new AK74's have the bolt blow back, but I'm not 100% sure if the have the realistic/piston blow back like the M4 SOPMOD has.
I have no doubt about TM product and ease of operation quality but after witnessing the failure of the blowback i'm kinda reserved about buying one, the King Arms although not as crisp or as realistic as the TM they are quite well built. as for the best blowback action or realism nothing in the market right now will beat a gbb, however i have no doubt that TM have something in their R&D department waiting to be released.
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Old June 7th, 2009, 15:35   #25
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I'll have to get one of these GBB m4's, everyone is saying good things about them.
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Old June 7th, 2009, 16:13   #26
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Originally Posted by scottyfox View Post
Just got mine. No sense posting pics since it's as stock as stock can be.
Anyone know of any developments in aftermarket parts down the road?
Almost all parts are already available on the market. The only thing that I've yet to see are replacement gears.

Originally Posted by Bonjour43ma View Post
but if that reduced impact can prolong the life of components then I would say that the tradeoff is worth it...
You're comparing an apple to an orange and saying "if the apple's taste isn't as sour as an orange, then it's totally worth it."

They're both completely different beasts - the higher end M4 GBBs are built to take the impact, so prolonging life of components is a moot point.
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Old June 7th, 2009, 16:34   #27
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I see. I keep hearing people saying that these GBB rifles will break on you within a few weeks/months and that the components simply can't stand up to the routine use of field gaming... guess the higher end ones (WA?) may be getting better.

they're still $1,000+ when they get to Canada, though....
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Old June 7th, 2009, 17:19   #28
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a fully decked out Inokatsu with 10 mags can easily be around the $6000 - $7000 range depending what kind of upgrades you put in, that is everything from different body, barrels, internals etc.
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Old June 8th, 2009, 21:41   #29
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Originally Posted by Bonjour43ma View Post
I see. I keep hearing people saying that these GBB rifles will break on you within a few weeks/months and that the components simply can't stand up to the routine use of field gaming... guess the higher end ones (WA?) may be getting better.

they're still $1,000+ when they get to Canada, though....
Well... WA is pretty far down on the bottom of the scale when it comes to reliability, durability and skirmishability. Many of these newer GBBs are upgraded spinoffs based on the WA system. As a result, it's usually cheaper to start with one of these pre-upgraded models, such as G&P or Inokatsu.

Inokatsu's will run anywhere from $1500-$2200 in Canada, and mags will run you anywhere from $100 to $210, depending on the brand and model you get. G&P's are cheaper, at $1100-$1500, but they can't handle CO2 like the Inokatsu can.

Out of the box, I find the G&P to be "okay" for skirmishing, and same goes for the Inokatsu as far as performance goes. The Inokatsu wins, hands down for the amount of blowback "recoil" feel.

Even at this price point, an out of the box GBBs won't perform as well as an AEG that has internal upgrades equivalent in value to the price difference between the two systems, but what you gain is an incredible blowback feeling and realistic operation that you can never get with an AEG or even a PTW.

From what I've found, it actually does not cost that much to get a GBB to perform as well as an AEG. However, one area that an AEG or PTW will win at is ROF.

Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
a fully decked out Inokatsu with 10 mags can easily be around the $6000 - $7000 range depending what kind of upgrades you put in, that is everything from different body, barrels, internals etc.
The same can be said about an AEG or PTW, although, I think even *I* would have a hard time getting my gun up to $6000-$7000 unless I'm picking out really rare and hard to get components.

Last edited by ILLusion; June 8th, 2009 at 21:43..
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Old June 13th, 2009, 14:40   #30
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Ok...I just got back from the gun range today (first time firing guns ever), fired an AR15 downrange (among other things)...the SOPMOD blow back is no where near as good as the real thing. I don't know what those US Soldiers were smoking.

It's still an awesome gun though, probably a more reliable alternative to the GBB M4's just because it's electric. I'm looking forward to firing one of the WA or WE or AGM models.
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