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To those who feel the need to constantly Flame


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Old July 5th, 2009, 14:00   #16
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I think this last one was a group or single person who decided to run loose in the Western Europe section posing as UK servicemen. In that case the banhammer was the best solution. This was beyond lighting a small fire under someone who posted without thinking. They signed up to create a mess, not to contribute.

I am on the fence about letting them slink away un-named. I sure don't want them gaining extra fame from this but at the same time they'll still be on the other forums under the same name, maybe pulling the same old bullshit.
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Old July 5th, 2009, 14:21   #17
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pusangani was banned after repeated warnings and infractions. He should have learned after the first few bannings and infractions.
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Old July 5th, 2009, 15:30   #18
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FOR SALE - BDU pants tan $30

Don't know how many of you will remember the enforced For Sale sections rules and a lot of the other forum rules that have been laid aside in the last several years.
The quality of the posts and Posters has slid as the games popularity has expanded. Its not out of line to expect that the caliber players who use these boards would stop posting solid info if the Flammers are standing by with torchs. "can't be bothered" is the usual response when I have disscusions at the store with a lot of the "old Timers" and why haven't they been on ASC.
I applaud the new steps being taken by Admin, and encourage better control of what is getting posted on this forum. Better posts, better players. Chairsofters can take it or leave it.
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Old July 5th, 2009, 16:55   #19
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Originally Posted by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw View Post
As much as I agree people whos sole existence here is to flame and be an ass should be dealt with, but asking for no flaming on the internet is like asking water not to be wet. This just seems to be a form of pussification as we have been seeing alot in the world, just not to the extent of most instances. So someone flames someone else, but they are also a productive member of the forum and an avid airsofter, is this reason to ban someone? pusangani was banned for flamming which I think is being a little over-zealous but thats neither here nor there. I just think that something as objective as the subject matter here with results as mentioned (perma-bans, etc...) might be a bit much.

This all is just my opinion, not pontificating myself here or anything, just stating my $0.02
You seem to have missed what I said. "Those who feel the need to constantly Flame"

pusangani constantly flamed, even after he was warned, temp banned, warned, temp banned yet again, then Banned!
Those who are like pusangani, and go out of their ways to be asshats here will be on the list of those who are not here. They can feel free to travel elsewhere to flame all they like, heck I'm sure theres a forum out there set up for just that.

It is against the forum rules, we let the odd one here and there slide, but when you see page after pages, and thread after thread of flames it getting out of hand. When I or the other mods/admins spend more time cleaning up crap and tracing "new" accounts which some of these flamers feel protect them from bans then enough is enough. We may not catch them all the first time around, but we will.

Between report a posts, and IP traces these flamers will be gone in short order.
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Old July 5th, 2009, 17:13   #20
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Is our good buddy Pusangani permi-banned?
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old July 5th, 2009, 21:02   #21
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Originally Posted by cbcsteve View Post
Is our good buddy Pusangani permi-banned?
nah Steve no worries, 'ole Bloodsport here just has a hard-on for me is all...

I'm not bitter at receiving my last banning as Darklen did post a warning in the thread to get back on topic and I and the noob (ansarm/chronic) didn't listen and continued arguing the quality level of the oh so shitty TF16, but that's history.

thanks for your kind words RnR, you will be missed on the field. I was worried that people might really think that I was some loser chairsofter that just waits around all day on ASC waiting to flame noobs.

Since everyone is sharing their views, here's my .02

Flaming for the sake of flaming is wrong, that is a fact that we can all agree on, flaming people just because they are new is also wrong and there are no excuses for this.

Here are my justifications for flaming people when I feel that they deserve it and maybe it would be helpful if people got infractions for them too

1. Asking about where to buy guns when you are -18, no matter how creative your story is "my dad and i want a project" or "i only want to know the prices so that in 5 years when im 18 ill know how much to save" etc. etc.

and ignore the good advice to "wait until they're 18" and continue to ask about getting guns

2. Underaged people giving other underaged people advice on how to acquire/upgrade guns

3. AV'd members (yes they do it) giving advice to underaged people advice on how to acquire guns, usually because they havent read the poster's previous posts where they admitted to being underaged

4. Anyone who in any way shape or form assists an underaged person or a person who has bad intentions for acquiring airsoft guns, parts or accessories

5. People who want to buy airsoft so they can mess around in public/shoot cats or other animals/ any other type of fuckery that will jeoporadize our sport

6. People who obviously have not even attempted to do any kind of research before hitting the "new thread" button, there are tons of threads and FAQ info on First guns, Age Verification, Krakens, Aftermath Broxas and Lycaons, Ebaybanned, Importing airsoft from outside Canada, Cansoft/Kensoft, G&G's different product lines and already we really don't need anymore do we?

7. People who ask about a gun's quality AFTER buying the gun

8. Underaged people who have acquired guns and now want help with upgrading them

9. People who argue that 18+ is only a law in Ontario, yes that is true, but this community believes in the 18+ rule hence the whole AV system, so suck on that.

10. People who make multiple threads to ask about the same gun

The noob tank is a joke, you have noobs asking noob questions over and over again, and being given bad advice by other noobs and underaged people,

You have Tokyoseven copycats like Knivez with the copy/paste wall of text and the new Knivez wannabe Kuro_Neko doing the same thing, most noobs don't want to read, that's why they didn't do the research in the first place. They want a customized spoonfeeding specifically tailored to their needs which is why they made their question thread in the first place.

I must commend mods like The Saint and Darklen who know what's up, and don't hesitate to lock/trash these idiotic threads, and show what ASC stands for, We do not condone underaged airsofting, using airsoft for public/backyard battles/animal cruelty etc.

To be honest when the noob tank first started I thought The Saint was playing capt. save-a-noob but I've come to realize that he just didn't like the attitude of flaming just for the sake of flaming, and I can respect that.

Sorry that's a more like .03 but yall can keep the change.

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Old July 5th, 2009, 21:37   #22
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Originally Posted by BloodSport View Post
You seem to have missed what I said. "Those who feel the need to constantly Flame"

pusangani constantly flamed, even after he was warned, temp banned, warned, temp banned yet again, then Banned!
Those who are like pusangani, and go out of their ways to be asshats here will be on the list of those who are not here. They can feel free to travel elsewhere to flame all they like, heck I'm sure theres a forum out there set up for just that.

It is against the forum rules, we let the odd one here and there slide, but when you see page after pages, and thread after thread of flames it getting out of hand. When I or the other mods/admins spend more time cleaning up crap and tracing "new" accounts which some of these flamers feel protect them from bans then enough is enough. We may not catch them all the first time around, but we will.

Between report a posts, and IP traces these flamers will be gone in short order.
I do understand your sentiment, I fully endorse and support you folks in this initiative. Im just a little unsure of the objectivity since Ive seen plenty of boards that wanted to instill this same idea, but took it to the point where no one could say anything other than what the OP wanted to do here, thus restricting the free discussions which is what leads most of us to boards like this.

One example from this board I will mention is a thread in the AV Discussion created by thenooblord, and when people started stating their opinions and thoughts on the subject matter (most of it noting how his goal may not be the best idea to undertake) you came in and said you would consider anyone who says anything other than EXACTLY what he wanted as "flaming". There was no insulting, name calling, chastise or anything that should be considered "flaming".
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old July 5th, 2009, 22:01   #23
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Originally Posted by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw View Post
I do understand your sentiment, I fully endorse and support you folks in this initiative. Im just a little unsure of the objectivity since Ive seen plenty of boards that wanted to instill this same idea, but took it to the point where no one could say anything other than what the OP wanted to do here, thus restricting the free discussions which is what leads most of us to boards like this.

One example from this board I will mention is a thread in the AV Discussion created by thenooblord, and when people started stating their opinions and thoughts on the subject matter (most of it noting how his goal may not be the best idea to undertake) you came in and said you would consider anyone who says anything other than EXACTLY what he wanted as "flaming". There was no insulting, name calling, chastise or anything that should be considered "flaming".
Said thread went off topic, and people who were replying were ignoring both his original question and his request to not derail the thread. Therefor my post. Any derailment of a persons thread especially the way that thread was starting to head is flaming.
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Old July 5th, 2009, 23:18   #24
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Understandable. Being proactive would be better than being reactive, whether its based on assumptions or not, is sometimes better.
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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